
QT: The Rescue Of The Miserable Bigshots

In the novel, there are always characters who are strong, powerful, and on top of that have stunning appearances, but because of the plot arrangement and influence of the protagonist's halo, their endings are embarrassing and miserable. Jiang Jiamian’s mission is to save them. Jiang Jiamian: “It's actually very simple, just seduce and hook them up so that they no longer have time to follow the plot.” If the mission targets don't follow the plot, they can break free from the storyline and even avoid contact with the protagonist. But why do all those miserable bigshots seem to have gone crazy and turned dark all of a sudden?

latteectrie · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
151 Chs

2.1 Tyrant Regent x Foolish Emperor

"Host, do you want to go to the next world immediately?"

The system in space has a form and is a white rabbit. At this time, it is holding its paws and looking up at Jiang Jiamian.

"Of course."

Jiang Jiamian took a puff of the simulated cigarette. He hated this empty white space, it was so suffocating in here.

Even the system's form is white.

There was always a desire to ruin this place, either to dye it black or to make it colorful, so that he could feel slightly better.

"Doesn't the host need to adjust his mentality? After all, he has experienced a relationship."

It may be difficult to complete the next task.

"Pfff." Jiang Jiamian sneered, "You underestimate me. Do you think I won't be able to get out of a relationship just because I had a sex partner?" There's no such thing as getting out of a relationship without being truly committed.


Before the system could speak, Jiang Jiamian suddenly raised his hand to cover his head, and his consciousness suddenly hurt. "What's going on!" 

The System blinked, "Huh? It seemed like a test just now. The quick travel exchange group almost collapsed. So strange..."

"Forget it." Jiang Jiamian grabbed the system's form and said, "Go to the next world."

He was in the bare and blank space and didn't want to stay for a minute longer.

The yellow curtains fluttered gently, and the dim candlelight swayed in the cool breeze. Jiang Jiamian opened his eyes and frowned in discomfort.

Before he opened his eyes, he had already accepted the plot and memories. Because he knew the situation, he did not dare to open his eyes hastily.

"Your Majesty is awake?" The man with a cold voice stood beside the bed. 


Jiang Jiamian looked up and seemed startled when he suddenly saw the man. Then he hugged the quilt and hid in the corner of the bed in an instant.

By the way, he poked the system in the sea of consciousness, "Speaking of which, can I skip this mission?"

No matter whether he was in the counterattack team before or now in the rescue team, he has never acted like a fool.

How could such a wise and intelligent man like him pretend to be a fool?

"You can't." The system was also helpless.

"Well, then I can only force myself to show my true acting skills." Jiang Jiamian's tone was pitiful, but also vaguely excited.

He was really looking forward to the challenging character he had never played.

The System: "..." It was stunned for a moment before it came back to its senses, "So you really like this mission, right?"

The host is not a newbie as a time traveler. Doesn't he know that missions are random and cannot be skipped?

It answered him stupidly, huh.

Yin You looked at the young man wearing a bright undershirt quickly shrinking to the corner of the bed with cold eyes, and couldn't help but sneer secretly, ha, this stupid thing.

However, such a stupid thing had such a good life. Not only was he born into a royal family, he also became the only surviving son of the late emperor and sat on the supreme throne.

"Come here." Yin You ordered.

"I, I don't dare..." Jiang Jiamian hugged the quilt tightly as if this quilt was his last reliance and protection.

"I order you to come here!" Yin You's face darkened, and his frightening aura spread silently.

"I, I, I, I'll go over!" Jiang Jiamian was frightened and rolled up the quilt, crawling out of the bed.

Yin You's face finally looked better, and he said in a manly voice, "I don't want to disturb the emperor at such a late hour." He talked to the emperor, but his tone was condescending and commanding.

Before Jiang Jiamian could speak, Yin You tilted his head, "It's just that I got a piece of news today by chance, saying that the late emperor also secretly trained a group of golden armored guards, loyal only to the emperor."

Yin You, the regent of the dynasty, was cruel and power-hungry. The civil and military officials were afraid of him and called him evil.

It alludes to him coercing the emperor and secretly controlling the imperial power, which is the worst taboo and disaster for the country.

But for Jiang Jiamian, this is a powerful and miserable bigshot he has to save this time.

And the original owner possessed by Jiang Jiamian was actually a supreme emperor, unfortunately, he was a fool.

However, after accepting the memory of the original owner, Jiang Jiamian discovered that the original owner was not born this way. It's because when the late emperor was in power, there were many sons who all fought against each other to the point of fratricide.

The original owner was extremely smart at a young age. When he sensed the danger, he began to act like a fool to avoid the danger.

This mask lasted for more than ten years.

Ironically, several of his scheming brothers were assassinated by this power whirlpool, and besides him, only two more were left in the end.

What's even more ridiculous is that in the last year when the late emperor was dying, he was often in a state of confusion, and the previous secret fights became obvious.

One of the two people died in an assassination, and the other happily thought that he would sit on the throne, only to realize that he had been chronically poisoned. In the end, he died even before the old emperor. 

Only one 'fool' survived among the five sons of the late emperor.

Jiang Jiamian couldn't help but shake his head. According to the memory of the original owner, his father had discovered that the original owner was not just pretending to be stupid, but also secretly participated in this fighting.

And the chronic poison came from the hands of the original owner.