
Quick Transmigration| Princess Simulator

"No matter how I think about this, this mission is way too hard. Why are you assigning me tasks like this!? Do you want to be replaced!?" The system wisely went into hiding, refusing to face Marianne's wrath. She had envisioned her first mission as a gentle introduction: perhaps being a pampered princess in a small, luxurious kingdom, helping it flourish. Instead, she found herself as a tribal princess married off to safeguard her people. Where were the gold, the luxury, the cakes? And why did she have to live in a tent!? The only silver lining was flirting with her husband's ex and a cute guard who seemed to pop up whenever she needed him. Hm? Why is he in this mission? Is it a system bug? Between mastering herbal concoctions, dodging assassination attempts, and managing unexpected crushes, Marianne's life in "Princess Simulator" is anything but dull. Join her as she navigates love triangles, politics, wars, fights, and her quest to own an ungodly amount of gold. TLDR: Quick Transmigration Author: Currently editing

Aalis · History
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34 Chs

Chapter 5

Today was a good day. The little snake managed to find enough herbs to make some antibiotics."What's got you so happy today?" Ragnar asked curiously. They were both in an open tent while the Kuraltai Khan and his council were out hunting. Ragnar was invited to join on their day out and naturally, Azul followed.She leisurely watched as men and women on beautiful horses galloped about hunting, laughing, and drinking. She had no interest in riding a horse unless absolutely necessary; those things hurt her entire body."Nothing much," she said as she laid down on the pile of colourful pillows set out for her.Ragnar watched her settle in as if she were about to take a nap and sighed. The hunt was in full swing, the air alive with the excitement and energy of the riders. The Kuraltai Khan's men and women, clad in vibrant hunting attire, showcased their prowess as they chased after deer, rabbits, and other game."You're too lazy, how are you asleep it's barely noon." He asked exasperated."Noon is the best time to nap, you can go play I'll just sleep here." Azul nestled in, unfortunately her sleep was destined to be interrupted.The crowd was making a commotion gathering around Sisi who had caught some game.Sisi was the eye of the crowd, her graceful movements on horseback captivating everyone's attention. She hunted a deer with ease, her arrows finding their mark with precision. The men cheered, and the women watched with admiration as she brought down a magnificent stag. Women who could hold their own against men were often held up and highlighted. Especially if they were beautiful.Azul was impressed, despite herself. Sisi's skill was undeniable, and it was clear why she held such a prominent place in the Kuraltai Khan's court.Sisi rode over to Azul, her face flushed with excitement. "Khatun, you should join us. It's exhilarating!"Ragnar, overhearing the conversation, shook his head. "Azul is not accustomed to such activities. It's best she stays here."Azul's pride bristled at Ragnar's words. She didn't like being underestimated, especially not in front of someone like Sisi. "Thank you for your concern, Ragnar, but I would like to try."Keyword - try.Ragnar looked at her like she was crazy; she was literally about to take a nap because she was too lazy to do anything else. "Are you sure?"Azul nodded firmly. "Yes, I am."Sisi smiled, clearly pleased. "Wonderful! We'll get you a horse and gear."The whispering and gossip among the other clan members started immediately. It wasn't unusual for a Khatun to partake in the hunt, but this one was new, and many were curious to see how she would fare.Azul was quickly outfitted with hunting attire, and a sturdy horse was brought for her. As she mounted the horse, she felt her thighs scream in pain. She was already regretting her decision but it was too late now.The hunt resumed, and Azul found herself riding alongside Sisi. The exhilaration of the chase was intoxicating, the wind whipping through her hair as she urged her horse forward.Sisi guided her, showing her the best techniques for using the bow and arrows while riding. Azul's initial awkwardness gradually faded, replaced by a growing sense of confidence.The other riders watched in amazement as Azul, with Sisi's guidance, managed to bring down a rabbit. The cheers and applause from the crowd made her puff her cheeks out."Khatun you are a natural!" Sisi complimented, her pretty smile lighting up the entire area."Thank you for being patient with me, you are beautiful and strong, I understand why everyone thinks you will marry Ragnar.""Khatun.. You are also very beautiful, I actually feel like I pale in comparison." Sisi said with a blush, she was too adorable.Ragnar, who had been watching from a distance, felt Sisi's facial expression was odd. Maybe he should go and intervene?"Thank you, Sisi," Azul replied, she laughed at the girl's bashfulness.Ragnar, who was watching closely felt a strange sense of anxiety, as he watched them."Give me a horse." He told a servant boy who was posted to be with him.Ragnar approached them, "You were incredible, Azul. I am proud of you." He got off his horse and helped her get off hers and held her tightly.Sisi's face soured, and she quickly masked it with a smile. "Ragnar, don't you think you're being a bit overprotective? Azul has shown she can handle herself just fine."Ragnar's eyes narrowed slightly. "I'm simply ensuring her safety, Sisi. There's nothing wrong with that."Sisi's expression turned challenging. "Are you saying my company is dangerous Ragnar?"Azul, sensing the tension and felt confused, what were they arguing about?"Sisi, If it's ok I'll go back now; Ragnar must have been lonely without me.""Of course Azul, he needs more attention than a puppy."Ragnar's face was dark, but Azul said her goodbye and mounted her horse to ride by Ragnar."What was that about? I didn't know you guys were at odds.""That woman is insufferable, stay away from her."Azul looked at him, exasperated. What got into him? "Alright."Ragnar was quiet the entire ride back to the open tent; it was still late afternoon and so people were still celebrating."Ragnar! I hope you are having a good time! Drink your fill before your journey tomorrow!" The Kuraltai Khan toasted Ragnar as he came back to the open tent."Thank you, Great Khan, but Azul is not feeling well, so we will be going back to the palace first.""Oh, of course! Take care of your wife, Ragnar!"Ragnar bowed and left.Azul remained quiet; she didn't want to leave yet, but this behaviour from him was weird, she thought something bad had happened.Ragnar arranged for a sedan to take them back to the palace in silence. The evening air was cool, and the sounds of the feast faded into the distance as they made their way back as they took the two hour trip back.When they reached the palace, Ragnar led her to their room without a word. The silence was heavy, almost oppressive. Once inside, Azul could no longer hold back her feelings."Ragnar, what was that about? Is everything ok?" She asked worried."I just wanted us to come back. It's nothing." He brushed her off.She looked at him like he was crazy, he dragged her off with such urgency for nothing? "You can't drag me off like that, I was actually enjoying the hunt."Ragnar's eyes hardened. "I can do what I want. You are my woman, and I will protect you as I see fit."Azul tried to calm herself. "Your woman? Ragnar! I am your partner, not your possession!"Ragnar took a step towards her, his voice low and dangerous. "And as my partner, you should trust my judgement.""If you just tell me when you are worried, I would understand! But dragging me off like that was not ok.""Why can't you be like other wives? Just understand that I am doing this in your best interest!"Her fury reached its peak, and without thinking, she slapped him across the face. The sound echoed in the room, and for a moment, there was complete silence.Azul's eyes were cold and chilling. "I'm disappointed in you, Ragnar."She turned and stormed out of the room, leaving Ragnar standing there in stunned silence, his cheek stinging from the slap.·͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙Azul paced back and forth in the secluded, moonlit garden, the white snake slithering at her feet. The scent of jasmine and night-blooming flowers mingled with the cool night air helping her discern the turmoil in her heart.She stopped momentarily, running a hand through her hair. "I can't believe I slapped him. I probably overreacted, but this whole situation... it's so overwhelming. I didn't expect any of this." She sighed, her voice a whisper in the quiet night. "I'm just a newbie here. Everything is so different. I did not expect this at all. I should've trusted him, shouldn't I? But why was he acting so strange?"The snake didn't reply. It was just a system; it could not discern another human's emotion. Azul took a deep breath and continued her pacing, letting her frustrations fade.Suddenly, the tranquil night was broken by the faint murmur of voices. Azul froze, her instincts kicking in. She slipped behind a large bush, her heart pounding in her chest. From her hidden vantage point, she watched as a man, dressed in the dark garb of a servant, handed something small and metallic to a woman cloaked in the shadow of the garden. The woman's face was obscured, but her posture was tense, her movements were deliberate. Azul couldn't see what the object was, but the exchange felt secretive. The woman was dressed finely like the wife of a rich merchant.Azul's curiosity was piqued, and she strained to hear their conversation, but the wind carried only fragments of their words. The woman took the object, nodding once before slipping away into the darkness, leaving the man to disappear into the night. Azul remained hidden for a few minutes before finally coming out of hiding."Follow that woman." She instructed.The snake nodded and disappeared into the shadows. Azul was curious, what was going on behind the scenes.She made her way back through the winding paths, the moon casting silvery light on her path. When she reached the door to their chamber, she found it empty. Ragnar was nowhere to be seen.With a weary sigh, Azul entered the room. She removed her outer robe and crawled into bed, the cool sheets offering little comfort. The room was silent, the weight of her thoughts pressing heavily upon her.She waited for what seemed like hours, but Ragnar did not return, instead the snake came back first.[That woman is part of the harem]Azul pondered, a woman from the harem meeting a strange man at night could be multiple things.She could be buying medication, she could be having an affair or she could be a spy.She and Ragnar would be leaving tomorrow so it didn't concern her.But where was Ragnar?"Where is he?" She muttered to herself getting out of bed.She decided to look for him, she roamed the quiet hallways and couldn't find anything."Maybe I should just go back." She said with a sigh."Who's there!?" A guard spotted her making her jump."I am the Khatun of the Valthorn clan. I am looking for my Khan."The guard looked at her, she was dressed lightly in thin fabric and a shawl which she used to keep herself warm.Every woman in the Khan's backyard was off limits and most male servants here were enuchs so she wasn't too afraid."I haven't seen your Khan, but you should go back, most guards have gone to the hunt so the security here is lax, if something happens to you there would be no one to help you."That made her even more worried."Then we need to find my Khan, please, I'm worried."The guard looked at her and sighed."Fine, follow closely don't get lost." He said sternly."Thank you very much, what should I call you?" She asked softly."My name is Arthur, Khatun, but you can call me as you wish."She shook her head, "Arthur is fine. I want to just have a look around the gardens, please come with me."The guard nodded, his dark eyes and dark hair bleded into the shadows so he looked rather intimidating. But at least she felt a bit safer walking around.The both of them walked silently through the gardens. Azul felt the cold breeze of summer and couldn't help but feel light. The sweet smell of nectar was lifted with the breeze. The flowers here were sweet."This garden is so beautiful, I've never seen anything like this." She said reaching down to pick up some flowers. Taking a white one she placed it on the snake's head like a hat."Are you from a small tribe Khatun?"The guard asked."Yes, was it that obvious?" She asked with an embarrassed chuckle."I wouldn't be able to tell, you look like a lady of high standing Khatun." He said honestly and bluntly. She appreciated that.The breeze came again but this time carrying the smell of blood."Is that blood?" She said, the guard held his spear tightly."We should return now Khatun, if someone is injured I will need to call the other guards."Azul nodded and let him escort her back.Meanwhile in the garden a man hid in the bushes, his stomach bleeding perfusly. He forced himself to move in the shadows, if the guards came back he would be screwed.