
QT: System, Host and Kids

Have you ever grown tired of living? Ever thought the emotions you are feeling can be faked and are temporary? Ever thought death is better than life? But didn't have the courage to accept death even after longing for it because there are people in the world Who don't want you to die, your death will bring sorrow to them and you don't want that. The constant feeling of helplessness, the desire to end everything, to come out of the Matrix you are trapped in, have you ever felt it? Ever questioned, Is this the actual way to live a life? Ever wished for an eternal sleep? I don't know what your answers are to these questions but for the mc of this book, the answers are all in positive. Meet Keeran Ambani, the protagonist who is even capable of faking her own emotions. Countless times she has drowned herself in sorrows of others. It was like recreation of their emotions in her heart. She yearned for death, for the eternal sleep it will bring to her. She didn't want to exist anymore for it was tiring and very boring to her. Very weird right? For this weirdness of hers she got a chance to become a host of a quick transmigration system. Her mission was to save the poor souls who wanted to live desperately and didn't want to give in to the one who wrote their destiny. She was torn between choosing eternal sleep and the QT system then she saw that in the benefits section it was mentioned that the host can sleep for as long as he or she wants to. ‘ It's like time skip.’ she thought and that option was the one which prompted her to choose the QT system. And later she didn't like this decision of hers at all, not that she regretted it. The reason behind this is here- Dot: ' What's your plan now? Till now all you have done is acting, acting like a lovelorn fool.' Keeran: ' I'll take things as they come.' Dot: ' Dot wants a change of host.' Keeran: ' I also want a change of system.' Dot: ' Useless bish' Keeran: ' Pointless ball' Dot: ' Failure of the century ' Keeran: ' A round shit in my treasury ' Dot: ' Brainless Barbie ' Keeran: ' Bald Beggar ' Dot: ' How is Dot a beggar? ' Keeran: ' How is Keeran brainless? ' Dot: ' Wait! It got a notification.' Keeran: ' What is it? ' She didn't like to argue, she would rather comply than to argue with someone given that the other party needs to be some living being but with the system she doesn't want to give in. And that's how her journey as a quick transmigrator started which made her realise what true Matrix is.

lazyn · Urban
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6 Chs


Excluding the branch families, the main family of Robbinsons consisted of Father Robbinson, Mother Robbinson, Kiara's husband Daniel Robbinson and her brother in law Danny Robbinson. Father Robbinson was the chairman of the Robinsons Group while Daniel held the position of CEO and Danny occupied the post of COO.

As for Kiara's maiden family,the Adani family, it included Father Adani and Mother Adani and Kiara their only daughter. There was no branch family since Father Adani was an orphan who had created his own business empire from scratch together with Mother Adani contrary to the Robbinsons who had inherited their fame and wealth from their ancestors.

After staying in the mourning hall for a few hours Keeran left when Mother Adani almost pleaded with her to have something to eat. She was wondering what to do next and whether keeping the news about pregnancy would really keep her out of harm's way when they reached the dining room.

Father Robbinson was seated in the master's seat and others were seated accordingly but everyone's face was down and it fell even more after looking at the empty chair Daniel was supposed to sit on. The women were hardly holding the tears as they touched the corner of their eyes frequently.

As Keeran looked at the luxurious dining room which looked as if it was screaming money she exclaimed a wow in her mind.

Dot: ' Yeah the extravagance of the entire room is indeed worthy of the awe the poor host is having.'

Keeran: ' Yeah and the stupid one is not worthy of sitting in such a luxurious room like how I am sitting. '

Dot: ' Who? '

Keeran: ' You '

Dot: ' ....' Dot feels the need to purchase a black notebook 📓.

Feeling the silence in her head Keeran took the seat beside the empty one like a lifeless puppet. She didn't need to act depressed because the heavy ambiance in the room almost brought back the depression she was suffering from before death.

Everyone in the main family as well as Kiara's parents were present, they were discussing going to a Buddhist temple to pray for him the next day.

Father Robbinson asked Keeran, " Is there anything you would like to do for him, Keeran? Or if you have any suggestions then you are free to say it , I will make arrangements according to it." Being the life partner of his son, he felt the need to ask her about it.

Keeran replied shortly, " I will go with your arrangements dad."

Father Robbinson said, " Good then, we will leave tomorrow for it."

And then only silence was heard in the room with everyone staring at the food placed on the dining table as if staring at the food would automatically fill their stomach. Mother Adani tried to spoon feed Kiara (Keeran) but after having two spoonfuls of food she said that she was full and directly left for her room. Sadness and pain has the ability to curb your hunger. No one had much food and silently left for their own room.

"Honey, what should we do?" Mother Adani asked as leaned in the arms of Father Adani. "Let her come out of her grief first. She is unstable now. We will talk about it later in India." Father Adani said.

" Shall we take her back with us? She might not like it here anymore now that our son in law is..." She didn't elaborate further as he knew what she meant.

" If she agrees we shall." replied Father Adani.

Meanwhile Keeran was in her room listening to her parents discussion through Dot.

Keeran: ' hmm.. I feel they want me to have a second marriage.'

Dot: ' Seems like it. So are you going with them?'

Keeran: ' You will find out tomorrow. '

Dot: ' Are you trying to make Dot curious?'

Keeran: ' What do you think? '

Dot: ' Congratulations woman you successfully captured Dot's attention.' In your dreams, bish. Dot is just playing along to satisfy the stupid you so that you can have a happy working atmosphere.

Keeran unaware of its inner monologue: ' Hehehe.. Why should I tell you? It's not like the dumb you can do anything about it. HaHaHa..' How does it feel to be left hanging? It's not like only you can diss me in your mind. Heh Even if she didn't know what it was thinking she knew for sure that it was saying something bad about her.

The next morning everyone became present in the drawing room at the decided time and left for the temple after making sure everyone was ready. Father Robbinson and Mother Robbinson left in one car, Kiara's parents left in another and it became Danny's responsibility to escort Kiara there.

For a moment both of them stood there awkwardly. Danny didn't live with his parents unlike his brother and therefore didn't have that much interaction with Kiara. In fact he was a bit of a workaholic as even during his elder brother's wedding he was away on a business trip.

"Shall we?" asked Kiara, breaking the awkwardness between them.

"O..ohh yeah" Danny stuttered before opening the door of the passenger seat.

" Thank you," Keeran said and then entered the car.

" My pleasure" he said and drove towards the deserted area of the city.

The temple was in the deserted area of the city surrounded by a large number of trees equivalent to a small forest. Only the monks and their disciples dwelled there. The scenery was full of greenery, pebble paths and there was a groundwater spring.

After arriving in the temple they were escorted to the area where prayers were done by a disciple of the chief monk. The prayer area was a large hall with a grand Buddha in the front with various incense burners where many incense sticks were burning giving the hall a calming ambiance.

Everyone took an incense stick and after wishing Daniel peace in their minds stuck the incense stick in the burner.

Dot: ' You look sincere doing that you know. Dot is amazed.'

Keeran: 'That's cuz I AM sincere you fool.'

Dot: ' Ohh, Dot thought that the useless you is good at acting, sigh, turns out Dot was dreaming in broad daylight.'

Keeran: '...' Ahh how she wished to use this dumb ball as a stress ball.

Keeran: ' Don't jump so enthusiastically in front of me stupid ball. One kick from me and you will land on Mars directly.' heh talking shit with me.

Dot:' Stupid woman, it doubts your tiny self can do that and who the hell is a stupid ball, Dot is the most intelligent, the most charismatic and the mightiest in the entire realm of systems. You don't know what kind of rare gem you have stumbled on with your poor luck. Blah blah blah'

Any tips for the plot?

lazyncreators' thoughts