

yellow_sun · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Who am I

Every one claims to know who they are but do they really know who they are, I have a lot to do in this life before I answer that question. Since I am the strongest Alpha around what more do I have to do, I keep asking myself that hoping that somehow I get the answer though that never happened and I am pretty fine with it.

Though the only problem in my perfect life is Harry, I am the strongest Alpha around but he is almost as strong as I am and I almost lost to that jackass once. I know scary, it still gives me the shivers. Though I don't think I will hear from him again. The last I heard of him he was on the run but not my problem.

So anyway I heard that the government is creating a way to get more people to become stronger. Though in most of the expirements, they end up dying. Like really messt up. Anyway I am gonna go I have nothing to do peace out.

PS. the name is kira