
Put Together Again

Harry Potter, The savior, the boy who lived, the boy who conquered, the betrayed, the new dark lord, the destroyer, the master of death. Many titles, many names, as he sits upon his ruined world left in the wake of those who betrayed him. Broken, alone, slightly insane and talking to one of the few beings left, Death. Death offers him a deal, he’ll be able to do things differently and get revenge. The only difference is it’ll be a different world. He’ll be in the past with knowledge of the future. He must break free from his prison and help others from their prisons as well. He’ll have to break free from the shackles life has placed on him and live a life worth living. The main part of this story is Harry Potter and Marvel with some DC stuff added him. Maybe others but I’ll figure that out as I go

Panda_sword_Master · Movies
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: Escape from the Asylum

I woke up with a pounding headache. I got up from the rock slab they call a bed. I was in a straightjacket when I got up and looked in the mirror that was cover in a hard layer of plastic. I get a good look at my features. I had short white hair with some dried blood in it with different colored eyes. One was black with a gold circle that glowed while the other is bloodshot with a lot of red in it with blue that has purple cracks in the color.

I look at my face, it has some scars with several being very fresh. Several cuts and what looks like something blunt by my bloodshot eyes. Must be that blood going in it. My straightjacket is white with lots of dried blood on it.

I try to get out of it and it just rips like it was cheap cloth. I sit on my bed while feeling the power in me. After a while a nurse that's nice to me comes in with some food after she unlocked the door with the multiple deadbolts and other locks on the metal door.

The door closes but doesn't lock behind her. She looks surprised and asks, "how was you sleep Hadrian?" She looks slightly worried as I kind of ignore her. I could tell she already pressed her panic button as I hear shuffling from outside coming down the corridor.

"It was ok, did you know?" The shuffling was getting closer.

"Know what Hadrian?" She looks a bit scared as I hear the shuffling is now almost outside my door.

I smile at her, a smile so wild and psychotic and full of blood lust that she steps back, "I'm getting out today." The door busts open and I punch the first one through the door. My hand goes through his abdomen. I start fighting them, more like carving them up with my hands as a swing of a baton hits me in the head where my eyes is still bloodshot.

My obscurus starts coming out and we filling more. The hall is drenched in blood as I walk through it. I'm heading to the female juvenile cell block. The Metal doors, the walls, the people, nothing is stopping me as I kill and walk.

Finally I get to Wanda's cell. I knock and over the alarms and din of the place Wanda and still hear me. She can sense my magic. "Get out of the way Wanda, we're leaving." I heave the hum of a jet. Something just landed. I punch the door and busted in.

Wanda walks out and sees me with all of the abuse I suffered and people I killed to get her out. I have my hand out as she takes it. "Ready Wanda?"

"Always my King." I hug her as I see people walking in. I know their scanning my mind to see what happened.

The one in blue fur speaks. "Stop, you get back to your cell and no one gets hurt."

I'm still hugging Wanda and I smile at them in all it's glory. The one with a laser thing shots as I teleport (apparated) to Diagon Alley. Breaking though wards and defense mechanism with semi ease.

We fall to the ground and everyone looks at us. Me with the bloody hair, cuts and bruises and Wanda. With semi clean clothes but my blood still on them. We get up as the wizards and witches are watching us with curiosity and fear. I get up even through the pain and haul Wanda up as well. We start waking into the crowd toward the goblin bank. They clear a path for us.

We get up and see the goblin guard eyeing us. They tense as if they are going to fight. I nod at them and walk in. Everything drops as people and goblins are looking at us. We head to the head teller. I'm in pain but it's bearable. For anyone else it would not be. I could tell all of the goblins are ready for a fight.

We get to the head teller and I start in Gobbledygook, "Hello Head Teller, may you gold flow like water into the ocean and you enemies fall beneath you blade in droves. I need an inheritance test, medical checkup and healer, and a impurities test for both of us, along with a meeting with the King."

I flash him the ring. As it looks like he's processing this he starts screaming at the other goblins to get the wizards out and get us to healers. Along with other stuff but I feeling lightheaded. I start falling asleep but Wanda keeps telling me to stay awake and goblins come in droves and the head teller lead us deeper into the bank and underground as I fall into Morpheus grip.


Wanda (POV)

I was holding on to Hadrian when I felt him faint. The goblins are leading us deeper and down. I try to tell them he fainted but they just kept silent or as the lead goblin just said, "if he dies he is not strong enough." Pretty soon we arrive to a room with a large slab of what looks like obsidian where they took Hadrian from me and then when seemed to be a female of the species as it was wearing a dress.

It had some paper with it and she took some blood that was already dripping from him and put it on the paper. I was looking at the paper as she handed it to the head teller with what a assume to be a surprised look on its face as it was talking really fast and sent one of the goblins away as it was running I don't know where.

They shoved some drinks down his throat and he was coughing. They clean up all the blood on him and his clothes disappeared. I was looking at his body with a blush on my face. The goblins all looked surprised at his body. The lady one waved her dagger and all of the blood was gone and I was looking at his injuries.

Their were bruises and cuts all over his body with angry welts with it. Some of the bruises looked cut open with blood trying to leak out of the wounds. His head was full of white hair as it is very surprising as all the patients assumed he was a mutant as his hair always was red and seemed to the red to be growing but all this time it was blood. He also incredibly skinny, all skin and bones. While not short for his age but definitely malnourished.

The lady goblin tapped twice on him and a piece of paper came and was glowing, growing, and writing stuff down on the paper. The Goblins were talking and all of them seemed impressed with him even with the injuries. His injuries were healing and fast but to slow to me. He saved me from that awful place, was my first and only friend. He would always give me his food if I was still hungry, I have to protect him and to do that I have to be strong, strong enough so I can help him as he helped me.

The goblins waved me over to another table as they did the same for me but the lady goblin but up a curtain and after she did everything she put a cloth sheet over me to try and keep me warm. She also summoned a pillow for me and said something in her language. I am drifting off and soon fell into Morpheus's grasp.



The healer came back after helping the Sokovian girl and putting her to sleep. We were going over their medical records as all we went over barely was the inheritance and when we saw the name I, the head teller Sharpjaw, sent a runner to the regional king as to what happened. We have the bank shut down and have goblin warriors and magical trap for anyone that tries to get in.

The medical record on the Grindelwald boy is long and brutal. We can even tell that he has a very powerful obscurus within him as well. He seemed to have been abused since we was 1 and snapped at five killing his abusers but the Americans didn't care and sent him to an asylum while being underage. Their he got abused more and developed an obscurus and got worse until he meet the Sokovian. He even used an underage magic for all the abuse meant for her upon him.

Then, it seemed today he fused with his obscurus and that's when he broke the both of them out. He going to live and he showed he was a true warrior. The healer saw a bit of his memory and then showed us. It was a bloodbath. He even has the ring of a goblin friend of the Grindelwald line.


(American President)

The X-Men and MACUSA are on call for what happened at the asylum. The press is tearin in me and my predecessor as we had 2 underage and very dangerous mutants (mutant and wizard) out free. They were in the Mutant asylum and broke free and escaped leaving bodies and blood at the scene. Wizard arrived a few minutes later and they got into a fight with the X-Men.

I'm looking over the files. The wizard killed and broke everyone out and the MACUSA representative tells us that he seemed to have developed an obscurus while in their that means the guards were abusing the prisoners. I looked at the cameras and what they were doing was messed up beyond belief. The kid was in coma more that once and the only reason he is alive is apparently because of the obscurus and being magical. And to top it all of we don't even know where they went.

The MACUSA representative after receiving a call said, "Sir, they were spotted in England Diagon Alley, going to Gringotts."

"So, is that good, bad, what does it mean?"

"Apparently they arrived heavily injured and went to Gringotts. After that the bank went into lockdown. We probably wont see them anytime soon. Even if we get the British ministry on board the Goblins will protect them, especially if the wizard is who i think he is. They only thing we can do is make sure they get an invitation to Ilvermorny and if they accept get them a psyche test and go from their."

I curled up my fist, "and what am I going to do with the X-Men. When they find out that they are in England they will want to go and get them. And who is the kid to them?"

"The kids name is Hadrian Samael Noir Potter-Grindelwald."

"The Gindelwald, as in the one who started both world wars?"

"The same, and you made yourselves a big target by putting him in their to be abused." He turned and walked out leaving the rest of the people and the president in the room speechless and wanting more answers and knowledge about him.