
Quirks in Multiverse [DC]

[#r18] [#AU] [Do not translate my work you rulate site bastards.] During my fight with All For One, a vortex appeared out of nowhere and pulled me into another dimension. Missing memories, gunshots in the alley, a man in a bat costume, a woman in a bat costume... [System Online] I regained my old memories thanks to the System. This is Gotham City, the place where I died before my rebirth in the world of Quirks. Now, I am back again, but surprisingly, only 5 years have passed in this world. I reunited with my family and friends. But the city is plagued by a series of brutal murders, and endless crimes. It's about time someone put an end to these motherfuckers... But in the city of darkness, there are some people whom people call heroes or protectors... Yet, when the time comes, they hesitate to make the difficult decision. All they do is put the criminals behind bars only for them to break out and commit crimes again... Not on my watch... But all the threats are so much human... -- SLOWBURN WARNING ******** I don't own DC, Marvel or MHA except for my OC. ******** Cover art found on Pinterest. ******** Support Link: 20 Advance chs www.patre on.com/XcaliburXc [Close the space]

Xcalibur_Xc · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs


[Time: 7:00 AM] [Morning] [Cold misty atmosphere]

The sun had yet to rise, and the city was still shrouded in the quiet embrace of dawn. The streets were lined with a thin layer of mist, giving the city an almost ethereal quality. It was a new day, a new beginning, and as I walked through the cold misty atmosphere, I felt a strange sense of anticipation.

I was on my way to see Sarah, the one person who had managed to find a place in the cracks of my guarded heart. I carried the bucket of chicken wings and the choco lava cake from the pizza joint. It was a strange combination, I admit, but it was something that connected us in a way. A small act of kindness that had unexpectedly opened the door to companionship.

The streets were mostly empty at this hour, the city still in the process of waking up. The occasional sound of a passing car or the distant hum of early risers filled the air. I pulled my jacket closer around me, the chill of the morning seeping through my wet clothes.

As I approached Sarah's apartment building, I couldn't help but think about our last encounter. The way she had looked at me, her eyes holding a mixture of curiosity and something else—something that felt like understanding. It was a feeling I wasn't accustomed to, but it was a feeling I didn't mind.

The memories of us dancing on the roof on a rainy day feel so nostalgic. I still remember our last kiss, the day before my death.

I can't believe that she spent five years of her life thinking about me and never moved on to find someone else. Haaa... I don't even know how to face her, knowing that I died before we could live our lives together. I don't even know... It's just very hard to explain, this fear and the pain in my chest.

I stopped just before her house and slowly exhaled as I gathered myself. The morning was still young, and the birds had only begun singing their songs. There were no people in the street yet, no one to see me as I stood there, alone.

I wonder if she has changed much since the last time we saw each other. Is she still the same person I once knew? If she is, then I wonder what's changed in her life, what she has become. I had no doubt that she had grown, no doubt that she was no longer the girl she had been back then.

And that thought filled me with fear, the thought of meeting her again. What would she think of me? Would she accept me, knowing what I have become? I know she wished me back to life, but...

I have changed. I am not the same person I was once in this world. But, right now, I don't want to think what if's. I can only face my future head-on.

The apartment building stood before me, its exterior bathed in the muted morning light. I took a deep breath, attempting to calm the flurry of emotions that had taken residence within me. The bucket of chicken wings and the choco lava cake in my hands felt heavier, a tangible representation of the weight of my thoughts.

I raised my hand and knocked on the door, the sound echoing softly in the quiet hallway. Seconds later, the door opened, revealing a figure framed by the warm light from within.

An old woman!

I stood there, frozen for a moment, my heart sinking. This wasn't what I had expected. Confusion and disappointment mingled within me as I tried to process the sight before me. The old woman looked at me with a mix of surprise and curiosity, clearly wondering who I was and what I wanted.

"Can I help you?" she asked, her voice kind but cautious.

I blinked, my mind struggling to catch up with the reality before me. "I'm... I'm sorry, I must have... I must have mistaken the apartment," I stammered, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

The woman gave a gentle smile. "It happens to the best of us. Are you looking for someone in particular?"

I hesitated, my gaze shifting to the apartment door behind her. The number on the door matched the one I was supposed to be at, but the person who lived here was clearly not Sarah. I felt a mixture of frustration and unease, unsure of how to proceed.

"Yes, actually," I admitted, my voice quiet. "I was... I was looking for someone named Sarah."

The woman's expression softened, and she nodded understandingly. "Ah, she used to live here, but she moved out a while ago. Nice girl, she was. Always had a smile for everyone."

My heart sank further at her words, the disappointment now mingled with a sense of loss. Sarah had moved out, and I had missed my chance to see her again.

"Uumm... Do you know where she lives?" I asked, hoping to get a clue about her.

The woman's eyes held a hint of nostalgia as she thought for a moment. "I believe she mentioned moving to an apartment complex a few blocks down. I don't have the exact address, but it's called Oakwood Apartments. You might find her there."

Oakwood Apartments. The name echoed in my mind as a small glimmer of hope ignited within me. I nodded in gratitude to the woman, my disappointment slowly giving way to determination.

"Thank you," I said, my voice sincere. "I appreciate your help."

"Oh, you are welcome, my dear..." She shook her head, "But it seems you could use some warm clothes and a cup of hot chocolate."

I glanced down at my wet clothes, realizing that I must have looked quite disheveled after walking through the misty morning. Her offer was kind, and despite my initial disappointment, I found myself smiling faintly.

"Ah! I don't want to intrude..." I scratched my head.

The woman chuckled softly, her eyes crinkling with warmth. "Nonsense! It's no trouble at all. Come on in. I'll fetch you something warm to wear and make you that cup of hot chocolate."

Her hospitality was unexpected, but it touched a chord within me. Maybe this detour wasn't a complete loss after all. As she ushered me into her apartment, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for this small act of kindness.

Inside, the apartment was cozy, the decor reflecting the tastes of someone who had lived a long and rich life. The woman disappeared into a room and returned with a thick sweater and a pair of sweatpants.

"Here you go, dear. This should keep you warm," she said, handing me the clothes with a smile. "They belong to my son. He isn't around anymore... Brat travels around the world with his band."

I took the clothes from her with a nod of gratitude. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kindness."

She waved her hand dismissively. "It's the least I can do. Now, why don't you make yourself comfortable while I prepare that hot chocolate? It's been a while since I had some company."

As I changed into the warm clothes, a feeling of comfort washed over me. The old woman's kindness was unexpected, but it reminded me that even in the midst of my complicated existence, there were moments of simple human connection.

I joined her at a cozy table by the window, where she had set out a tray with a steaming cup of hot chocolate and some cookies. The aroma of the chocolate filled the air, and I took a sip, savoring the warmth and sweetness.

She smiled at me, her eyes holding a hint of wisdom. "Life has a way of leading us to unexpected places and people. Sometimes detours can be quite rewarding."

I couldn't help but chuckle softly. "You're right. I certainly didn't expect to end up here this morning."

We talked as the rain continued to fall outside, sharing stories and laughter. Her words were filled with a lifetime of experiences, and I found myself drawn to her presence in a way I hadn't anticipated.

As I finished the hot chocolate, I thanked her again for her hospitality. "You've made this unexpected encounter quite memorable."

She patted my hand kindly. "The world can be a cold and confusing place, my dear. It's important to offer kindness and warmth whenever we can. You never know how much a small act can mean to someone."

With a newfound sense of gratitude, I bid farewell to the old woman and stepped back out into the misty morning. The sun was beginning to rise, its soft light piercing through the clouds and mist. My heart felt lighter as I walked away from the apartment building, the disappointment of not finding Sarah replaced by a sense of contentment.

Oakwood Apartments. I have a new destination now, a new hope to chase. The misty morning seemed to hold promise, and as I walked through the streets, I couldn't shake the feeling that this detour had led me to a moment of connection that I sorely needed.

The city was waking up, its rhythms and sounds blending with the rising sun. And as I headed towards Oakwood Apartments, I carried with me not just a bucket of chicken wings and a choco lava cake, but also a warm memory of an unexpected encounter that had turned a disappointing moment into something beautiful.


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⭐As of now, Pat reon is 13 chapters ahead⭐

Can't believe I wrote this much without any sex scenes. This is my new record lol.

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