
Episode 3

(The episode opens with Gannon, Qadaar, and Willa in Gannon's room)

(In the room, there is video game characters on two posters, a game box on a shelf and an controller, above the shelf is a TV, across the shelf is a dresser, on the dresser is a bunch of video games, there is a bed, and a closet)

Qadaar: You really are a fan

Gannon: Well, yeah, your games bring me happiness

Willa: Too true, he plays them everyday, but that's not important. Why are you on Earth and why are you hiding from your brothers?

Qadaar: (sighs) Well, normally I watched mortals enjoying my games, then I saw somebody making a video reviewing one of my games

Gannon: Then, you made your own videos

Willa: And your brothers probably didn't like this

Qadaar: Indeed

(A flashback forms a bunch of shadows appearing behind Qadaar watching a video on a tablet)

(Qadaar turns to see four boys who has black hair, white skin)

(One of the boys wearing a yellow jumpsuit named Dominik)

(The other boy is wearing a red jumpsuit named Mekhi)

(The third boy is wearing a brown jumpsuit named Rory)

(The fourth boy is wearing a blue jumpsuit named Odin)

Odin: Qadaar, we have had enough

Rory: You not only create games for humans, but hang around around them too

Mekhi: Soon, you will be dating them, and we cannot let that happen

Dominik: We have arranged you with a special goddess, to keep you busy

(Qadaar looked shocked)

Odin: And you better not run away

Rory (laughs): Like he can

(Odin, Mekhi, Rory, and Dominik walk away)

Qadaar (narrating): I did the only (past Qadaar looks at mortal world) thing I thought I could do (jumps off the clouds)

(Flashback ends)

Qadaar: And I entered this world, and hid in a place I will never tell you where.

Willa: Wow, that is pretty awesome, wait won't your brothers figure out you escaped to the mortal world

Gannon: Yeah, aren't you afraid?

Qadaar: Yeah, the thing is the don't know what part of the Earth I am on, so I got a while to enjoy myself

Willa: Isn't there a god or goddess of prophecies? Which might put a damp in your plan

Qadaar: Nah, she's on vacation

Willa: No way!

Qadaar: Yes, way there is a real goddess of prophecies

(Willa and Gannon looked surprised)

Qadaar: So, I am good

Gannon: Well, what do we do now?

Qadaar: Just act like I'm one of your regular friends

Gannon: But, you're the creator of my favorite games, shouldn't you have your own mansion on Earth

Qadaar: Yeah, but I can't separate you from your family

Gannon: Fair enough

Willa: So, what will happen if I try that helmet on, as well

Gannon: Don't you dare, it's bad enough, that I am kinda stuck (glitter eyes towards Qadaar) to this wonderful person

Qadaar: Wow! That is cute, yet I am feeling so guilty

Willa: Oh my gosh, I have film (get out her camera) this

(Gannon is hugging Qadaar)

(Qadaar snaps his finger and the phone in his hands)

Willa (looking shocked): What the?

Qadaar: I can control technology

Willa (arms crossed): Fine

(Episode ends)