
QT: System, Host and Kids

Have you ever grown tired of living? Ever thought the emotions you are feeling can be faked and are temporary? Ever thought death is better than life? But didn't have the courage to accept death even after longing for it because there are people in the world Who don't want you to die, your death will bring sorrow to them and you don't want that. The constant feeling of helplessness, the desire to end everything, to come out of the Matrix you are trapped in, have you ever felt it? Ever questioned, Is this the actual way to live a life? Ever wished for an eternal sleep? I don't know what your answers are to these questions but for the mc of this book, the answers are all in positive. Meet Keeran Ambani, the protagonist who is even capable of faking her own emotions. Countless times she has drowned herself in sorrows of others. It was like recreation of their emotions in her heart. She yearned for death, for the eternal sleep it will bring to her. She didn't want to exist anymore for it was tiring and very boring to her. Very weird right? For this weirdness of hers she got a chance to become a host of a quick transmigration system. Her mission was to save the poor souls who wanted to live desperately and didn't want to give in to the one who wrote their destiny. She was torn between choosing eternal sleep and the QT system then she saw that in the benefits section it was mentioned that the host can sleep for as long as he or she wants to. ‘ It's like time skip.’ she thought and that option was the one which prompted her to choose the QT system. And later she didn't like this decision of hers at all, not that she regretted it. The reason behind this is here- Dot: ' What's your plan now? Till now all you have done is acting, acting like a lovelorn fool.' Keeran: ' I'll take things as they come.' Dot: ' Dot wants a change of host.' Keeran: ' I also want a change of system.' Dot: ' Useless bish' Keeran: ' Pointless ball' Dot: ' Failure of the century ' Keeran: ' A round shit in my treasury ' Dot: ' Brainless Barbie ' Keeran: ' Bald Beggar ' Dot: ' How is Dot a beggar? ' Keeran: ' How is Keeran brainless? ' Dot: ' Wait! It got a notification.' Keeran: ' What is it? ' She didn't like to argue, she would rather comply than to argue with someone given that the other party needs to be some living being but with the system she doesn't want to give in. And that's how her journey as a quick transmigrator started which made her realise what true Matrix is.

lazyn · Urban
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6 Chs


" May the path of Dharma enlighten you." Everyone said after the chanting of Amitabha Sutra ended.

" I want to make my last vow to him." Kiara suddenly uttered making everyone turn their heads towards her in unison.





They couldn't understand what she meant by this. For a moment they felt that their brain stopped functioning properly.

" Kyu kar rhi ho aisa sona? Tumhare pas apni puri jindagi pari h. Don't be silly.( Why are you doing this dear? You have your entire life left. Don't be silly.)" Mother Adani tried to stop her after the surprise she felt was gone and was replaced by anxiousness as she had an inkling about what she was going to do.

Mother Robbinson also tried to persuade her , " Sweety, you are still young. You should consider it carefully you know. "

" Stop this Kia. You are not allowed... " Father Adani said sternly when he was cut off by Kiara.

" I AM NOT ASKING FOR ANYONE'S PERMISSION. " She said with a steeling determination in her eyes.

" I have thought it out the entire time he was not by my side, when I feel the coldness on the other side of the bed. The short amount of time we spent together I will keep it for eternity." Kiara spoke almost wishpering but the words resonated in the entire prayer hall like a thunder on a cloudy day.

" I will remain his widow and mourn for his death by being a vegetarian my entire life. That's my last vow to him" She declared, more like a conviction.

To say they were shocked would be an understatement at that moment.

The reactions varied from person to person. Kiara's parents had troubled expressions on their faces which was reasonable since their only daughter chose a life full of misery, their heart was filled to the brim with regret while Daniel's parents had touched expressions gracing their faces and Danny felt that his big brother was really lucky to marry such a devoted wife.

Meanwhile the forgotten Dot: "...." questioningtheefficiencyofit'sRAMandROM.jpeg. Dot felt it's processor shake for a moment from the shock. It was probably the most shocked one out of everyone who was present.

The family stayed in the temple for some time after that and had a simple vegetarian breakfast and left for home, the way they came.

Dot: ' That was nice coming from you host. Can Dot ask a question?'

Keeran: ' Heh.. of course.' She will tolerate this dumb ball.

Dot: ' Tell How did the great brain of yours think of this? Do you even know Kiara died in this country only. You could have escaped to India you know. You are inviting the danger. DO YOU KNOW THIS?'

If the dumb Dot could think of this then she obviously had it all thought out. Doing this will not be going against the persona set for Kiara as she was still following Kiara's character.

As for what she did, well firstly it will enhance her image in everyone's eyes, secondly the motive behind the murder of the mother and son was not made clear at all, by doing this she was assessing the motive of the murderer and trying to gauge out what truly triggered the murderer and thirdly she has always been a vegetarian in her entire life so she couldn't bring herself to eat non veg food at all.

But was she going to explain all this to dumb Dot? Nah bruh.. let him brainstorm. Isn't it artificially intelligent ?

Dot:' Why aren't you answering?' Damn woman answer me.

Keeran: ' I don't feel like talking. Ahh got into the character too much. See ya later bye.'

Dot: '@#$&£¢€¥π√¶∆'

The Adani couple were angry at their daughter for doing such a thing without even consulting them. They thought she was being foolish in love. They indeed wanted to arrange a second marriage for her. Never had Father Adani regretted setting the marriage for his only daughter more than he is now that he knows she will not back down from the solemn promise she made to his late son in law. The couple left for India shortly after the incident.

Meanwhile the main Robbinson family had a different level of respect for her. They admired the love she held in her heart for Daniel and because of that they started caring more about her.

The mourning period was of forty nine days and they had to go to the temple for prayers every seven days.

It didn't take much time for the word of mouth to spread the grand sacrifice the daughter in law of the Robbinsons did. Some respected her for that, some mocked and made fun of her while others thought it was a pity.

Just like that the mourning period of forty nine days passed very uneventfully. The time for Kiara's pregnancy to be revealed was also coming.

Danny had started living with his parents after Mother Robbinson insisted that he should stay. It also reduced the emptiness of the house.

Slowly slowly their life was coming back on track when one day Kiara didn't come down for breakfast and Mother Robbinson had one of the maids send breakfast to her room thinking that she probably slept late. A few moments later the shriek of the maid was heard coming from Kiara's room. They were halfway towards her room when they saw the maid running towards them in panic.

" M-Ma-Madam Ki-Kiara...she..she has fainted in the bathroom." the maid said trembling. Mother Robbinson quickly went to the room and truly found Kiara lying on the floor in a lethargic state.

She didn't wait for ambulance and directly took Kiara to the hospital with the help of some of the servants. On the way to the hospital she informed Father Robbinson and Danny about the situation at home.

Kiara was admitted in the VIP department. They did a few tests on her.

"It would take two hours for the results to come out ma'am but rest assured, from the observations it can be deduced that the patient is extremely tired due to mental stress. There seems to be no other problem with her body. That's what I can say until the results come out." The doctor concluded.

Mother Robbinson sighed in relief at that and asked, " When will she wake up?"

" In about an hour." The doc replied.

Till now Danny had also arrived in the hospital and he was also relieved after hearing that. Then he helped completing the admission procedures of the hospital.

While all of this was happening, Keeran was wide awake in her mind.

' By the way, Dot answer me seriously, will you?' she asked.

Sensing her serious tone, Dot answered, ' Yes'

' Where did Kiara truly go?' she asked again.

' She reunited with her husband.' Dot said.

' That means...' she probed.

' Yes' Dot confirmed.

What do you think she was probing about?

lazyncreators' thoughts