
QT: System, Host and Kids

Have you ever grown tired of living? Ever thought the emotions you are feeling can be faked and are temporary? Ever thought death is better than life? But didn't have the courage to accept death even after longing for it because there are people in the world Who don't want you to die, your death will bring sorrow to them and you don't want that. The constant feeling of helplessness, the desire to end everything, to come out of the Matrix you are trapped in, have you ever felt it? Ever questioned, Is this the actual way to live a life? Ever wished for an eternal sleep? I don't know what your answers are to these questions but for the mc of this book, the answers are all in positive. Meet Keeran Ambani, the protagonist who is even capable of faking her own emotions. Countless times she has drowned herself in sorrows of others. It was like recreation of their emotions in her heart. She yearned for death, for the eternal sleep it will bring to her. She didn't want to exist anymore for it was tiring and very boring to her. Very weird right? For this weirdness of hers she got a chance to become a host of a quick transmigration system. Her mission was to save the poor souls who wanted to live desperately and didn't want to give in to the one who wrote their destiny. She was torn between choosing eternal sleep and the QT system then she saw that in the benefits section it was mentioned that the host can sleep for as long as he or she wants to. ‘ It's like time skip.’ she thought and that option was the one which prompted her to choose the QT system. And later she didn't like this decision of hers at all, not that she regretted it. The reason behind this is here- Dot: ' What's your plan now? Till now all you have done is acting, acting like a lovelorn fool.' Keeran: ' I'll take things as they come.' Dot: ' Dot wants a change of host.' Keeran: ' I also want a change of system.' Dot: ' Useless bish' Keeran: ' Pointless ball' Dot: ' Failure of the century ' Keeran: ' A round shit in my treasury ' Dot: ' Brainless Barbie ' Keeran: ' Bald Beggar ' Dot: ' How is Dot a beggar? ' Keeran: ' How is Keeran brainless? ' Dot: ' Wait! It got a notification.' Keeran: ' What is it? ' She didn't like to argue, she would rather comply than to argue with someone given that the other party needs to be some living being but with the system she doesn't want to give in. And that's how her journey as a quick transmigrator started which made her realise what true Matrix is.

lazyn · Urban
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6 Chs


" Congratulations, she is three months pregnant". said the doctor and then BooM fireworks exploded in Mother Robbinson's heart.

"Re--Really? Are you telling the truth?"

" Yes " with a smile, the doctor replied.

" Danny, did you hear that? Did you? I am going to have a grandchild. Yo--You are going to be an uncle. Oh..ohh dear this is such a good thing". She exclaimed while Danny was happy for his brother.

" Yeah mom I heard that". He said.

" Thanks doctor. Thank you so much". They both thanked the doctor and went inside the Kiara's ward.

Mother Robbinson lovingly caressed her head and thought that her sweety Kiara wouldn't be alone in her life. She will have her child with her, a gift from Daniel and ahh if Daniel was alive he would be so happy but alas he is not among them anymore.

" Mom" Danny interrupted her inner monologue.

" Yeah?"

" I will go and bring my sister in law something to eat, you said that she didn't have anything for breakfast".

" Ohh yeah you should. It completely went out of my mind. Go, go hurry I think she will be waking up soon . Oh and give the good news to him, forget it , I will do it myself". She hurried Danny with that and called Father Robbinson to give him the good news.

Father Robbinson was having a meeting with some CEOs of other companies about a collaboration when his phone which was on silent vibrated and after looking at the caller id he didn't dare delay in picking up the call.

" Excuse me" he said and disregarding other's objection he picked the call.

" What is it, honey? Is Kiara alright?" He asked in an extremely sweet manner making those who were listening to him cringe.

It was well known in their circle what kind of a wife servant Father Robbinson was.

" We are going to be grandparents, darling". She said almost squealing like a little girl.

" What?" Father Robbinson was dumbfounded." What did you say? Care to repeat it" he asked.

" You are gonna be a grandfather, sweetheart". She rephrased her words.

" How dare Danny impregnate a woman before marriage?!" He roared, misunderstanding what his wife meant.

" What are you saying old man? How can our son Danny do such an immoral thing? It is our Daniel's baby, honey. Kiara is pregnant. She is three months pregnant. Did you hear that?" Mother Robbinson explained hurriedly.

" That is such a heavenly thing honey". He said emotionally.

" She is really an angel. We will have to take good care of her. " He said, grateful that Daniel left something for them before he left, he was even more grateful to Kiara for being so loyal to his son and doing such great favour by bringing Daniel's child into this world.

" Yeah" Mother Robbinson said and with that the call was cut.

After a while Kiara opened her eyes and asked groggily, " What happened mom? Why am I here?"

" Oh sweety. You fainted in the bathroom. Don't you remember? Forget it, how are you feeling? Are you uncomfortable anywhere dear? Should I call the doctor?" She bombarded her with questions.

" I am fine mom, just a bit hungry." She said weakly.

" Aren't you curious about the reason you fainted sweety? " Mother Robbinson asked, giving the mealbox Danny brought to her.

" Did something happen mom?" She asked back.

" You are three months pregnant sweety " she informed jovially.

Kiara touched her belly with both years and a smile on her face.

Dot: ' Your skill section didn't mention anything about acting at all.'

Keeran: ' Just because I don't have a skill doesn't mean I don't have what it takes to master it.'

Dot: ' WoW reminds of the shiny black dish you made.'

Keeran:'.....' She is just a bit forgetful kay, she just forgot she had put something on the stove.

Keeran: ' Can't you give me some face for I am your host?' God damn it. She will definitely file a complaint against this dumb ball.

Dot: ' On what grounds?'

Keeran:' We are in a symbiotic relationship.'

Dot:' Ohh'

Keeran: ' .... ' She is offended now.

The news of Kiara being pregnant spread like a wildfire. Those who mocked her previously for her foolishness now realised the power and position she will be holding in the Robbinson family.

Her pregnancy was so shocking that the word about it even reached the male lead Mark Emmons who upon hearing everything decided to return back before the predetermined time of the plot.

Meanwhile somewhere in the dark, sat a young man, with heavy chains that bound his hands loosely and legs in a secure way, his bangs covering the crazed look on his face and a smile so devious yet angelic that didn't sit well with the look in his eyes.

"Kia..Oh.. Kia" he chanted like a melody.

" My little toy, you have pledged your loyalty to someone else, what's more you are even bearing his child." He said with a look of hurt but the smile in his eyes said otherwise.

" Don't you miss me? Don't you want to play with me again? Looks like I have to brush up my presence in your life? But how should I do it?" He mused.

" If only the chains around my legs loosened then I will be able to play with you to my heart's content and you won't be missing my presence in your life." He spoke again looking at chains around his legs which showed signs of loosening.

" Wait a bit more and I'll be there. HAHAHAHAHA " He gave an evil laugh.

Keeran, unaware of the storm she summoned unintentionally by her deeds, was now having her usual banter with Dot.

Dot: ' What's your plan now? Till now all you have done is acting, acting like a lovelorn fool.'

Keeran: ' I'll take things as they come.'

Dot: ' Dot wants a change of host.'

Keeran: ' I also want a change of system.'

Dot: ' Useless bish'

Keeran: ' Pointless ball'

Dot: ' Failure of the century '

Keeran: ' A round shit in my treasury '

Dot: ' Brainless Barbie '

Keeran: ' Bald Beggar '

Dot: ' How is Dot a beggar? '

Keeran: ' How is Keeran brainless? '

Dot: ' Wait! It got a notification.'

Keeran: ' What is it? '

Dot: ' Uhh The ML is coming back to the country.'

Keeran: ' A deviation in the plot ?'

Dot: ' Of course stupid bish. '

.....and the banter continued....

How is the pacing of the plot? Is it slow?

lazyncreators' thoughts