
Quirks in Multiverse [DC]

[#r18] [#AU] [Do not translate my work you rulate site bastards.] During my fight with All For One, a vortex appeared out of nowhere and pulled me into another dimension. Missing memories, gunshots in the alley, a man in a bat costume, a woman in a bat costume... [System Online] I regained my old memories thanks to the System. This is Gotham City, the place where I died before my rebirth in the world of Quirks. Now, I am back again, but surprisingly, only 5 years have passed in this world. I reunited with my family and friends. But the city is plagued by a series of brutal murders, and endless crimes. It's about time someone put an end to these motherfuckers... But in the city of darkness, there are some people whom people call heroes or protectors... Yet, when the time comes, they hesitate to make the difficult decision. All they do is put the criminals behind bars only for them to break out and commit crimes again... Not on my watch... But all the threats are so much human... -- SLOWBURN WARNING ******** I don't own DC, Marvel or MHA except for my OC. ******** Cover art found on Pinterest. ******** Support Link: 20 Advance chs www.patre on.com/XcaliburXc [Close the space]

Xcalibur_Xc · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs


As Paul slumped to the floor, clutching his chest in pain, the group of surviving criminals and outcasts exchanged worried glances. The situation had gone from bad to worse, and fear gnawed at the edges of their resolve.

"Paul, what's wrong? Are you okay?" one of them asked, kneeling beside him.

"I don't know... My chest... it hurts so much," Paul groaned, his face contorted in agony.

"Is it from that creature? Did it do something to you?" another asked, his voice tinged with concern.

"I don't know... I just... feel like something's inside me," He gasped, his words punctuated by labored breaths.

The group's panic escalated as they realized that Paul's condition was dire.

"Fuck him! I am getting out of here," the burly one urged, his voice trembling.

"Don't leave... Fucking hell... It fucking hurts..." Paul groaned as he tore open his jacket and started scratching his chest.

"Shit! Sorry, man. I don't wanna die," the one on the right said.

"How the fuck are you planning to leave this fucking place?"

"That's right, we can't go back in that fucking chamber and that door is far away. How the hell are you planning on going there without alerting those cursed eggs?"

The tension in the group reached its peak as the reality of their dire situation set in. Paul's agony and the imminent danger posed by the mysterious eggs left them paralyzed with fear and uncertainty.

The burly one clenched his fists, his mind racing for a solution. "Alright, we need to think this through. We can't just run blindly, or we'll end up like those poor bastards back there."

"We can't afford to make any more noise," another whispered, eyeing the chamber of eggs warily. "Those things seem to react to sound or movement."

The group fell into a tense silence, their eyes darting between the eggs and the distant door that might hold their only chance of escape.

"I have an idea," one of them said, his voice barely audible. "We need to move slowly and quietly. If we stick to the walls and edges, we might be able to avoid alerting those eggs."

"But what about Paul? He's in bad shape," another pointed out, glancing at Paul who was still writhing in pain.

"Who are you? His wife? Leave that unlucky bastard here and stuff his mouth. He is screaming too much," the burly one said.

The group looked at each other, grappling with the harsh reality of their situation. Paul's agonizing cries and the looming threat of the eggs left them with a heart-wrenching choice.

"Damn it, he's right. We can't risk those things getting alerted," one of them said, his voice heavy with reluctance.

"I'll do it," the burly one said, his jaw clenched.

He tore a piece of cloth from his shirt and quickly fashioned it into a makeshift gag. As Paul continued to writhe in pain, the burly one approached him, his expression a mix of guilt and determination.

"Sorry, man," he muttered, his voice strained.

With a swift and decisive movement, he placed the gag in Paul's mouth and secured it, muffling his cries of agony. His eyes widened in shock and pain, but he was unable to protest.

As the burly one stepped back, the group exchanged uneasy glances. The sacrifice had been made out of necessity, but it was a grim reminder of the dire circumstances they found themselves in.

"Alright, let's move," the one who had suggested the quiet approach said, his voice low.

However, before they could move, Paul's chest burst open.

The group watched in sheer horror, a spray of blood and viscera splattering across the floor. His body convulsed violently, and his agonized screams were muffled by the makeshift gag.

"What the fuck?! What the fuck is happening?" one of them shouted, his voice trembling with terror.

The gruesome scene before them was beyond their comprehension. Paul's body twitched and spasmed, and from the remnants of his chest, a grotesque creature emerged. It was larger than the facehuggers they had encountered earlier, with elongated limbs and a nightmarish appearance that sent shivers down their spines.

"Oh my god, what is that thing?!" another cried out, his eyes wide with disbelief.

The creature's limbs were covered in Paul's blood and tissue, making its appearance even more horrifying. It screeched, a chilling sound that echoed through the chamber, and its twisted mouth opened and closed, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth.

Then, a few more screeched sounds came from the chamber behind them.

"Oh, God, save us," the burly one mumbled in horror as the creature stood up on Paul's chest.

As the horrific creatures emerged from both the remains of Paul's chest and the adjacent chamber, the group of surviving criminals and outcasts found themselves surrounded by a nightmarish scenario. The screeches of the creatures reverberated through the chamber, filling the air with a sense of dread that was almost palpable.

"What are these things?" one of them stammered, his voice quivering with fear.

The creatures were larger and more formidable than the facehuggers they had encountered earlier. Their elongated limbs ended in sharp, claw-like appendages that dripped with a vile, corrosive substance. Their bodies were a grotesque combination of exoskeleton and flesh, with ridges and spines that gave them a nightmarish appearance. Their elongated heads featured a double set of jaws, each filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth that seemed ready to tear into anything that crossed their path.

"What are these things?" one of them stammered, his voice quivering with fear.

"They're... they're like nothing I've ever seen," another whispered, his face pale.

As if responding to their presence, the creatures began to move, their movements quick and unsettlingly coordinated. They circled the group, their screeches growing louder and more menacing.

"RUN!" the burly one dashed into the egg chamber in fear, leaving everyone behind. The other followed behind him. The eggs around them started to react to their movements, but they could care less.

Their main objective is to reach that door on the other side.

The aliens started to chase behind them at an incredible speed. One of the goons' leg caught on a wire and he fell on the floor.

"Shit! Help me get up!" he cried out. But no one turned back to help him up.

As the aliens closed in on him, he saw his demise in the form of a massive alien monster. He aimed his gun and started shooting, but the bullets had no effect on the creature.

"DIE! MOTHERFUCKERS!" He screamed.

The alien pierced his right shoulder with its sharp tail and pulled him up in the air. A silent yet deadly sound came from the alien's mouth. Saliva was dripping from its lips.


The goon's desperate screams were cut short as the massive alien creature thrust its second set of jaws forward, tearing into his flesh. The horrific sound of bones breaking and flesh being ripped apart filled the air, sending a wave of terror through the remaining members of the group.

The burly one and the other survivor barely managed to make it to the door on the other side of the egg chamber. Their hearts pounded in their chests, and their breaths came in ragged gasps as they reached the massive door adorned with intricate markings.

[Drop in an image of Xenomorph]


Come on, guys, I am not seeing any rise in 💎💎Power Stones💎💎 or early reviews. I know it's slow, oh, well, I will continue. 😓>Sad Face.

Support Link: https://www.patr eon.com/XcaliburXc

⭐As of now, Pat reon is 7 chapters ahead⭐