

yellow_sun · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

Hey this is Harry, the regular brown haired, cute, blue eyed dude. Also the best looking guy around, you better agree. Anyway you must have come here for the scoop, so here it is.

This is Harry (again), I am the almost strongest alpha around, and everyone likes to rub it in. I am a pretty chill guy and everything in my life has been perfect, like since I was born. From my looks, to my rich, and still kind family, also my friends. So since my life was perfect, something bad was always waiting to happen.

The morning of this terrible day was pretty normal, I had breakfast with my friends, and went to do a bunch of alpha stuff. Though I went home, and when I reached I heard a scream. I rushed up the stairs to see what happened. Though by the time I had reached, Ella was dead, she was my secretary and also my beta. We knew each other since childhood and our parents were close.

So I rushed to see her, and she was covered in blood. It dripped down to the concrete, and was as red as any type of blood there could be. Soon Jake came back he was a friend, from another pack. So he came and saw me standing next to her , his first though was that I killed her. I was the only one at the crime scene, so he walked right up to me and slapped me. Before I could explain, the neighbour's had called the cops, because of Ella's scream.

So after that, I was taken to court as the only suspect. No one knew what happened, and neither did I. So at that very second, everyone I knew betrayed me, this entire time I was living a lie. My friends my parents, even the people I rarely talked to, testified against me. I was going to jail for a crime I didn't commit. I had no Idea what to do so, I ran a away from. them and have been on the run ever since.

There you have it my story, though stick around I bet its gonna be more interesting later.