

yellow_sun · Fantasy
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Chapter 3

Harry Jefferson

I have officially lost all hope, my life is terrible, I got no reason to live. So this is what it feels like to hit rock bottom, man this sucks.

"Get up," says the ugly dude in a police uniform. I look at him questioning what he meant, but his brown eyes look blank. He would look pretty good if he smiled once in a while. "Get up!" He says shouting, I feel like it turned on my reflexes, I stood up faster than I thought I could. He comes closer and unlockes the door, am I being set free? I knew they would soon understand it wasn't me.

I follow him, with some other police men behind me, I am starting to wonder where I am going. Okay, now I am panicking, maybe I should jump out the window. What if it's the 20th floor? No what I am just going to run. I start running and but at my first step, they all point their guns at me. "WHAT THE FUCK!", "Stand down or we will shoot", and I am corned. "Okay,I will", since I wanna live, you bunch of jerks!

I enter the room it's fully white, damn I feel like my eyes are blind. "You may leave", says some guy in white, I don't think I have seen him before. Is he one of my enemies? I made a lot, before all of this started. "Are you gonna sit down, or are you going to stand the whole conversation?" I take the seat farthest away from him, so if he decides to point a gun at me, I have a fighting chance.

"Since, we are need another subject for our expirements, we are going to use you, since your an alpha the tests may work better or worse on you." What did I sign up for something? "You must be wondering who signed you up, well it was your parents" I look at him still questioning what the hell he is saying. "Now why would they do the that", I say really still wondering what the hell is going on. "We paid them 90 billion for you to take part of our expirements". "Though, I am an adult, I own myself!" "That's true but since you in jail, you can't take care of yourself, so they are your legal guardians".

So he takes his greenish blue eyes off me and flips his pure black hair, then walk out the room. I hope he trips down the stairs.

Soon some guys walk, one grabs my arm. What the, "GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" Something peirced my neck, what is it? FUCK, I can't breathe, somethings is wrong, I can't even talk. My body feels weightless. Then, I fall to the ground. Shit, this is dramatic. If I am gonna die, I better die in cool way. Definitely, not like this.

Now I am in another room, it white and black, who ever owns this room has better taste than that guy. I feel something on my neck what the fuck is it ? I look in the mirror, it's a fucking collar. "I am not doing this, no way!"

Hope you liked it, it took lots of my brain juices to write this. Bye