
Quick Transmigration| Princess Simulator

"No matter how I think about this, this mission is way too hard. Why are you assigning me tasks like this!? Do you want to be replaced!?" The system wisely went into hiding, refusing to face Marianne's wrath. She had envisioned her first mission as a gentle introduction: perhaps being a pampered princess in a small, luxurious kingdom, helping it flourish. Instead, she found herself as a tribal princess married off to safeguard her people. Where were the gold, the luxury, the cakes? And why did she have to live in a tent!? The only silver lining was flirting with her husband's ex and a cute guard who seemed to pop up whenever she needed him. Hm? Why is he in this mission? Is it a system bug? Between mastering herbal concoctions, dodging assassination attempts, and managing unexpected crushes, Marianne's life in "Princess Simulator" is anything but dull. Join her as she navigates love triangles, politics, wars, fights, and her quest to own an ungodly amount of gold. TLDR: Quick Transmigration Author: Currently editing

Aalis · History
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34 Chs

Chapter 2

Azul clung tightly to the reins of her black horse as she and Ragnar began their journey to the Valthorn clan's territory. The early morning sun cast long shadows across the land, and the air was filled with the crisp scent of dew and earth. For the first few hours, the silence between them was palpable. Ragnar, riding his own sturdy steed, glanced occasionally at Azul, making sure she was able to keep up with him. She could feel his eyes on her, and though it made her uncomfortable, she refused to show any sign of weakness. The forest was alive with the sounds of wildlife, from the chirping of birds to the rustling of leaves as small animals darted through the underbrush. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, occasionally blinding Azul as she struggled to keep her horse steady.At noon, they stopped by a small stream to rest and water the horses. Azul dismounted stiffly, her thighs and hips were killing her. She led her horse to the water's edge and let it drink, while she knelt beside it and cupped her hands to take a sip herself. Ragnar watched her closely, washing his face in the cold water. "You handle yourself well," he remarked, breaking the silence. Azul looked up, meeting his gaze with a smile. "Thank you; my father taught me well.""That woman I saw, was she not your mother?" He asked, referring to Azul's father's wife. "She's my stepmother; it was just my father and me for a long time. After he formed the tribe, he settled down again." "So you're the last of your mother's line." Azul smiled faintly, she had no memories of her mother. Was she a good person? She didn't know. Azul clung tightly to the reins of her black horse as she and Ragnar began their journey to the Valthorn clan's territory. The early morning sun cast long shadows across the land, and the air was filled with the crisp scent of dew and earth. The path ahead was long and treacherous, winding through dense forests, across wide rivers, and over rocky hills. Despite the daunting prospect, Azul felt a sense of determination. She would prove herself worthy of her new role, not just to Ragnar, but to herself.For the first few hours, the silence between them was palpable. Ragnar, riding his own sturdy steed, glanced occasionally at Azul, studying her with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. She could feel his eyes on her, and though it made her uncomfortable, she refused to show any sign of weakness. Instead, she focused on the rhythmic motion of the horse beneath her and the beauty of the landscape around them.The landscape was breathtakingly beautiful, with towering trees whose branches intertwined to form a natural canopy above them. The forest was alive with the sounds of wildlife, from the chirping of birds to the rustling of leaves as small animals darted through the underbrush. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground and creating a serene, almost magical atmosphere.As the sun climbed higher, they stopped by a small stream to rest and water the horses. Azul dismounted gracefully, her movements fluid and confident. She led her horse to the water's edge and let it drink, while she knelt beside it and cupped her hands to take a sip herself. The cold water was refreshing, and she savoured the moment of tranquility.Ragnar watched her closely, noting her ease with the horse and her practical approach to their brief respite. "You handle yourself well," he remarked, breaking the silence.Azul looked up, meeting his gaze with a steady expression. "I've had to learn. Life in my tribe is not easy, and everyone must contribute."Ragnar nodded, a hint of respect in his eyes. "It is the same in the Valthorn clan. We value strength and resilience."Azul smiled faintly, feeling a small sense of accomplishment at his words. They continued their journey, the initial awkwardness between them slowly melting away as the hours passed. Ragnar began to open up, sharing stories of his clan's history and their fierce battles to defend their territory. He spoke of the harsh winters, the scarce resources, and the constant need to adapt and survive."What about you? What is your family like?" Azul asked during one of their stops.He thought for a while, crossing his arms and leaning against the tree bark. "My father was assassinated. I didn't know my mother. As for my siblings... we aren't close.""Oh, so no in-laws?""You'll be the Queen of everything under my power. You will share your authority with no one else."[This is your type.]Yes, he was her type. He even came with no parents or close family so she didn't have to fight for anything. In this world, that sounded impossible. And all because of a scar, she got to keep this man to herself."Ragnar, you are powerful. Why did you not steal a concubine for yourself?""I am not a beast. If I am destined to remain without an heir, so be it."[Dangerous...]Dangerously charming.They continued their journey, the initial awkwardness between them slowly melting away as the hours passed. Ragnar began to open up, sharing stories of his clan's history and their fierce battles to defend their territory. He spoke of the harsh winters, the scarce resources, and the constant need to move and find more land.Azul listened intently. She was beginning to get worried about her chance of survival in this world; if she was unlucky, she would get tetanus and just die. Since this was her first simulation, she had no golden fingers to use, all she had was what she could find here. She couldn't get sick or injured, no matter what.At night, they camped under the stars. Ragnar built them a modest fire and shared some meat with her. Since it was Azul's first time sleeping in the wild, she could not sleep; the noises made her jump, and the insects were enough to cause her to freak out a few times. It was honestly unbearable. By the time she managed to sleep, it was almost time to get up."You did not sleep well?" Ragnar asked, seeing the bags under her eyes."I'll be fine to ride.""If you need to rest more, that is okay. We can take some more time...""No!" She could not spend another day sleeping on the grass. "Your tribe is close. Don't worry, I won't fall off the horse."She knew he was worried she'd fall off and die, so she reassured him.By late afternoon, they had reached the outskirts of the Valthorn territory. The landscape had changed, becoming more rugged and wild. The air was cooler, and the sky seemed to stretch endlessly above them. The Valthorn clan awaited them, and Azul knew that her new life was about to begin. The clan members gathered to welcome them, their faces full of curiosity. Azul dismounted and stood tall beside Ragnar. Her eyes caught the eyes of kids looking up at her; she wasn't dressed too differently, but she definitely looked different to them.She heard horses, and the crowd split. A group of armoured men arrived, quickly dismounted, and knelt to the floor in front of her."Welcome, Great Khan! Welcome, Khatun!""Khatun?""They are welcoming you as Queen, Azul, Khatun of the Valthorn Clan."·͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙The first thing she did when she was taken to the Khan's tent was to bathe. Azul was led to a large, felt tent close to the Khans', which served as the bathing area. Inside, a large wooden tub was filled with heated water, infused with herbs and oils to cleanse and soothe the skin. The tent was warmed by a small fire pit in the centre, which also served to heat the stones used for creating steam.Azul undressed and stepped into the warm water, feeling the journey's grime and exhaustion begin to melt away. The steam rose around her, enveloping her in a comforting embrace. She scrubbed her skin with a rough cloth, trying to feel clean after a night on the dirt.After bathing, the servants who had been assigned to her brought large, soft cloths made from felt to dry her hair. They carefully patted her hair dry, using the warmth from the fire to help speed up the process. Azul appreciated their gentle and efficient care, though she was already feeling sleepy.By the time the servants returned with clothes for her to change into, Azul had fallen asleep. She was knocked out on the simple low wooden frame bed in the Khan's tent. The bed was covered with layers of thick felt blankets and animal skins, it was softer than anything she had felt and so she couldn't help but fall asleep.The servants exchanged knowing glances and quietly finished their tasks, making sure she was comfortably settled. They gently covered her with an additional blanket before stepping out of the tent, leaving her to rest.Azul slept soundly, her body and mind finally able to relax after the journey. The sounds of the Valthorn clan outside the tent were a distant murmur, and even the snake who had been with her closed it's eyes to relax. ·͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙[Wake up.. he is here]Azul opened her eyes and pushed herself up. "You can get back to sleep don't worry about me.." It was Ragnar, it was already dark outside and he had returned form his duties. He must have been exhausted but her muscles hurt so much she couldn't move. "Shower, come sleep..." She said between yawns as she lowered her nude body back to the bed to carry on sleeping. Ragnar watched his new wife as she drifted back to sleep, her breathing deep and even. He had been wary of this arranged marriage, uncertain of what to expect from a woman forced into such a union. Yet Azul had surprised him; despite being scared of him, she gave him a second chance. He knew he was not a woman's dream; who would marry a disfigured man? But she still smiled kindly at him. That was enough. Ragnar moved quietly to the corner of the tent where the bathing supplies were kept. He stripped off his garments, the cool air against his tanned skin. He used a basin of warm water to cleanse himself.Drying himself off with a large felt cloth, he pulled on a pair of loose trousers and a simple tunic, preferring comfort over formality in the privacy of their tent.He approached the bed, careful not to wake her, and lay down beside her. The bed, covered in thick felt blankets and animal skins, was warm and inviting. He watched Azul for a moment, the soft glow of the firelight highlighting her delicate features. There was a softness to her in sleep that complimented her intellect when awake.Ragnar reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair from her face. She stirred slightly but did not wake. He closed his eyes, exhaustion finally taking over.