
Quirks in Multiverse [DC]

[#r18] [#AU] [Do not translate my work you rulate site bastards.] During my fight with All For One, a vortex appeared out of nowhere and pulled me into another dimension. Missing memories, gunshots in the alley, a man in a bat costume, a woman in a bat costume... [System Online] I regained my old memories thanks to the System. This is Gotham City, the place where I died before my rebirth in the world of Quirks. Now, I am back again, but surprisingly, only 5 years have passed in this world. I reunited with my family and friends. But the city is plagued by a series of brutal murders, and endless crimes. It's about time someone put an end to these motherfuckers... But in the city of darkness, there are some people whom people call heroes or protectors... Yet, when the time comes, they hesitate to make the difficult decision. All they do is put the criminals behind bars only for them to break out and commit crimes again... Not on my watch... But all the threats are so much human... -- SLOWBURN WARNING ******** I don't own DC, Marvel or MHA except for my OC. ******** Cover art found on Pinterest. ******** Support Link: 20 Advance chs www.patre on.com/XcaliburXc [Close the space]

Xcalibur_Xc · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs


[AN: Expect slow update this week]


[Few minutes earlier]

Deadshot, hidden in the shadows of the nearby building, had Raven squarely in his sights. His gloved finger rested gently on the trigger of his high-powered sniper rifle, a weapon that rarely missed its mark. Lex Luthor's voice echoed in his earpiece, demanding that he eliminate everyone on the floor of LexCorp before they could open a certain door.

He adjusted his aim slightly, his eye locked onto the target. His augmented eye provided him with the perfect shot, even in the darkness.

"I still don't see the money in my account, Mr. Luthor," Deadshot's eyes fell on the small screen attached to his wrist.

Luthor's voice, tinged with annoyance, replied sharply in Deadshot's earpiece, "The payment will be processed once you've eliminated the threats and secured our research. Don't get greedy, Deadshot."

Deadshot, ever the consummate professional, refused to budge. He had a reputation for delivering results, but he wasn't about to take unnecessary risks without seeing the promised payment first. Lex Luthor's demand for immediate action clashed with his insistence on receiving his fee upfront.

With a cool and slightly mocking tone, he responded, "Mr. Luthor, you've got your priorities mixed up. Every single bullet has its price. There are fifteen targets and add a Titan to your list. Raven... You know the risks. You want these people gone, you pay me first. You know how I operate."

Luthor's voice seethed with frustration on the other end of the line, "You're testing my patience. The money will be in your account as soon as the task is complete. Now, take the shot!"

Deadshot chuckled darkly, his finger still resting on the trigger, "You're a billionaire, Mr. Luthor, and I'm a professional. You know the rules. Money first, then the job."

His insistence on payment before action grated on Lex Luthor's nerves. He had always been in control, and he didn't appreciate being challenged, especially not by a hired gun. However, the urgency of the situation compelled him to make a choice.

His voice, though still filled with irritation, carried a note of resignation. "Fine. You'll get your payment. Just ensure that the job is done swiftly and without fail. We can't afford any loose ends."

Deadshot's thin smile revealed his satisfaction as his eyes fell on the device on his wrist. The payment of  5 million dollars appeared on the screen, "Now, quadruple the amount."

"Don't push your luck," Luthor's cold voice came from the other side.

"They are going to open that door soon, Mr. Luthor. Plus, I have the entire recordings of those freaky aliens running rampant in your facility and how your security decided to protect that room over their lives. Oh, and not to forget..." A drone came flying and landed beside Deadshot.

He continued, "I've wiped out the entire database and right now, I have all the data in my hands. I wonder... How much Amanda Waller would pay me for such precious data? Anyway, we can talk about that later. Right now, 20 million dollars, in my account... Or... You know the drill."

"Hahahaha... Waller. I don't know if you are brave or just a lunatic fool. You think she will let you walk away after you hand her that data?" Luthor said with a little chuckle.

Deadshot grinned, his finger still poised on the trigger, the crosshairs of his rifle trained on Raven. He was fully aware of the gravity of the situation, and he had no intention of walking away empty-handed, especially with such valuable leverage at his disposal.

"Let me worry about Waller," Deadshot replied confidently. "You should worry about yourself. You've got thirty seconds to transfer that money... It's 25 million now... Or look out that balcony of yours... On your left building... Or maybe on your chest..."

[Luthor's Penthouse]

Lex Luthor, his well-tailored suit rustling in the night's breeze, stepped out onto the spacious balcony of his penthouse. He looked out at the city skyline, his hands resting on the elegant railing. His thoughts raced as he weighed his options. Deadshot had him in a precarious position, holding valuable data and the potential to expose his involvement.

He is clenching the phone hard in anger. He looked at the left building just on the other side of his penthouse. Then his eyes fell on his chest.

A red dot!

A cold sweat formed on Luthor's forehead as he realized the gravity of the situation. Deadshot had him in the crosshairs, quite literally. The red dot on his chest was an ominous reminder of the imminent danger he faced.

"I suggest you make that transfer quickly, Mr. Luthor," Deadshot's voice crackled over the communicator, the threat in his tone palpable. "Time is running out."

Luthor, his face contorted with a mixture of anger and frustration, quickly accessed his accounts and initiated the transfer. Twenty-five million dollars, a sum that would make most people's heads spin, was swiftly transferred into Deadshot's account.

"Payment received," Deadshot confirmed with a sly grin. "A pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Luthor. Now, sit back and enjoy the show."

With that, Deadshot expertly took aim at Raven once more, his cybernetic eye-locking onto her form. He was poised to take the shot, to eliminate the threat as demanded by Luthor. The tension in the air was palpable, and the fate of those inside LexCorp hung in the balance.

[Back to Raven]

Raven remained focused on the security personnel before her, waiting for the door to the classified research room to be opened. She knew that whatever was inside that room was tied to the chaos that had erupted in LexCorp, and it needed to be contained.

The security personnel, their anxiety palpable, began to input the codes to open the door. The heavy metal door slowly began to creak open, revealing a dimly lit chamber beyond.

But just as the door was about to fully swing open, a bullet flew past her eyes, toward the man who opened the door. With a flick of her finger, the bullet turned to dust. She looked at the direction of the bullet.

Deadshot was far away, but Raven's eyes glowed with a purple hue. She was about to teleport to his location and probably kill him.

[Back to Deadshot]

"Boom!" Deadshot said with a smile.

[Back to Raven]

Her eyes fell inside the room. The room was filled with enough explosives to take the building and the surrounding areas with it.

"Shit!" She tried to teleport everyone out, but her power didn't activate.


The explosion ripped through the floor, sending shockwaves through the building. Flames and debris erupted from the classified research room, engulfing the corridor in chaos and destruction. Raven was thrown back by the force of the explosion, her dark cloak billowing around her as she crashed into a wall.

The security personnel who had been standing by the door were not as fortunate. They were caught in the blast, their bodies and the door itself absorbing much of the impact. It was a grim and devastating sight.

Amidst the fiery inferno and the suffocating smoke, a figure tore through the destruction. It was Wonder Woman, her golden armor gleaming even amidst the chaos. She extended her gleaming shield, blocking the worst of the explosion's impact from reaching Raven.

With incredible strength, Wonder Woman reached out and grabbed Raven, pulling her away from the collapsing corridor and the roaring flames. The two heroes soared through the air and out of the building, narrowly escaping the catastrophic blast.

Once they were at a safe distance from the crumbling LexCorp building, Wonder Woman gently set Raven down on the ground. Her expression was one of concern as she examined Raven for injuries.

"Are you alright?" She asked, her voice filled with both relief and worry.

"I... I couldn't save them," Raven mumbled in a slurry voice.

[Back to Deadshot]

"Damn it! Amazon girl, huh? Time to bail out," Deadshot stood up and quickly disassembled his sniper rifle.

He moved quickly, realizing that his position had been compromised. He had not anticipated Wonder Woman's intervention, and now he needed to make a hasty exit. He started making his way towards the building's rooftop, intending to escape via a nearby zipline he had set up for such emergencies.

However, just as he reached the rooftop, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness, intercepting his path. The figure's form was cloaked in darkness, and his eyes glowed with an eerie purple hue.

"Leaving so soon?" the figure's voice resonated with an otherworldly quality, sending shivers down Deadshot's spine.

Deadshot quickly raised his wrist-mounted guns and started shooting.

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