
QT: The Rescue Of The Miserable Bigshots

In the novel, there are always characters who are strong, powerful, and on top of that have stunning appearances, but because of the plot arrangement and influence of the protagonist's halo, their endings are embarrassing and miserable. Jiang Jiamian’s mission is to save them. Jiang Jiamian: “It's actually very simple, just seduce and hook them up so that they no longer have time to follow the plot.” If the mission targets don't follow the plot, they can break free from the storyline and even avoid contact with the protagonist. But why do all those miserable bigshots seem to have gone crazy and turned dark all of a sudden?

latteectrie · LGBT+
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137 Chs


Unfortunately, the royal family continued to fight, and the original owner could not really sit comfortably on the throne.

It turned out that while the princes were plotting against each other, no one noticed that Yin You, the original 'idle prince', had begun secretly raising troops and seeking power.

So, on the day when the original owner ascended the throne and was about to confess to the courtiers that he was not stupid, Yin You poisoned him and turned him into a real fool.

Yin You himself became a veritable regent.

He did not choose to become the emperor directly. The reason was very simple. What he wanted was not the title of emperor, but a kind of supreme power and satisfaction that he could control even the emperor. 

Jiang Jiamian was not sure whether Yin You knew that the original owner was pretending before, but since he chose to poison the original owner, he was at least suspicious.

"System, give me a poison-avoiding skill."

Jiang Jiamian suspected that Yin You might have done more to the original owner than just the poison pill.

Because in the past three years, the original owner was not only foolish but also physically weak and mentally dizzy.

Before Jiang Jiamian opened his eyes, he carefully recalled every detail and realized that the most likely problem was the incense in the room that the eunuch changed regularly every day.

But Jiang Jiamian didn't have the time to confirm or avoid it. The best way was to spend mission points to directly avoid all possibilities of being poisoned.

"What, what does it mean?"

Jiang Jiamian's eyes were full of doubts.

Yin You bent slightly, came closer to him, and whispered, "Golden Armor Guard token. It doesn't matter if you don't understand. You just need to tell me, did your father ever give you a gold medallion with a dragon pattern engraved on it? Where is it?"

Jiang Jiamian thought hard and shook his head, "I don't remember."

Yin You frowned, raised his hand, and grasped Jiang Jiamian's collar, his voice became a little colder, "Think carefully!"

Jiang Jiamian was startled by him, and his face suddenly turned pale, "I, I will think hard, don't be cruel to me!" 

Yin You breathed out, calmed down his emotions, and spoke softly, "Then think about it carefully. If you think of it, I can reward you with a piece of your favorite osmanthus cake."

"Really?!" Jiang Jiamian's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard that he could eat osmanthus cake.

"Of course it's true." Yin You chuckled.

Hehe, he's just a fool. A piece of snack can coax him into handing over the Golden Armor Guard token. He shouldn't be anxious just now.

Although this stupid thing is a fool to begin with, Yin You has always had doubts about this matter in his heart.

A fool actually became a survivor and ascended to the throne. How could it be such a good thing?

What if he is pretending to be stupid?

That's why he didn't hesitate to get poison elixirs and incense from the miracle doctor. Now it seems that it is really a lot less troublesome.

Jiang Jiamian raised his hand and tentatively grabbed Yin He's hand that was still holding his collar. He blinked his deer-like eyes, full of expectation, "If you have osmanthus cake to eat, Jiamian will think more about it!"

Yin You's arm seemed to stiffen for a moment, and he suddenly lowered his head, "Okay. But, do you know that if you touch my sleeves without my consent, you will be punished?"

Jiang Jiamian's eyes suddenly froze, and he withdrew his hand from his wrist as if he was electrocuted, "I, I don't dare to do it anymore! No, don't cut off Jamian's hand!"

Yin You curled his lips and smiled, "How could I be willing to chop off the emperor's hands? I still want to keep them to massage my shoulders and back, and pour water to wash my feet."

Jiang Jiamian: "..." 

"System, I want to kill him."

According to the memory of the original owner, Yin You also used other methods to treat the original owner, an emperor, as a slave.

It not only frightened the original owner, but also satisfied his own evil thoughts of treating the serious emperor as a plaything.

He occasionally stayed in the palace's annex, and early in the morning he would ask the original owner to wear a dragon robe and clean the toilet pot for him.

The system smiled dryly, "Host, please calm down."

Jiang Jiamian sneered, "I'll write down this grudge first, and ask him to pay it back to me sooner or later!"

When he makes a comeback, he has to let Yin You wash his feet with his own hands, hum!

Washing his feet is nothing. If he doesn't let Yin You lick his feet willingly in the future, he won't be called Jiang Jiamian.

"Come here."

Yin You loosened his grip on Jiang Jiamian's collar. Somehow, it was not the first time he had come into contact with this fool, but this time, he felt an indescribable feeling.

But Yin You obviously didn't care about this strange thing. When he saw the eunuch who quickly bent down and trotted in after hearing the sound, "Bring me a plate of osmanthus cake." 

"Yes, Your Highness the Regent."

The eunuch hurriedly retreated and went out, then came back quickly, but unfortunately, he didn't treat Jiang Jamian as an emperor at all when he came back. He knelt down directly towards Yin You and raised the plate high above his head. "Your Highness, Prince Regent, please use it."

Jiang Jiamian sighed silently. He guesses there is no one in this palace who listens to the original owner, right?

If the token is handed over, there will be nothing left. But at this juncture, if he doesn't hand it over, Yin You might be angry and ruthless.

Things are really tricky.

There is basically no way to rebuild the power. It seems that the most convenient and reliable way is to focus on Yin You and capture him directly.

Yin You turned a blind eye to the kneeling eunuch holding a plate and had no intention of letting him get up.

He just stretched out his hand without looking back and pinched a piece of cake with his fingertips. "The osmanthus cake has arrived. Tell me where the token is and I will give it to you."

Jiang Jiamian seemed to have forgotten again to be afraid when he saw the osmanthus cake. He grabbed You Yan's hand without fear of death, "I want to eat!"

Yin You's hand was directly grasped by the warm palm. This was almost like an experience he had never had before.

"Let go." Yin You darkened his face.

"Oh!" Jiang Jiamian looked obedient and quickly took his hand away.

Yin You put the osmanthus cake back on the plate again, blocking Jiang Jiamian's view. 

"Have you remembered?" 

Jiang Jiamian bit his lip, "I…"

Yin You sneered, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch his chin, "If you can't remember, not only will you not be able to eat the cake, I will also make you into 'meat cake'."

Jiang Jiamian 'didn't understand' his threat, but he understood the first half of the sentence - he couldn't eat the osmanthus cake if he couldn't remember it.

He thought hard, "The little gold medallion, does it have a big bug with claws painted on it?"

Yin You's eyes twitched slightly, "Yes! Where is that token?"