

yellow_sun · Fantasy
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Chapter 4

Kira Corry

4 hours before Harry woke up

Well today is awfully sunny, the sun is covering the words on my book, what store for me. "Kira, I have a favor to ask" says my dad, we don't really talk much. Though when we do, we end up fighting, my mom says it because I look a lot like him. We both have brown eyes and black hair. Though he is shorter than me and older.

"Kira, are you listening or not", "yea, I am."

"So, you know the expirements that have been going on, about helping people get stronger, with chemicals and all that crap." "Yea, what about it, are you gonna try it too". " No, though I did invest it, because I bet a lot of people are gonna do it." Okay, that proves the fact that we do look similar, but we are still very different.

"What's that gotta do with me," "well you are going to be taking care of one of the subjects to see how it works." "Why, can't they keep him at the facility like every one else." I wanna walk away from this a conversation, he isn't even looking at me. "It is because, they think that he will be pretty strong and resistant, and they don't want to spend too much money keeping him in check, so you are going to do it."

Wow, reasons not to be born into a rich family, all they ever do is use you to gain profits. "Do I have a say in this matter or not, because if I didn't then why bother asking me." He looks up at me, with the look of are you really my child and disgust, mostly disgust. " No, you don't, I sent you the address so go there." People now days, can't even be nice.

After a pretty long drive, I reach there, it look like silver. To be more specific, there is a lot of windows, and there are flowers flourishing around the building. There aren't any other buildings next to it, almost like a spot in the middle of the woods. Is this gonna be like Hansel and Gretel, some witch be cooking up some food in there?

"Ms. Kira, we are pleased that you are here now, let me lead you to the subject." Okay whatever they say let's just get this over with, fingers crossed that this goes well, because I don't wanna be living with somebody who is a big meanie. "Here he is, all you have to do is keep tabs on him weekly, and that is it."

He opened the door and to my surprise its him, like him, as in Harry. That guy, okay know what just let me get this ever with, we won't even talk to each other much. "Do you need any help moving hi-," wow for a guy he is pretty light, which is weird so yea, I need help. "Good bye, have a lovely evening." " Sorry, but I don't think that's possible," maybe, but not in this world.

Yup, ready to go, though I gotta to say, he looks more peaceful when he is asleep. Way better than the usual him. It's gonna be a long ride home, though the radio is on my side.

We reached my house, I was at my parent's house, because they invited me, though now I am back at my house. Harry, is probably gonna be angry, and I don't feel like fighting anyone today. So, I should just get a collar or something. Rebecca told me that they were some in the drawer in the kitchen. He is probably gonna be mad when he wakes up.

Though he looks kinda cute, almost like snow white waiting to be kissed by prince charming. He should stay like this, it would be way easier. What am I thinking, I am supposed to take care of him, not have babies with him. Yea, what the hell am I thinking.