
Quirks in Multiverse [DC]

[#r18] [#AU] [Do not translate my work you rulate site bastards.] During my fight with All For One, a vortex appeared out of nowhere and pulled me into another dimension. Missing memories, gunshots in the alley, a man in a bat costume, a woman in a bat costume... [System Online] I regained my old memories thanks to the System. This is Gotham City, the place where I died before my rebirth in the world of Quirks. Now, I am back again, but surprisingly, only 5 years have passed in this world. I reunited with my family and friends. But the city is plagued by a series of brutal murders, and endless crimes. It's about time someone put an end to these motherfuckers... But in the city of darkness, there are some people whom people call heroes or protectors... Yet, when the time comes, they hesitate to make the difficult decision. All they do is put the criminals behind bars only for them to break out and commit crimes again... Not on my watch... But all the threats are so much human... -- SLOWBURN WARNING ******** I don't own DC, Marvel or MHA except for my OC. ******** Cover art found on Pinterest. ******** Support Link: 20 Advance chs www.patre on.com/XcaliburXc [Close the space]

Xcalibur_Xc · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs


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After dinner, we talked a lot till late at night. Mom, Dad, and Sarah were very happy.

Mom dragged me to my room.

As I stepped into my old room, a flood of memories washed over me. The familiar sight of my childhood sanctuary brought back a sense of nostalgia and comfort. My eyes swept over the room, taking in the details that had remained unchanged over the years—the posters on the walls, the shelves lined with books and mementos, and the desk where I had spent countless hours reading and dreaming.

Mom smiled warmly, watching my reactions. "It's just the way you left it, Travis."

I walked over to the desk, my fingers brushing against the surface as I remembered the times I had spent there, lost in my thoughts, alone, thinking about how long I got before cancer put an end to my life. The room was a time capsule of my past, a place where dreams had been born and nurtured.

"Everything is as it was," I murmured, my voice tinged with a mixture of emotions.

"It's been difficult for us," Mom said, her voice soft. "Every day, we'd come into this room, hoping to feel your presence. And now... now that you're here, it's like a dream."

Tears welled up in her eyes, and I stepped closer, wrapping my arms around her in a tight embrace. "I'm sorry for making you worry, Mom. I wish I could have been here with you all these years."

She hugged me back, her hold strong and comforting. "You're here now, and that's what matters. We're going to make the most of the time we have."

After a moment, she pulled back slightly and wiped away her tears. "Your old bed is still here. I thought you might want to rest."

I nodded, feeling a mix of exhaustion and emotional intensity from the events of the day. "Thank you, Mom. I think I could use some rest."

I sank down onto the edge of the bed, the familiar creak of the mattress beneath me reminding me of countless nights spent in this room. As I gazed around at the walls adorned with posters of my favorite superheroes and shelves lined with trophies and trinkets, a sense of both comfort and strangeness settled over me.

"Is there anything you need, Travis?" Mom's voice was gentle, her concern evident in her eyes.

I shook my head, managing a small smile. "No, Mom. I'm just... haven't slept in a long time... just tired..."

Mom nodded, her motherly instincts guiding her. "Alright, honey. Get some rest. You've been through so much. We'll be right down the hall if you need anything."

I lay back on the bed, my body sinking into the familiar softness of the mattress. It was strange how something as simple as lying on my childhood bed could feel both comforting and surreal at the same time. I closed my eyes, allowing the weight of the day's events to finally catch up with me.

As I drifted into sleep, my mind swirled with a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts. The faces of my parents and Sarah, the memories of battles fought and friendships forged in the alternate world, and the uncertainty of the path ahead all mingled together in a complex tapestry.

[Dream Sequence] [Third person POV]

In the realm of dreams, Travis found himself in a world that seemed both familiar and distorted. He stood in the heart of a chaotic city, its buildings crumbling and engulfed in flames. The air was thick with tension and the scent of destruction.

In the distance, a figure emerged from the shadows, his presence oozing power and malevolence. It was All For One, a formidable adversary from the alternate world—a being who had orchestrated countless conflicts and manipulated the balance between heroes and villains.

"All For One," Travis's voice was resolute, his stance unwavering. "You motherfucker!"

All For One's chilling laughter echoed through the air as he stepped closer. "Ah, Travis, my dear boy. You've grown stronger, haven't you? But what makes you think you can defeat me when One for All failed... Allow me to show you what happens when One for All and All for One fuse together to form... THE ONE!"

Travis's eyes blazed with determination as he faced the amalgamation of All For One and One for All—the fusion known as "The One." The air crackled with overwhelming energy as the two opposing Quirks merged into a singular force of immense power.

As The One's malevolent laughter filled the air, Travis's grip on reality tightened. He felt a surge of energy welling up within him, a power that was uniquely his own—a power that had the potential to counteract the destructive might of The One.

Drawing upon his Quirk, All Reversal, he channeled his resolve into a tangible force. The air around him shimmered and distorted, as if reality itself was bending to his will. All Reversal was a rare and enigmatic Quirk—one that allowed him to manipulate causality, altering the outcomes of events by reversing their causes.

All For One extended his hand toward him, "Show me, boy... The determination and power of the last Hero!"

"HAAAA!" Travis screamed as waves of green energy began to emerge from his body.

In an instant, the world around them seemed to shift. Time itself appeared to rewind, as if the events leading to this confrontation were being played in reverse. The flames that had engulfed the city began to recede, and the crumbling buildings started to rebuild themselves.

"Fucking faceless motherfucker!" He began to press forward toward All for One, "Allow me to show you the limit of a Hero. I will reverse your very existence to nothingness."

All For One's expression shifted from arrogance to shock as he realized that his power was being countered by Travis's unique ability. The very foundations of cause and effect were being challenged, and the equilibrium of their battle hung in a precarious balance.

The air crackled with tension as the clash of their opposing forces created shockwaves that rippled through the landscape.

Travis's determination blazed within his eyes as he pushed forward, step by step, his aura of green energy pulsating with every move. He concentrated his power, focusing on the core of The One's fusion—the merging of All For One and One for All.

"You don't know when to give up, do you?" All for One smiled despite being pushed back, "I can't believe how incredible that Quirk in your body is. However, my boy, how long do you think you will be able to hold on to that form of yours? Your body has already started to disintegrate."

Travis's gaze remained steadfast, his grip on his power unyielding. The strain of maintaining his unique form was evident, but his resolve burned brighter than ever. He couldn't allow doubt or fear to infiltrate his mind. The fate of both worlds hung in the balance, and he was determined to protect them.

"Do not underestimate my power, you faceless bastard," He threw a wave of green energy at All for One.

The energy clashed with a black energy dome around the monster.

As the clash of their energies created a turbulent storm, the cityscape around them shifted and distorted, mirroring the chaos of their battle. The very fabric of reality seemed to warp and bend in response to their titanic struggle.

One time everything appeared destroyed, only to be rebuild back to the original form.

All For One's expression twisted into a sinister grin as he realized that he needed to take a different approach to overcome Travis's resistance. He extended his hand once again, but this time, his intent was clear—he sought to absorb his unique Quirk, All Reversal, into his own formidable arsenal.

"I must admit, your power is intriguing," All For One's voice resonated with a mixture of curiosity and malice. "But I wonder, my dear boy, how will you fare when your own power turns against you?"

Travis's eyes blazed with defiance, and he intensified his energy output, pushing back against All For One's attempt to absorb his Quirk. The struggle was fierce and unyielding, each moment filled with the clash of their opposing wills.

"This is what I have been waiting for!" Travis's voice was laced with determination, his aura of green energy pulsating with renewed vigor.

All For One's laughter filled the air, a chilling sound that seemed to mock Travis's efforts. "You misunderstand, Travis. I don't intend to take your power for myself. I intend to consume it—to fuse it together with The One."

"Are you sure about that?" He smiled as he didn't even resist and allowed All For One to absorb his Quirk.

"What!?" All For One stumbled back as a shock nearly knocked him down. He could feel his power seeping away. "How!???" He yelled.

"All Reversal: Rebound," Travis said as he fell to his knees. His body has already faded from existence, "It usually reverses the effect of all Quirk back to its user. But here's the fun thing. Last night, I awakened one step further... I get to choose the target of the rebound effect... It's fun, isn't it? I choose me. All that Quirk you have will become mine now."

"You bastard!"

"Let's die together... All For One!"


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⭐As of now, Pat reon is 17 chapters ahead⭐[Exclusive nsfw contents]