
Quirks in Multiverse [DC]

[#r18] [#AU] [Do not translate my work you rulate site bastards.] During my fight with All For One, a vortex appeared out of nowhere and pulled me into another dimension. Missing memories, gunshots in the alley, a man in a bat costume, a woman in a bat costume... [System Online] I regained my old memories thanks to the System. This is Gotham City, the place where I died before my rebirth in the world of Quirks. Now, I am back again, but surprisingly, only 5 years have passed in this world. I reunited with my family and friends. But the city is plagued by a series of brutal murders, and endless crimes. It's about time someone put an end to these motherfuckers... But in the city of darkness, there are some people whom people call heroes or protectors... Yet, when the time comes, they hesitate to make the difficult decision. All they do is put the criminals behind bars only for them to break out and commit crimes again... Not on my watch... But all the threats are so much human... -- SLOWBURN WARNING ******** I don't own DC, Marvel or MHA except for my OC. ******** Cover art found on Pinterest. ******** Support Link: 20 Advance chs www.patre on.com/XcaliburXc [Close the space]

Xcalibur_Xc · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs


[2 weeks later]

Metropolis, usually known as the city of tomorrow, had taken a grim turn. Even in this bustling metropolis, safety was a distant memory. The government had issued a red alert due to the recent alien breakout, and the citizens now lived in constant fear. These extraterrestrial creatures were dubbed "Xenomorphs," and they were unlike anything humanity had ever encountered.

The blame for this catastrophe had fallen squarely on the shoulders of LexCorp, which had been involved in questionable dealings with unknown sources that had brought these aliens to Earth. Lex Luthor, the once-powerful magnate, now found himself behind bars, his empire crumbling around him. But even his incarceration did little to quell the rampage of the Xenomorphs.

Every day felt like a battle for survival in Metropolis. The city streets, once filled with hope and ambition, were now patrolled by heavily armed government forces. Fear hung in the air like a thick fog, and the constant uncertainty had taken a toll on the residents.

Sarah and Travis had moved to Metropolis in search of a safer life, but now they found themselves in the midst of this crisis. They had settled into their new apartment on Hilton Street, hoping for a fresh start, but instead, they were thrust into a world of high alert and danger.

Travis stared out of the balcony, his eyes scanning the cityscape. The once-bustling streets were now eerily empty, with most residents staying indoors, afraid to venture out. The skyscrapers that had once represented progress and prosperity now stood as ominous shadows against the gray sky.

He saw Superman flying in the sky, keeping an eye out for danger.

Travis's parents sat in the dimly lit living room of their new apartment, their eyes fixed on the television screen. The news anchor's voice trembled as he delivered the latest updates on the dire situation.

"Gotham City has now turned into a dead zone," the anchor reported, images of destruction and chaos flashing on the screen. "The criminals from Arkham Asylum have broken out amidst the aliens' rampage, adding to the already overwhelming crisis. Law enforcement agencies are struggling to maintain control."

Andrew, sighed heavily, his face lined with worry. "I can't believe it's come to this," he muttered, running a hand through his graying hair. "We moved here for a safer life, and now both cities are under siege."

Lara, added, "We should stock up on supplies and have a plan in case we need to evacuate."

Max, the loyal family dog, sat beside Travis as he gazed out at the grim landscape from the balcony. Max was normally a cheerful and energetic canine, always quick to wag his tail and greet his family with enthusiasm. But today, even Max seemed to sense the tension in the air.

His tail hung low, and his ears were perked up, listening for any signs of danger. He let out a low, mournful whine, as if trying to communicate his unease to the humans around him.

Travis reached down and gently patted Max's head, offering what little comfort he could. "I know, buddy," he said softly. "It's a tough time for all of us."

Max looked up at him with sad, soulful eyes, as if understanding the gravity of the situation. He leaned into Travis's hand, seeking solace in the touch of his beloved owner.

"Don't you worry, bud," He patted his back, "Everything will be fine. I promise."

As Travis continued to gaze out at the troubled city, Sarah returned from the kitchen, carefully balancing a tray of coffee cups and a plate of cookies. She placed the tray on the coffee table in the dimly lit living room, the soft glow of the television casting flickering shadows on the walls.

Andrew and Lara turned their attention to Sarah as she sat down, pouring steaming cups of coffee for each of them. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the room, offering a brief respite from the tension that hung in the air.

"Thanks, dear," Lara said, taking a sip of her coffee and letting out a sigh. "This situation is just unbearable."

Andrew nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting the worry that had become a constant companion in these troubling times. "We never expected things to escalate like this."

"We were lucky," Sarah replied, taking a sip from her cup, "If we hadn't moved when we did... It would have become even more dangerous."

Travis's parents looked at Sarah with concern, their worry extending to her own family. "How are your parents holding up, Sarah?" Andrew inquired, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Sarah sighed, her thoughts drifting to her parents who were far away in Germany. "They're doing as well as can be expected," she replied, her tone tinged with sadness. "Germany isn't directly affected by the Xenomorph crisis, but they've seen the news, and it's hard for them to be so far away from us during all this."

Lara reached out and placed a comforting hand on Sarah's shoulder. "We're all in this together now," she said with a reassuring smile. "And we'll do our best to stay safe and support each other."

Sarah nodded, appreciating the support and understanding she found in Travis's parents. Despite the dire circumstances, she felt grateful for the bond they were forming as a family, facing these challenges as a united front.

Suddenly, Max stood up and ran up to the door, barking excitedly and wagging his tail. The doorbell rang, and the sound echoed through the apartment. Travis, Sarah, and Travis's parents exchanged puzzled glances, not expecting any visitors in these troubled times.

Travis got up and walked cautiously towards the door, his hand on the doorknob. Max continued to bark, his tail wagging furiously, as if trying to convey that it was safe to open the door.

As he slowly opened the door, the dim hallway light spilled into the apartment. The figure standing in the doorway was unmistakably Aunt Alison. She was as beautiful as ever, with a carefree look in her eyes. However, what caught their attention was the fact that she was armed from head to toe, wearing armor and holding an automatic rifle.

"Aunt Alison?" He exclaimed, his surprise evident in his voice.

"Oh, hey, sexy," She whispered slowly so as to not let the others hear her voice.

His face became red, remembering the steamy time they spent a few weeks earlier.

"Sssshh! Everyone is inside, and what the hell are you wearing? No, the bigger question is why the hell are you outside? It's already past 5?" Travis whispered under his breath.

Alison smirked and gave Travis a sly wink. "Can't a girl come and take a look at someone special? And this is just a little something for protection, darling. Things have gotten pretty wild out there."

'Haaa... Is she always horny?' He sighed.

Travis stepped aside to let her in, and she entered the apartment, looking around at the family gathered in the living room. Max, the dog, continued to wag his tail excitedly, recognizing her as a familiar face.

"Ohhh!" She went on her knees and hugged Max. "Max, my dear Max! I've missed you, buddy," Alison exclaimed, scratching the dog's ears as he wagged his tail with joy.

Andrew and Lara looked at her, surprised by her sudden appearance and her unusual attire. "Alison?" Andrew raised his brows.

"Oh, hey, bro," She stood up after rubbing Max's belly, "I was too lonely in my apartment, so I thought why not check up on my dear family. And of course, help out if needed," she added, giving them a warm smile.

Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream pierced the air from outside. They all rushed to the balcony and were met with a horrifying sight. Three Xenomorphs were closing in on a young woman who had fallen to the ground. Medicines and supplies were scattered around her, and it was clear that she was in desperate need of help.

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