
Quick Transmigration| Princess Simulator

"No matter how I think about this, this mission is way too hard. Why are you assigning me tasks like this!? Do you want to be replaced!?" The system wisely went into hiding, refusing to face Marianne's wrath. She had envisioned her first mission as a gentle introduction: perhaps being a pampered princess in a small, luxurious kingdom, helping it flourish. Instead, she found herself as a tribal princess married off to safeguard her people. Where were the gold, the luxury, the cakes? And why did she have to live in a tent!? The only silver lining was flirting with her husband's ex and a cute guard who seemed to pop up whenever she needed him. Hm? Why is he in this mission? Is it a system bug? Between mastering herbal concoctions, dodging assassination attempts, and managing unexpected crushes, Marianne's life in "Princess Simulator" is anything but dull. Join her as she navigates love triangles, politics, wars, fights, and her quest to own an ungodly amount of gold. TLDR: Quick Transmigration Author: Currently editing

Aalis · History
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34 Chs

Chapter 3

That night, I dreamt I was in bed with a bear. He was warm and cuddly, and he kept me quite safe.·͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙Waking up to a man next to her was startling. But then Azul reminded herself this was just a simulation."So, what are the missions I have to complete to pass this stage?" she asked.[The first mission is to survive the upcoming battle.]At least the mission had nothing to do with this husband of hers, which was all for the best. If he started to move funny, she would just kill him."What's the upcoming battle?"[Unknown.]"When will it be?"[Before a year is over.]"That's so vague."The snake didn't care, instead regaining its position around her neck."Inventory?"[Jewellery and gold bracelets. 2/10 spaces taken.]Ten spaces was a low amount for inventory, but this was her first mission so she shouldn't need too many spaces. Considering this primitive era, it would be best to save some food, water, and blankets at least.As she peeled herself off her bear of a man, she noticed she was nude and took the blanket with her. She went to wash up, using the basin in the corner."Khatun, we are sorry to disturb you, but we have some clothes for you."Just on time, a soft voice from outside the tent came in."Yes, come in. Thank you," she whispered back, not wanting to wake Ragnar up.The servants entered and dressed her in a rich, deep crimson dress decorated with intricate gold embroidery. The fabric draped beautifully over her frame, and golden bangles and necklaces accentuated her look. Her hair was adorned with delicate gold chains and ornaments, she did look beautiful in gold."You look beautiful, Khatun," the servant said, finishing with her bangles. The little girl looked up at Azul with big, admiring eyes, which was endearing."Thank you," Azul said sweetly, and the girl smiled before leaving the tent."You're dressed already?" Ragnar's voice came from behind as he stirred in his sleep."Sleep some more; you came back pretty late," Azul said, looking at the reflective copper at her vanity.Ragnar dragged himself out of bed and came to hug her from behind."You look beautiful, my Queen.""Thank you, Ragnar." She turned to look up at his face. He winced reflexively as her hand came up to his chin but relaxed as her cool fingers traced the side of his face. "You look handsome this morning, my King."Though she was just returning the favour, the fact that she saw his entire face and still felt comfortable around him made his heart swell. He wasn't daft enough to expect a marriage of love in his lifetime, but for the first time, he realised he might have the opportunity to experience something like that."What are you doing today?" she asked."I am overseeing the training for the army. You can meet with the other women of high standing if you would like; they will keep you company.""Actually, I would like to accompany you today," she explained. "I want to know what your day is like here so I know how to best support you."He was silent for a moment."Would you not want me to?" she asked."No, it's only natural that the Khatun is aware of the happenings in the tribe. Just give me a few minutes while I get ready."·͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙The two shared a horse ride to the outskirts, where the military camp was set up. Azul did not want to ride alone, considering her body was still a wreck from the day before. It was only with Ragnar's help that she was able to climb his horse.When they arrived at the military camp, Azul took in the scene before her. Tents were arranged in neat rows, and soldiers trained rigorously under the watchful eyes of their commanders. The clang of metal against metal and the shouts of orders created a rather violent, but energetic atmosphere.Ragnar helped Azul dismount, she noticed the curious and respectful glances from the soldiers as they acknowledged her presence."You should go forage, meet us back at the tent." She instructed the snake, who slithered down her dress to her feet before scurrying off. If she was in danger, it would be alerted and come back to her."Come, I want you to meet my generals," Ragnar said, leading her towards a group of men standing near the largest tent.Azul walked beside him, her head held high. The generals, two imposing men with stern expressions, turned to greet them."Azul, these are my most trusted commanders, General Varok and General Thane," Ragnar introduced."It is an honour to meet you, Khatun," General Varok said, bowing slightly. He was a tall, broad-shouldered man with a neatly trimmed beard and piercing eyes."The honour is mine," Azul replied, returning the gesture with a graceful nod.General Thane, a young man with long brown hair tied in a simple ponytail and a calm bearing, spoke next. "We heard so much about you last night."Azul looked up at Ragnar, who was glaring at General Thane. She laughed a bit."What did he say about me?" She wanted to know."Why don't we talk inside instead? General Thane can take his talent for talking and actually put it to good use." Ragnar stopped General Thane before he could expose him."Yes, of course, great Khan, just right this way." General Thane ushered them into the tent with a teasing look on his face. They were obviously friends; she wondered if they had grown up together.There was a map stretched out in the centre of a table, only lit by a few lanterns."How are things with the Kuraltai Khan?""The Kuraltai clan has sent goods to celebrate your marriage."Azul listened intently. It seemed the Kuraltai clan was friendly; it was a clan she did not know of."Can you give me some context on the Kuraltai clan?" she asked, interrupting the men."My apologies, Khatun," General Varok said. "The Kuraltai clan is the Khan's father's clan. The Kuraltai accepted our Khan as his son so he could be wed without shame.""I see. Then we need to show our gratitude to the Kuraltai Khan. We need to visit to personally thank him," Azul said. "How far is the Kuraltai clan?""There are only a three-day journey, Khatun. The Valthorn clan will be moving from this area next week, so if you would like to visit with the Khan, please do so tomorrow.""Thank you very much, General Varok. I'm sorry for the interruption. Please carry on."General Varok smiled and continued giving Ragnar the briefing. When Azul left to take a look at how the men were being trained, General Varok slammed his hand into Ragnar's back."You son of a bitch! You actually got a wife! And a good one too. What did you do? Did you save her from a wolf pack? Why else would she marry you?"Ragnar laughed heartily. He was proud of how she asserted herself, how she wasn't timid in the face of a blood-born general, how she made plans on his behalf—everything she did made him happy. And now, hearing it from General Varok was the icing on the cake. He wanted her to dress in silk and gold, emeralds, and precious stones, just to showcase her to the world; that was his woman."On a serious note, Jeder sent you a message."Ragnar's face darkened at the sound of that name.Meanwhile, General Thane took Azul around to watch the soldiers practice archery.She watched as they practiced with powerful recurve bows, known for their exceptional range and accuracy. The archers stood in a line, their eyes focused on distant targets. With a swift, practiced motion, they drew their bows and released, the arrows slicing through the air with a satisfying twang.Azul was impressed by their precision. "Your archers are very skilled," she remarked to General Thane."They are the pride of our army," General Thane replied. "The recurve bow is a formidable weapon. It is perfect for use on horseback, and it can shoot arrows with great power and accuracy. Our warriors start training with these bows at a young age.""Is it possible for me to learn such a skill?" She asked, it would be a great skill to save in the system. "Naturally, Khatun. I can show you a recurve bow right now." General Thane signalled to one of the soldiers who left his practice station and came over, General Thane took the bow off him to show her. 'System, scan.' ╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗Scan Acquired╚══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╝'While foraging, get some wood.' ╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗Understood╚══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╝'Activate learning mode.'╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗Learning mode activated╚══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╝"How do I use this?" Azul asked General Than. He took it in his hands and talked her through it; she recorded his actions as she watched him intently. ╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗Footage acquired╚══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╝Then he handed the bow to her so she could try and copy him. She did as she was told, making sure to listen to pointers and adjust until her form was perfect. ╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗Learning Manual Complete ╚══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╝╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗Training simulation now available ╚══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╝She finally let the bow down; it was heavier than her arms could withstand for an extended period of time."You've done good, Khatun." General Thane praised her, but she knew it was mostly lip service."No need to praise me when I haven't done anything outstanding, General; your soldiers are years ahead of me.""Yes, but they have been training since they were children. Considering you have never held a recurve bow, you did pretty well."She looked at the bow in her hand. "Can I keep this, General?""Of course, Khatun. What is ours belongs to you and the Khan.""Thank you."General Thane brought her back to the central tent, where Ragnar was waiting for her, with a comically large recurve bow in hand."Did you have fun?" he asked.Azul nodded, showing him her spoils of war: the bow and a set of exquisitely made arrows."You like things like this?" he asked curiously.She nodded enthusiastically. Whether or not she liked it didn't matter; what mattered was how positive her image was in his head."But your hands will become rough and calloused like mine," he said, showing her his big hands."Then should I practice with gloves?" she muttered. He laughed at her simple response."We should go back to camp. If we are to set off for the Kuraltai clan tomorrow, we should have our wedding feast tonight."She nodded. Most tribes didn't have a 'wedding' as she knew it, just a feast where the newlywed is introduced to her husband's family. Since Ragnar didn't have a family, he would just be introducing her to his clan.·͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙That night, camp was alive with the sounds of preparation for the feast. The aroma of roasting meat filled the air, mingling with the scent of fresh herbs and spices. Colourful banners fluttered in the evening breeze, and lanterns were being hung to illuminate the gathering as night fell.Azul changed into a more elaborate dress that had been prepared for her, embroidered with tiny beads. She wondered how many months it took to make this. Her hair was braided and decorated with beads and feathers, and her neck was adorned with layers of gold courtesy of Ragnar. She felt both excited and nervous, knowing that tonight would be her formal introduction as Khatun to the Valthorn clan.[I'm back] The snake's arrival didn't phase her, it seemingly appeared out of nowhere and slithered up the wooden desk she used as a vanity. "What's the inventory like now?"[..Full.]"Can we make potions now?"[..Yes..]Azul felt relieved; at least she wouldn't be too worried about dying all the time. "Convert all herbs to potions." [2x antiemetic potions obtained... 2x antipyretic potions obtained.. 2x nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory potions obtained]She waited for more but that was it. "No antibiotics? Really?" The snake shook it's little head. Azul sighed and accepted that she would have to try again another time. "Inventory."[Jewellery x 11][Gold bracelets x 2][Antiemetic potion x 2][Antipyretic potion x 2][Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory potion x2][Recurve bow x2][Felt blanket x1][7/10 spaces taken.]·͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙Ragnar met her outside their tent, his eyes lighting up as he saw her. "You look beautiful," he said, taking her hand."Thank you," she replied, standing close to him. They walked together to the centre of the camp, where a large bonfire had been lit. The clan members gathered around, their faces filled with anticipation and curiosity. As they approached, the crowd parted to make way for them, and the murmurs of conversation quieted.Ragnar raised his hand, calling for attention. "Tonight, we celebrate not just a union, but the strengthening of our clan. Azul is now Khatun of the Valthorn clan. She has already shown great courage and wisdom, and I have no doubt that she will be a worthy leader by my side."The clan members cheered, raising their cups in a toast. Azul raised her cup as well as she looked out at the faces around her, seeing acceptance and respect in their eyes. At least till her mission was over, this was her family. She drank her cup of alcohol and the tribe celebrated till late that night.