
Quick Transmigration| Princess Simulator

"No matter how I think about this, this mission is way too hard. Why are you assigning me tasks like this!? Do you want to be replaced!?" The system wisely went into hiding, refusing to face Marianne's wrath. She had envisioned her first mission as a gentle introduction: perhaps being a pampered princess in a small, luxurious kingdom, helping it flourish. Instead, she found herself as a tribal princess married off to safeguard her people. Where were the gold, the luxury, the cakes? And why did she have to live in a tent!? The only silver lining was flirting with her husband's ex and a cute guard who seemed to pop up whenever she needed him. Hm? Why is he in this mission? Is it a system bug? Between mastering herbal concoctions, dodging assassination attempts, and managing unexpected crushes, Marianne's life in "Princess Simulator" is anything but dull. Join her as she navigates love triangles, politics, wars, fights, and her quest to own an ungodly amount of gold. TLDR: Quick Transmigration Author: Currently editing

Aalis · History
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34 Chs

Chapter 4

The beating of drums took over the entire palace; dancing, drinking, jubilation.Once again the Kuraltai Khan was throwing a party, one that only the aristocracy would be able to join.In the center of the room, a mesmerizing dance performance was unfolding. A dancer, draped in a flowing white dress that seemed to shimmer with each movement, captured the attention of everyone present. Her dark hair held up with delicate gold chains and beads that caught the light, blinding both men and women with her beauty. She moved with an effortless grace, her arms undulating like waves and her hips swaying rhythmically to the music.Around the dancer, the extravagance of the feast was evident in every detail. Long, low tables were covered with an array of colorful dishes. Bowls of vibrant fruits—pomegranates, grapes, and figs—added bursts of color, while platters of honey cakes and sweet dumplings were picked at casually by the other participants.Seated among the guests were the clan's elite. The Kuraltai Khan himself sat at the head of the central table, his commanding presence a reminder of the power and wealth of his clan. Next to him sat Ragnar and Azul, their places of honor marked by finely carved wooden thrones adorned with furs and precious stones.Azul watched the dance with wide eyes, captivated by the beauty and skill of the performer. A woman so enchanting she could captivate the hearts of both genders.Ragnar leaned in close, his voice low and filled with pride. "Sisi is one of the best dancers in the land. She has been trained for years to perfect her art.""She is truly remarkable," Azul replied, her eyes never leaving the performers. Sisi, the beautiful daughter of the Kuraltai Khan, her eyes landed on Ragnar a few times, and Azul's smile only widened.As the dancer concluded her performance, the tent erupted in applause. The girl bowed gracefully before retreating, and the musicians continued to play, filling the air with festive tunes.Ragnar turned to Azul, whispering in her ears, "The Khan always drinks himself silly; he could never remain sober long enough to actually father any children."Azul snickered, trying to keep her gaze away from the young man Ragnar talked about."And that one is a slave to his wife; if she asks him to become a woman, he simply would.""But my lord, if I asked you to become a woman on my behalf, would you not?" Azul asked coquettishly."You are even more beautiful than Aisyt; if you ask me to die, then I'm afraid that I must." His words were smooth, too smooth."My lord, how much have you had to drink?" She asked, picking up a jug of water to pour out for him."Not too much, don't worry. I just need enough courage."In the face of the Kuraltai, Valthorn was a minor clan. The Kuraltai was so large that they built their own town and had given up on being nomads. The Khan was the great protector in this area; under his watch, there were no skirmishes."How did you become the honored son of such a Khan?" Azul asked her husband curiously."Before you became mine, I was betrothed to a woman of a strong tribe. To take her hand, I needed my father, but he is dead. And so I asked the Kuraltai Khan to be my father on the grounds he was my father's sworn brother.""You were betrothed?" Azul didn't mean to sound shocked, but she didn't know about this."Yes, she, however, had another she loved, and so I broke the betrothal." He sounded like it was a past memory."Look at the young boy! He got a wife, and now he won't leave her side! Come! Let's raise a toast!" The room erupted in laughter at the Khan's words. Azul hid her face behind Ragnar's in a snowman of embarrassment. Ragnar raised his cup to toast the great Khan."Great Khan, please forgive me, my wife is shy! I will drink on her stead!" After that, he drank two cups of alcohol."Ragnar, don't mind me; I will not tease your young bride; you have her to yourself." The men's teasing was hard even if she had thick skin. She was lucky she was wearing a veil for propriety.The festivities went on till late, and eventually, the wives of the Khan excused themselves, including Azul, who followed the crowd.She was assigned a servant girl who guided her to her room and then to the bathhouse for the women in the great Khan's harem.The Khan's harem was where his wives, sisters, and children lived. It was the only place a foreign Khatun could wash up without worry for decorum.The bathhouse was often where the women exchanged gossip, and so Azul listened passively.The bathhouse was filled with the soft murmurs of women exchanging gossip, their voices blending with the gentle splashes of water. Azul settled into the warm, fragrant water, her ears attuned to the snippets of conversation around her. The little white snake floated along the water also enjoying the atmosphere."Did you hear about Nura's new silk robe? Imported all the way from the East," one woman said, her voice tinged with envy."Oh, I saw it. It must have cost a fortune. Her husband certainly knows how to spoil her," another replied, her tone equally envious."And have you seen the Khan's youngest daughter? Sisi is growing more beautiful by the day," a third woman chimed in. "She performed so wonderfully tonight."Azul listened, a small smile playing on her lips. She was content to soak in the warm water and the idle chatter, feeling a rare moment of relaxation."Azul, was it?" A soft voice interrupted her thoughts. Azul looked up to see Sisi, the mesmerizing dancer from earlier, standing by the edge of the bath. Her beauty was even more striking up close, her dark hair cascading over her shoulders like a waterfall."Yes, I'm Azul," she replied, her voice calm and composed despite the slight surprise at being addressed directly.Sisi smiled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I wanted to introduce myself properly. I am Sisi, daughter of the Kuraltai Khan. I hope you enjoyed the performance tonight.""I did, very much," Azul said sincerely. "You were beautiful.""Thank you," Sisi said, bowing her head slightly in gratitude. "I have heard much about you, Azul. I look forward to getting to know you personally."She ran her hand through her hair and finally got to the point, "I want to lay my respect to you as the elder sister; as you know, there are whispers of me becoming the Valthorn Khan's second wife."Azul's mind raced at Sisi's words. She knew Ragnar could take multiple wives, but hearing it so plainly from Sisi herself was unsettling. However, she maintained her composure, nodding gracefully. "In that case, it is lovely to meet you, Sisi." If she acted upset in any way, she would be seen as a selfish woman.Sisi smiled, "I hope we can be friends, Azul. It is important for us to support Ragnar." Azul felt more uncomfortable.Azul spent her night lost in thought; she never actually considered Ragnar would take multiple wives. She wasn't against it, but she didn't know if she could adapt to it. She was someone from a monogamous community; no matter how she saw it, she would be really uncomfortable.'I guess this is why I'm still a newbie,' she sighed."Is everything alright, Khatun?" The servant girl brushing her hair asked. Azul had spent her entire time at the vanity sighing and looking at her clear reflection in the glass mirror."Ruea, what do you think of my husband?"The girl was flustered at the question."Do not be afraid to speak your mind; I will not punish you.""If I would be bold to speak... The Valthorn Khan's face does scare me."Azul sighed; even a child was afraid of him. But what could she do? She liked him this way."Do you think if he looks so scary, women will not come to him?""Hmm... though he is scary, he is one of the most successful minor Khans; to marry him would also be good."Azul turned to look at the servant girl, who nervously held her breath in fear."You are right; he is quite attractive. What should I do?""Ah... yes?" The servant asked, confused. What did she mean, what should she do?"Ruea, I fear I am a target jealous woman. I am afraid of what I would do if he brought home another woman," Azul sighed as if in deep contemplation."If you don't mind me asking, Khatun, what would you do if the Khan wants a second wife?""Well, I might just kill him."The servant didn't know whether to laugh or cry; why was the Khatun casually so scary?Meanwhile, the party carried on till late.The Kuraltai Khan, with a goblet in hand, stood to give a toast. "To Ragnar, the honored son of our clan, and his beautiful wife, Azul. May their union bring strength and prosperity to us all."Ragnar raised his cup in response, smiling broadly. "Thank you, Great Khan.""And let us not forget," the Khan continued, his eyes twinkling with mirth, "that my daughter Sisi, the most enchanting dancer in the land, is of marriageable age. Wouldn't she make a perfect addition to Ragnar's household?"The guests murmured in agreement, and Sisi, standing demurely by her father's side, blushed, her eyes meeting Ragnar's briefly before looking down.Ragnar stood, raising his cup higher. "Great Khan, your offer is most generous, but I must respectfully decline. My wife, Azul, is all I need."The room fell silent, the tension palpable. The Kuraltai Khan raised an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by the refusal. "And why is that, Ragnar? Is my daughter not to your liking?"Ragnar chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood. "It's not that, Great Khan. I am merely afraid that my wife would kill me if I took another bride."The room erupted in laughter, the tension dissipating. The Khan, shaking his head with amusement, joined in. "Ah, Ragnar, always the joker. Very well, I shall not press the matter. But know that Sisi is a treasure, and any man would be lucky to have her.""Indeed, Great Khan. And I am sure she will find a worthy husband," Ragnar replied, his smile never wavering.As the laughter died down, the festivities continued. The Kuraltai Khan leaned towards Ragnar, his voice lowering. "I understand you might not want a new wife yet as you might hurt Azul. Do not worry, I will find Sisi another suitor."Ragnar nodded. "You think too highly of me, Great Khan." He wasn't interested in Sisi, and he didn't quite like when women were pushed at him either. He only drank his wine with a polite smile.Later that night, Azul lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. The conversation with Ruea echoed in her mind, and she felt a growing unease about the possibility of Ragnar taking another wife.When Ragnar finally joined her, she turned to him, her eyes searching his face. "Did you take a new wife?"Ragnar sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Azul, I meant what I said. You are all I need. But I also understand the customs and expectations of our people. If it comes to it, I will always make sure you are respected and loved above all else."Azul paused, so it wasn't off the table. "I do hope you take another wife Ragnar, that way I can pick my second husband."Ragnar's good mood soured, but she just turned around and pretended to sleep. Who had heard of a woman taking a second husband?What the fuck?He was speechless, not knowing what to say, by the time he mustered something, anything, she was fast asleep.