

yellow_sun · Fantasy
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Chapter 2

Harry Jefferson

I am still on the run and it's getting annoying how people look at me when they find out. "Hey, it's that guy on the run", "oh shit ". Really I can't even have a decent meal like, yeah I might be a criminal but I still need my basic needs.

Walking around town Square is boring, "HEY!" I look up to see an officer right inftont of me. Yeah I really do have bad luck. "Hey, don't worry just doing normal people stuff, so excuse me". "AHH FUCK!" That asshole just twisted my arm, I have rights! "Sir, you are under arrest, for murder and running away from the police". "Yeah, your gonna have to catch me first". I start running but then, I feel a prick in my neck, the fuck. Everything looks blurry and yeah I am passing out. Must have thought I was a threat, cause I am way stronger than them. Why didn't I run away at the beginning?

I wake up to see, a weird looking cell, so this is where people who go to jail live. Yeah, even if they did crimes they deserve to be treat like humans or wolves, any of the two. The bars were close together, so I definitely can't cut my way out, no what I give up. "Hey, police guy, can you like execute me". "Hey you, yeah you, I don't feel like living anymore execute me". "Who is that?", "Some spoilt rich brat, who wants to be executed". "Yeah, let's go, we are on break". Did they listen to what I said, it's not everyday someone want to be executed, might as well sleep.