
QT: System, Host and Kids

Have you ever grown tired of living? Ever thought the emotions you are feeling can be faked and are temporary? Ever thought death is better than life? But didn't have the courage to accept death even after longing for it because there are people in the world Who don't want you to die, your death will bring sorrow to them and you don't want that. The constant feeling of helplessness, the desire to end everything, to come out of the Matrix you are trapped in, have you ever felt it? Ever questioned, Is this the actual way to live a life? Ever wished for an eternal sleep? I don't know what your answers are to these questions but for the mc of this book, the answers are all in positive. Meet Keeran Ambani, the protagonist who is even capable of faking her own emotions. Countless times she has drowned herself in sorrows of others. It was like recreation of their emotions in her heart. She yearned for death, for the eternal sleep it will bring to her. She didn't want to exist anymore for it was tiring and very boring to her. Very weird right? For this weirdness of hers she got a chance to become a host of a quick transmigration system. Her mission was to save the poor souls who wanted to live desperately and didn't want to give in to the one who wrote their destiny. She was torn between choosing eternal sleep and the QT system then she saw that in the benefits section it was mentioned that the host can sleep for as long as he or she wants to. ‘ It's like time skip.’ she thought and that option was the one which prompted her to choose the QT system. And later she didn't like this decision of hers at all, not that she regretted it. The reason behind this is here- Dot: ' What's your plan now? Till now all you have done is acting, acting like a lovelorn fool.' Keeran: ' I'll take things as they come.' Dot: ' Dot wants a change of host.' Keeran: ' I also want a change of system.' Dot: ' Useless bish' Keeran: ' Pointless ball' Dot: ' Failure of the century ' Keeran: ' A round shit in my treasury ' Dot: ' Brainless Barbie ' Keeran: ' Bald Beggar ' Dot: ' How is Dot a beggar? ' Keeran: ' How is Keeran brainless? ' Dot: ' Wait! It got a notification.' Keeran: ' What is it? ' She didn't like to argue, she would rather comply than to argue with someone given that the other party needs to be some living being but with the system she doesn't want to give in. And that's how her journey as a quick transmigrator started which made her realise what true Matrix is.

lazyn · Urban
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6 Chs


" So you are saying that in the original plot the male lead didn't get to hear anything about Kiara and only after her death he came to know about the sufferings she went through and returned to country in order to avenge her and elevate the guilt for not helping his friend in her dire times." Keeran analysed.

' That's correct. Your deed of committing yourself to your late husband was admirable to many and that led to people talking about it so much that the words of your vow reached even to the ears of those who have no interest in gossip apparently every mother in law wants a daughter in law like you know and the pregnancy is like an icing on top of the cake.' Dot confirmed and analysed a bit more for her feeling rather generous.

'Hmm and this will make the snake more cautious in doing things to harm the mother son duo.'

Dot: ' True but doesn't your stupid brain realise that's more dangerous?'

Keeran: ' I was just trying to buy more time until the male lead returns and hehe I succeeded, what's more the male lead is also coming back sooner than the predetermined time of the plot. Now listen carefully dumbball, the natural hatred of a villian and a hero will come into play after the ML returns. In other words, even with Kiara's death out of the picture the ML will still go after the villain.'

Dot: ' How? Dot didn't get it.'

Keeran: ' I knew it was too much for your cheap processor.'

Dot: '....' Bish one day Dot will get it's dignity back.

And then the stupid system started to become delulu.

It's been three months since the news of Kiara's pregnancy. Kiara's parents after knowing about it were even more happy than her in-laws and became uninvited guests at the Robbinsons. During these three months everyone took care of the young pregnant woman to the best of their abilities.

Danny brought toys and other necessary stuff for babies almost every week and looking at him no one wanted to be left behind so the house became full of baby products to the point that the biggest room was emptied and was made into a warehouse for the baby.

Every week a gynaecologist would be called for a check up and every month she would be taken to the hospital for a detailed check up.

She was six months pregnant now and it was time for her to go to the hospital and this time it was Danny's turn to take her there. Over time Danny and her, they had become close friends and he stopped calling her sister in law since it reminded her of his brother.

On the way to the hospital, Kiara was drawn to a low key luxury car at the red light. Noticing that Danny also looked over. The car having basked under the glorious halo of the male lead was famous.

" That's Mark Emmons' car." He said.

" Mark Emmons?" Kiara said questioningly as she was not sure if it was the same Mark Emmons she knew when she was a kid.

Dot: ' Dot is surprised again at how well you play the role of the body you've inhabited. It's like you merged with it. Dot begrudgingly appreciates it. You should be proud, woman.'

Keeran: '... bombasticsideeye.jpeg.'

Keeran: ' Why didn't you inform me about his activities? Don't tell me the great Dot is slacking in work?.'

Dot: ' You yourself said that you didn't want to know about the kitty parties the cannon fodder female supporting characters are having and about the steamy nights the protagonists are having. You made it clear that you didn't want to hear anything about such things so as to keep your ears clean and pure.

" Yeah you might not know about him since he is often abroad. He is the only son of the Emmons family which monopolises the software industry. I didn't hear about his return though. It seems no one knows about it." He explained.


' Where is he going?' she asked Dot.

'Oh, he is going to meet the investigator.'

' He has already started investigating and you are informing me now.'

' This is his first meeting with the investigator.' Dot said very professionally which surprised Keeran since all it was focused on was how to embarrass her.

' Record it. I want to watch it later. Actually , except the r18 things he does record everything.' she instructed.

' Do you think the villain is around him?' Dot asked, curious what was going on in her pea sized brain.

'Hmm' Keeran just hummed in response. Something just didn't sit right in the plot. In the summary of the plot she was given, the ML defeated the villain too easily. It could also be possible that the major things were not mentioned in the summary and she was given a basic outline of the plot.

Danny was not much of a talker and Kiara talked less and less after the death of Daniel so their journey to the hospital passed in silence.

During ultrasound, looking at the little baby in the screen Keeran's motherly love was overflowing through her eyes. For the first time she was going to give birth and even though the baby was not truly hers, it didn't matter to her as long as the baby called her mother she didn't mind. Motherhood is really something.

While Kiara was going through her monthly check up, Mark Emmons was having a solemn conversation with the investigator.

" So you mean to say that there was something in the plane that started emitting strong radio waves after the plane took off which messed with the navigation system and caused the plane to crash?" Mark simplified the investigator's words.

" Exactly" confirmed the investigator.

" What is it?" Asked Mark.

" I don't know for now. I will have to investigate every single person who boarded that plane to find out what exactly is that thing and who carried it to the plane. It's not easy sir." Replied the investigator.

"Do it." Mark almost commanded him.

" As long as you can pay me I will be at your service." The investigator said.

" You don't have to worry about that." Mark replied.