
Episode 4

(The episode opens with Qadaar and Gannon getting out of the shower)

Gannon: Thank goodness, my family went on a ride because this would have been awkward

Qadaar: True, I am deeply sorry

Gannon: That's okay, you tried to warn me that helmet was defective, but I didn't listen

(Qadaar and Gannon walks into Gannon's room)

Qadaar: I know, a way to make this better, how about we fix the helmet together

Gannon (looked happy with glitter in his eyes): You mean you and me working on a project together?!

(Gannon and Qadaar are sitting on the bed)

Qadaar (looking nervous): Yeah

Gannon (excited with glitter in his eyes): I would love too

Qadaar (nervous): Great

(Qadaar raises his hand and his eyes glow and a portal opens revealing the helmet and grabs it)

(The portal closes)

Gannon (excited): You can open portals, that is so awesome

Qadaar: Calm down, all gods and Goddesses can do that

Gannon (excited): Really?! Are all of you born with that or do you learn it like witches and wizards?

Qadaar: We are born with it

Gannon (excited): Seriously, I wish I could learn that

Qadaar: Gannon, these powers aren't like in the video games, they are way more dangerous than you think

Gannon (looking sad): Awww

Qadaar (feeling guilty): You know wizards and witches are real, maybe I could teach you their ways, you know the less dangerous ways

Gannon (excited): No way! (Getting closer to Qadaar) You are getting cooler and cooler

Qadaar (nervous) (blushes) (thought): He is starting to look cute as he gets excited

Gannon (confused): What's wrong?

Qadaar: Nothing, just thinking

Gannon: Okay

(Episode ends with Qadaar and Gannon dressed working on the helmet)