
Pursuit for love

Mariah Edenne is a 24-year-old lady living in the western region with her husband Neil Easton. They’ve been married for close to five years now and they lived a happy life and their life has been so rosy, except that they were unable of having children. Mariah spent her time moving from hospital to hospital, and all hospitals she visited claimed she was barren, her mother-in-law, Jane Easton had never wanted her for her son, each time she had the opportunity she always flung insults at her, she claimed Mariah was a retired prostitute and was the primary reason why she was unable of bearing children. Her two friends Caitlyn Woods and Naja Cook always admired her, thinking she was one of the luckiest women as she was married to one of the influential businessmen. Khloe Darone, a fair beautiful lady and half-sister to Mariah, is jealous of her half-sister because even as she is unable to bear kids for her husband, he still loves and cherishes her. She is determined to end their relationship through Jane Easton, who promises her a place in Neil’s villa as his wife. Khloe is impressed by this agreement and goes all out for him and she succeeds in seducing him after some time, she discovers she is unable of getting pregnant for him, and been pressed by Jane, she gets her ex boyfriend Liam to do it for him in which she later holds him responsible for the baby. Neil thinking the baby Khloe is carrying is his, divorces Mariah without giving her a penny. He gets married to Khloe and in some few months they receive the baby. Liam, being a black mailer keeps writing to Khloe for his silence, and once she pays him, he squanders the money because she is always going to give him more. Liam knows she can't reject to give him money because she has more to lose than him if the truth is revealed. Neil finally discovers he is the one who has been impotent, and he finds out he is not the father to Khloe's son. Without hesitation he flungs her out of the house and goes in pursuit for his ex-wife Mariah, but she is too occupied with her new job and has a new crush who is her boss Bobby Brown. Neil in an attempt to get back his ex-wife creates a scandal at Bobby's enterprise, this makes Bobby Brown revolt against him, but not too long, he falls for his assistant Mariah in whom they get married and bear three kids.

Jessie_Affiong_5646 · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 12: My decision

This got Khloe out of her way, why was Naja going to treat her like a piece of garbage just because she was driving Mariah's car. For a while she kept quiet as Naja's words were an insult to her, but she soon broke her silence. "If you must know, everything that belonged to Mariah now belongs to me, including the house and Neil they are all mine, never a day will she have all that back, don't forget to let her know that." She mumbled.

"Oh really. But there is one thing you don't yet have, which is Neil. For the meantime, Mariah is the one who is legally married to Neil and not you. I thought you were pregnant, he was going to offer you a new car and so on, you are just a simple Mistress who found her way to one of his houses, for now goodbye I don't have energy to waste with a slut like you." Naja mentioned. After that, she left. Khloe could not stand her words, she entered the car and immediately left for the house, whereas she was not done with her shopping.

She arrived home, her mother-in-law Jane was at the balcony having a cup of coffee, she was furious while approaching her. "Hey what's wrong?" Jane asked.

"I'm very angry. Can you imagine Naja humiliated me at the market square." Khloe said furiously.

"And who is that? The name sounds familiar."

"Isn't it Mariah's friend, she gave me bitter words today."

"Oh I see, Naja. I now remember her face. I'm sorry for everything that happened, okay. I think you need rest, you don't have to stress the baby okay. By the way, who sent you to the market? The maids do that, not you." Jane said.

This got Khloe quiet; she did not utter a word after Jane asked to know why she had left for the market. She knew well that the market was always made by the maids. She went to the market purposely because she wanted to see Mariah, she wanted her to see how her stomach had been progressing, but unfortunately she met Naja and not her, it got her a little bit worried because she went out for nothing. "You still haven't answered me, why did you go to the market?" Jane asked while looking straight into her eyes.

"Mom, you know as a pregnant woman, I need some sports, so I left for the market because I wanted to move my joints"

"You would have move your joint in the house, its big isn't it? Please don't stress about my grandchild okay. Now get in, your breakfast will be brought to you." Jane said politely.

"I'll do just that, but before I get in, mom I want you to have a word with Neil. I won't have people insult me, I need to get married, I'm still his mistress and Mariah his wife, that shouldn't be the case any longer." She said calmly.

"I thought we discussed it already?"

"Yes. But I need to be secured, I'm pregnant and not married to the man responsible for my pregnancy, and I keep getting insults from Mariah and her friends, do you think it's easy?" she asked.

"I know it isn't easy, but I will discuss it with my son and we will see what to do, okay? Now please do get something to eat.

Naja returned home, and placed the bag of stuff in the kitchen without placing them in their different positions. She was late for work already and had no choice. Iren was up and was in the living room. "Aunt, I'm sorry, would not be able to put the item in its different position because I'm late, I hope you understand. Everything you need will be in the kitchen."

"Okay fine. But why did you come home so late? The market isn't far."

"Yes. Khloe wasted my time, I had to walk out of her or else she was still going to pest my Life."

"What? Khloe again? That girl is getting on my nerves, she dare not try that next time, or else I'll pay her a visit and she won't like to see me." Iren said coldly.

Mariah was done with her clothes and was waiting for Naja to take her bath. While waiting for her, she quickly made breakfast. She was having a loaf of bread and a slice of chicken with a cup of tea. Aunt iren left for the kitchen, she had intentions of making lunch before watching the Tv. While removing the stuff which Naja came back with, she noticed the stuff were not sufficient. She had forgotten to buy beans, garlic and the cocoyams were not going to be sufficient.

"Naja, Naja." she called out.

"Aunt, I'm taking my bath. Please when I'm done, I'll get to you." she mentioned.

After 20 minutes of taking her bath and getting dressed, Naja moved downstairs to see why Aunt Iren had been calling her. "Here I am, my aunt."

"I noticed you never bought everything."

"Oh that's true, that should be when I tried running out of Khloe, I forgot to buy the other stuff. I'm sorry." Naja said coldly.

"What did you say? Khloe? Did she attack you or something." Mariah asked.

"Yes. This morning I ran into Khloe and you know her well." Naja answered

"To think she was satisfied after having Neil to herself, what else does she want?" Mariah implored.

"I guess she needs you to sign the divorce papers, cause right now she does not feel secured."

"Well, she should forget about that. Cause I ain't signing the divorce papers and that's final." Mariah said boldly.

Aunt iren worried, just from the look the things, Mariah was very serious when she said she wasn't signing the divorce papers. That wasn't what Iren wanted from her. She wanted her to set herself free from Neil. She tried advising her but she refused to listen to her point of view. To her, Neil was never going to play with her feelings and go Scott free. He had to pay for everything he made her go through. "I know you are very angry with what he did to you, but listen to me, you are still young and will find a man who will love you for who you are okay, so please accord him the divorce and move on with your life." Iren pleaded.

"No need begging me aunt, I'm not going to sign those papers, and no one will make me change my ideas, he can't get on with what he did. That's his punishment, I don't care about them having a range of kids but they will never get married, that's final." Mariah added.

She tried begging Mariah that morning but there was no time for that, they were getting late and had to leave the house, Iren asked her to think about it on her way to work, she told her there was nothing to think about and her decision was taken.