
QT: The Rescue Of The Miserable Bigshots

In the novel, there are always characters who are strong, powerful, and on top of that have stunning appearances, but because of the plot arrangement and influence of the protagonist's halo, their endings are embarrassing and miserable. Jiang Jiamian’s mission is to save them. Jiang Jiamian: “It's actually very simple, just seduce and hook them up so that they no longer have time to follow the plot.” If the mission targets don't follow the plot, they can break free from the storyline and even avoid contact with the protagonist. But why do all those miserable bigshots seem to have gone crazy and turned dark all of a sudden?

latteectrie · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
134 Chs


"Well…" Jiang Jiamian tried to remember, "I thought it was quite fun, but then I decided it wasn't fun anymore, so I threw it away."

"Where was it thrown?" Yin You asked.

"Oh! I remembered it and threw it under this bed!" Jiang Jiamian patted the bedboard under him.

Since there's no way to avoid this matter today, it's better to just give him the things and make long-term plans.

"Then you crawl in, take it out, and I will give you osmanthus cake."


Jiang Jiamian was reluctant but didn't show this on his face. Hearing that he could eat osmanthus cake, he happily got out of bed and crawled under it.

Soon, he came out with a token in his hand, and raised it to show Yin You excitedly, "Here it is!"

Yin You's eyes fell on the golden token, and the corners of his lips raised instantly, and he stretched out his hand to take it.

"Can I eat cake now?" Jiang Jiamian looked longingly at the eunuch holding the plate.

Unfortunately, the eunuch didn't seem to hear his words. He didn't move at all, still kneeling on the spot, facing the regent.

Yin You was satisfied, turned around and put the token into his sleeve, raised his hand, picked up a piece of osmanthus cake, and handed it to Jiang Jiamian's mouth.

Jiang Jiamian: "..."

Damn, Yin You asked servants to bring a plate, but he only gave him one piece!

Before it reached Jiang Jiamian's lips, Yin You saw the greedy fool opening his mouth to greet him.

Then, he only felt the tips of the two fingers that were holding the cake were wrapped in a soft mouth and sucked hard.

Yin You's face froze, and he suddenly pulled out his hand, his face suddenly filled with anger, "How dare you!"

Jiang Jiamian was stunned by his roar. He was so frightened that he even forgot to chew the cake in his mouth, "I, I..." 

His cheeks bulged as if he didn't understand why the regent suddenly got angry, and his wet eyes were filled with tears, his eyelashes trembled. He looked helpless and pitiful.

System: "..."

Well, originally it was not sure.

Now it's confirmed.

The host was teasing Yin You on purpose.

"Did I do something wrong?" Jiang Jiamian's eyes quickly filled with tears, and he looked timidly at the dark-faced Yin You.

Yin You slightly recovered from the inexplicable numbness in his fingers and realized that he seemed to overreact. Jiang Jamian was a fool and was just in a hurry to eat cake.


Yin You directly pulled off a piece of curtain and wiped his fingers carefully, but somehow, even though his fingers had been clean, there was still a strange feeling lingering on his fingertips.

As if subconsciously, he lowered his eyes and looked at Jiang Jiamian's lips. 

When Jiang Jiamian heard that he said it was okay, he seemed to be relieved, his cheeks moved, and he was chewing the cake desperately.

He hadn't noticed it before, but this fool is pretty good-looking.

The moist peach blossom eyes, the white cheeks, and the pink lips... The touch of those lips and soft tongue wrapping his fingers just now was still clear.

Yin You only felt that the wetness on his fingertips had not been wiped off at all. He changed his hands, picked up another piece of pastry, and brought it to Jiang Jiamian's mouth who had just swallowed. "Do you still want to eat?" 

As if he heard the amnesty by accident, Jiang Jiamian's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he opened his mouth to eat the second piece of cake.

Yin You was very steady this time, neither suddenly getting angry nor immediately withdrawing his fingers, allowing Jiang Jiamian to hold the pastry in his mouth.

Jiang Jiamian smiled inwardly. It seemed that he had succeeded in the first step.

After testing, it turns out that Yin You can still be flirted with.

When Yin You saw his mouth retreating, he subconsciously turned around and wanted to get the next piece from the plate. 

He suddenly woke up and his face turned dark.

Damn it.

He was almost confused by this fool's mouth!

He obviously only planned to give him one piece, so what happened to him today?

This fool actually made him almost lose his mind. Humph, he deserves to be a fool.

"Take it back!" Yin You was a little annoyed, and his tone when he spoke to the eunuch was certainly not a pleasant one.

"Yes, Your Highness the Regent!"

The eunuch saw that Yin You's expression was not so good and he hurriedly carried out the order.


Jiang Jiamian hadn't swallowed everything yet. When he saw the cake moving away from him, his eyes widened. He straightened up and was very reluctant to part with the whole plate of osmanthus cake that he hadn't even eaten a few pieces of.

However, when he accidentally faced Yin You's face that had darkened inexplicably, he immediately wilted again and sat back obediently.

"Come here and massage my back."

Yin You no longer thought about messy things and gave the command with a cold face. Then he lifted the hem of his clothes, turned around, and sat down on the chair, resting his arms lazily on the armrests. He looked like he was waiting to be served.

Jiang Jiamian: "..." With this attitude, be careful that he won't save him and let him be taught how to be a human being by the plot!

This time it is still a romance plot, but unlike last time, Qi Yan was the supporting male lead who was defined as the villain just by Jiang Jiamian. This time, Yin You is the 'justified' villain in the plot.

It is because he is the male protagonist's father-killing enemy.

The main plot is the story of the female protagonist Feng Xiao, who is a modern woman who accidentally travels to ancient times, meets the male protagonist, and then establishes a killer organization together to help the male protagonist get revenge, and finally becomes the queen. 

The male protagonist Qi Zhao, the son of the prime minister, rescued and met the female protagonist due to an accident. The two soon fell in love, but the prime minister prevented them from getting together on the grounds that she was just the daughter of a concubine from a small family.

The heroine is determined to use the knowledge of modern people to do business. When she achieves success and can impress the prime minister, she will marry into the prime minister's house openly.

This plan was interrupted after the hero's father, the current prime minister, was killed by the powerful regent.

The plot changes from a family feud to revenge for killing one's father.

The male protagonist is filled with hatred and vows to avenge his father, and the female protagonist will naturally not stand by indifferently.

She began to use the wealth accumulated in her hands to secretly establish a killer organization while helping the male protagonist win over people's hearts. She gradually gained considerable appeal in the area outside the capital, and Qi Zhao gradually started having ambitions to become emperor.

And Yin You is like many powerful villains in novels. Countless times, the male and female protagonists almost fall into his hands, but because of the power of the plot, they always make a comeback in time.

Jiang Jiamian was not sure whether Yin You had killed the male lead's father at the current time.

If not, it would be easy to save this powerful bigshot. Just don't let him kill the prime minister and prevent the protagonists from getting married.

After the prime minister died, the hero decided to avenge his father and vowed to seize power and overthrow the regent.

If the prime minister had not died, it would have been a different situation.

Maybe the prime minister himself prevents the male and female protagonists from getting together, and the male and female protagonists can cut ties with him, and the plot will develop into a battle between true love and family.

Jiang Jiamian raised his head and glanced at Yin You, who was sitting there waiting for him to come, and sighed secretly.

Forget it, he couldn't open his mouth and ask Yin You, "Are you going to kill the prime minister now?"

Let's wait.

Yin You perhaps didn't know whether it was to embarrass the original owner or to show off his power to the civil and military officials. Sometimes he would rush the original owner to go to court in the morning.

Although Jiang Jiamian complained in his heart about Yin You, the failure of the mission was costly, so he could only secretly bear the grievances, and quickly ran towards Yin You with bare feet.