
Episode 2

(The episode opens with Qadaar and Gannon holding hands)

Gannon: I am so glad that I'm not stuck hugging you, no offense

Qadaar: That's okay

Gannon: Speaking of me hugging, wasn't I heavy?

Qadaar: Oh, not at all, speaking of that I have to tell you about something

Gannon (curious): What is that?

(The screen switches to Qadaar summoning a maze around him and Gannon)

(Gannon looked surprised)

Gannon (eyes sparkly): You're an actual god?!

Qadaar: Yup

Willa: Interesting, interesting

(Qadaar and Gannon looks at Willa)

Willa: You didn't tell my mom why?

Qadaar: It was irrelevant, I took Gannon because I might get summoned by my brothers

Gannon: You have brothers?

Qadaar: Yeah and they are the worst

Gannon: So, they want you to find a significant other, what's so wrong with that

Qadaar: Well, it's because I don't want to find anyone, yet anyway I just want to feel happy with friends and seeing my games being played with

Willa: You mean you are friends with Mortals?

Qadaar: Of course, gods aren't interested in games, they are just interested in their own powers and status

Willa: What are your brothers like?

Qadaar: I rather not talk about them

Willa: Then, I guess you would want to tell my mom why a great god is messing with her son

Gannon: Willa!

Willa: You know the deal

Qadaar: Fine, I'll tell you

Willa: Good choice

(Episode ends with them walking into Gannon's room)