
QT: System, Host and Kids

Have you ever grown tired of living? Ever thought the emotions you are feeling can be faked and are temporary? Ever thought death is better than life? But didn't have the courage to accept death even after longing for it because there are people in the world Who don't want you to die, your death will bring sorrow to them and you don't want that. The constant feeling of helplessness, the desire to end everything, to come out of the Matrix you are trapped in, have you ever felt it? Ever questioned, Is this the actual way to live a life? Ever wished for an eternal sleep? I don't know what your answers are to these questions but for the mc of this book, the answers are all in positive. Meet Keeran Ambani, the protagonist who is even capable of faking her own emotions. Countless times she has drowned herself in sorrows of others. It was like recreation of their emotions in her heart. She yearned for death, for the eternal sleep it will bring to her. She didn't want to exist anymore for it was tiring and very boring to her. Very weird right? For this weirdness of hers she got a chance to become a host of a quick transmigration system. Her mission was to save the poor souls who wanted to live desperately and didn't want to give in to the one who wrote their destiny. She was torn between choosing eternal sleep and the QT system then she saw that in the benefits section it was mentioned that the host can sleep for as long as he or she wants to. ‘ It's like time skip.’ she thought and that option was the one which prompted her to choose the QT system. And later she didn't like this decision of hers at all, not that she regretted it. The reason behind this is here- Dot: ' What's your plan now? Till now all you have done is acting, acting like a lovelorn fool.' Keeran: ' I'll take things as they come.' Dot: ' Dot wants a change of host.' Keeran: ' I also want a change of system.' Dot: ' Useless bish' Keeran: ' Pointless ball' Dot: ' Failure of the century ' Keeran: ' A round shit in my treasury ' Dot: ' Brainless Barbie ' Keeran: ' Bald Beggar ' Dot: ' How is Dot a beggar? ' Keeran: ' How is Keeran brainless? ' Dot: ' Wait! It got a notification.' Keeran: ' What is it? ' She didn't like to argue, she would rather comply than to argue with someone given that the other party needs to be some living being but with the system she doesn't want to give in. And that's how her journey as a quick transmigrator started which made her realise what true Matrix is.

lazyn · Urban
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6 Chs

World 1: The fatherless child

As Dot said she truly was the poor widow whose husband died two and half months after their marriage. The body she inhabited was named Kiara Adani. She was the only daughter of an Indian businessman.

Daniel Robbinson and Kiara Adani had an arranged marriage. She was against this marriage yet she got married abiding by her father's wish. She could have eloped with someone or could simply run away but this would have brought disgrace to her father so she agreed to the marriage.

Her husband was the heir of the multi million company which dealt with real estates. He was handsome and was considerate, thoughtful, patient and gave off a mature and warm vibe. These qualities of his were the ones that won her heart.

At first she was very estranged towards her husband. eventually accepted him because of his good nature. Just as the relationship was going forward he died in a plane crash without an intact body. She was more than heartbroken after taking in the news of her husband's death.

Two months after his death Kiara Adani was finally ready to move on with the help of some therapies and consulting. she realised that she was pregnant and that brought back her pain of losing her husband whom she loved with all her heart. The short amount of time she lived with him couldn't compare to the immeasurable love she had for him.

Along with the pain, the little one in her womb also brought her a new hope. As time went by the little one became her only light in the world. She started to take care of herself more and totally devoted herself to her unborn child.

She was so preoccupied with everything and trying to cope up with her wounded heart that she didn't even question or try to find out whether the seemingly accidental death of her husband was truly accidental or not. As the saying goes misfortune follows fortune, it didn't take much time for the culprit behind her husband's death to know about her pregnancy.

Her ignorance about everything that was going on cost her and her son's life who was not even over a month old.

As for Kiara's hand in the development of the plot, she was a dear friend of the male lead and the news of her death brought the male lead back to the country abandoning his love for the female lead in a foreign land. That led to a dispute between them as the female lead didn't know the reason behind his sudden departure.

After some unnecessary arguments, that were there just to satisfy the readers, the FL gets to know the true reason behind his sudden departure. Then the pair try to investigate the culprit which turns out to be the final villain of the story. Meanwhile the author adds many spices in the story, almost turning the story into a dog blood drama.

In the end the villain didn't have much patience and directly kidnaps the FL earning the rage of the ML and gets a lifetime imprisonment. Then they are happily married ever after.

Currently Keeran was in the mourning hall sitting in front of her husband's photo which had a garland of flowers hanging on it. She was sorting out the information provided by dumb Dot and trying to figure out her next course of action that would keep her out of the murderer's radar. Meanwhile she had to keep up the appearance of a heartbroken woman who lost her husband and thank others for their comforting words, which was in no way comforting. They were just rubbing salt on her wounds and mocking her for being a young widow.

After everything ended and everyone left including the family members Keeran was still there. Many had tried to convince her to go and rest but she vehemently denied and insisted on staying with her husband alone for one last time.

When she was certain that no one would disturb her alone time she started communicating with Dot in her head as she was not that great to have her focus on multiple things at the same time.

What bothered her the most was that she had to give birth. The mere thought of it brought a chill down her spine. Ah! Imagine the pain. Oh God just what did she get herself into. Now only she realised the pit she had dug for herself before this she was in the bliss of ignorance. She should just have entered the reincarnation cycle. The thought of living an unlimited life is thrilling but not for a lazy bum like her who even got tired of living sometimes.

Dot relished the sight it's host breaking down. The sight was like a pain relief balm, an anti virus, to it's aching operating system. Then in a fake concerned voice it asked it's host ' are you alright host?'

After lamenting on her fate a bit more she finally asked Dot ' Why didn't you tell me that I had to give birth?'

Dot: ' Didn't Dot give the info beforehand?'

Keeran: ' I thought I would be here after Kiara gave birth.'

Dot: ' The period of seven months is crucial for you to adjust yourself according to Kiara's lifestyle, make necessary preparations and take precautions against the villain.' Even in it's dream it would not admit that it wanted to see it's host suffer.

Keeran: ' Sounds plausible enough, but why am I not told anything about the villain at all?' Although the reason is plausible, why do I smell a bit of conspiracy here?

Dot: ' That's the main suspense of the story so it is not allowed to inform you anything about the villian.'

Keeran: ' Hmm... Everything started to go downhill after the news of Kiara's pregnancy came out so let's keep it hidden until we find a solution or have enough resources to keep us safe in this lion's den.'

Dot: ' What us? Only you will suffer if things go wrong, not Dot.'

Keeran: '....' This dumb bish.

Keeran: ' Don't forget we are in this together if I fail you fail. And that would make you a failure of a system. Tch.. By the way don't you have any work ethic?'

Dot couldn't decide what form it should take to express it's frustration and grievances as it's motherboard overheats when it's work ethic was questioned. Should it be a square or a rhombus or a parallelogram? Ah! What a confusing situation.

With fake submissiveness and a promise to get revenge against this stupid host Dot replied ' Dot is at your service. What can Dot do for your host?'

Keeran: ' Didn't I get an omniscient view? Keep an eye on every character that is in the story and report it to me.'

Dot: ' Well Dot can only keep an eye on the characters that have been mentioned so far in the story, not everyone as the omniscient view does not work on other characters who are not introduced in the story yet.'

Keeran: '....' What a legendary omniscient view. Clearly it's the scam of the century.