
Punch in a perfect world

Check in in front of Shicun Liushen, and get the reward Innate Saint Dao Embryo. Check in in the False God Realm, and get a bonus cross-border amulet, which can be used to randomly enter other worlds. Check in at Tianshen Academy, get rewarded with the secret of writing, the speed breaks through the limit of the world, and evolves time. Check in in Xianyu, and get rewards for him to transform himself into Dafa, he transforms himself into freedom, he transforms eternity, he transforms time, he transforms reincarnation... Into the perfect world, Shi Zhong got the clock-in system and became a member of Shicun. Since then, the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm, the Three Thousand Dao States, the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, the Immortal Realm and the Sea of ​​Heaven, etc., have all left footprints of stone bells. ------------------- IMPORTANT--------------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood. PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Others
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293 Chs

Re-entering False God, Ancient Family!

Xiao Jin also came over, she hadn't been in yet, she was also very curious about the False God Realm, and asked if Liu Shen could bring her in together.

  Willow God readily agreed, stretched out a wicker, soared to tens of thousands of meters, pierced through the sky with a thick air of chaos, the Qiongguang fell, and the endless power of runes built a light gate.

  This also shows that Willow God is much stronger than before, what can only be done with all one's strength, can now be easily done with a single wicker.

  The spiritual bodies of the three stepped into the gate of light, stepped on the majestic ruins, walked through the ruins, and reached the end of the road. The golden passage appeared, and the rays of light flashed, transporting the three to the beginning. At the ground passage.

  Shi Zhong sneered, Xiao BuDian looked angry, and Xiao Jin looked around with curious eyes. The three of them had different expressions and strode up the bluestone steps.

  The three of them were full of confidence this time, they didn't hide their appearance, nor did they use the seventy-two changes to disguise, but walked into the False God Realm openly, attracting the attention of countless people in an instant.

  "It's these two brothers, they are not dead!" Someone exclaimed.

  The ancient sacred mountain and several ancient families were chasing and killing them all over the world, butian pavilion was destroyed again, and there were strong men guarding the gate of Zhulu Academy, and they did not see them returning there.

  Many people think that these two brothers have no way to go to the sky, no way to enter the earth, and most of them have died tragically in the hands of these forces. They didn't expect that they are now alive and kicking, swaggering into the False God Realm.

  "These two brothers will probably smash the sky today." Someone said with a premonition.

  "The Yu Clan, the Tuoba Clan, and those who don't know what kind of family they are, get out!" Shi Zhong roared, and the space in the initial place buzzed, and the sound spread far and far.

  This roar startled everyone in the vicinity, and they all followed the sound, wanting to see who dared to be so arrogant and shouted at the two ancient families and the four major families.

  "Who is provoking my Yu Clan, looking for death?" Soon some members of the Yu Clan rushed over angrily, holding treasures to suppress the clamoring lunatics, demonstrating the inviolability of the ancient aristocratic family.

  "It's you who are looking for death!" Shi Zhong and Xiao Budian made a move, struck all the enemies, and blasted all the people from these families who rushed to them, blood rained down, no combination of magic spells or treasures could stop them.

  Not long after, the number of people from these families who were beheaded by the two exceeded three digits. The ground was blood-red, and the stumps and broken arms were scattered all over the place. Not a single dead body was left alive.


  In the closed rooms of these big families, people kept spurting blood, and their faces were pale. In the False God Realm, the body would be injured after death, and it would take a few months to cultivate, while it would take at least half a year for those who were beaten alive like this started.

  "What's wrong?" asked the elder of the Yu Clan. More than 20 people woke up with vomiting blood at the same time, and the number is still increasing. What's the matter?

  "The great good man...and the baby...arrived in the False God Realm again." Someone said intermittently, his face livid and ugly.

  Although the False God Realm is a spiritual body, the feeling of being beaten alive is very real, which shocked their souls and their hearts began to shake.

  "It seems that I have to sue the ancestor." The elder said.

  Not long after, a roar sounded from the depths of the Yu Clan's ancestral land: "No matter what method you use, kill these two little bastards for me!".

Wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

  This ancestor is very old, and his mood has long been like a thousand-year-old well. It is difficult for him to change his mood, but because the two teenagers are furious, they want to invite the real background of the Yu Clan to kill them.

  Unaware of the changes in the outside world, the two of them concentrated on harvesting the lives of those few families. In less than half an hour, the number of people who died under their hands had already exceeded half a thousand.

  Suddenly, there was a wind in the back of Shi Zhong's head, and he faintly felt that danger was approaching rapidly. Following this feeling, he stretched out two slender fingers, protruding out like lightning, and clamped a pitch-black soul-killing needle.

  This kind of soul-killing needle is the most vicious and insidious, and it attacks silently. It can truly kill a person's mental body in the False God Realm, and turn the person's body into a walking corpse in the outside world.

  "Is this what the so-called ancient family is capable of?" Shi Zhong sneered, flexed his body skills, and knocked out the person who shot the soul-killing needle, harvesting seven or eight soul-killing needles.

  As soon as Shi Zhong got it in his hands, the onlookers backed away unconsciously, fearing that he would throw one out and nail them to death.

  "Hugh is crazy!"

  The members of the Yu Clan came again with a group of elites, each holding a crystal clear treasure bone with rune power flowing on it.

  "Set up the formation!" The Yu Clan shouted, urging the treasure bones in their hands with all their strength.

  Under the urging of the power of the runes, these treasures floated from their palms, rumbled and rotated like a few large meteorites, and there was a wonderful connection between them. The three of them were enveloped in it.

  At the same time, these treasures have turned into gray dragons, more than ten meters long, stirring up the wind and clouds, and thunder rolling. Under this environment, the abilities of these gray dragons have greatly increased, and if a dozen of them strike together, they are pure blood. The beasts must be suppressed.

  When the onlookers lamented that the formation is powerful and that the ancient aristocratic families cannot be provoked, dull voices sounded one after another in the thick fog. Accompanied by the wailing of dragon beasts, pieces of broken dragon bodies flew out of the fog. When he came out, the members of the Yu Clan were smashed to pieces.

  "That's it?" Shi Zhong threw out several palms, smashing all the precious bones hidden in the void into powder.

  Shi Zhong originally had the Taoist Heavenly Eye, and now he has gained the power of double pupils. The other party wants to use formations to confuse his senses, which is really a big joke.

  The remaining precious bone clocks were grabbed out, and they were all fed to the crystal bone clock.

  The faces of the living members of the Yu Clan are pale. This is one of the foundations of the Yu Clan. They are very powerful in the outside world. Now they have been destroyed like this, and the bodies of the outside world have become waste products.

  "Can your ancient aristocratic family do it right? There is no strong person with any background. Is the skin on your face that is much thicker than ordinary people handed down from ancient times?" Shi Zhong strode forward, while the rest of the rain The people of the clan retreated again and again, with horror written all over their faces.

  "You...you are only acting fierce in this initial place, and you will be killed soon in the higher-level cave!" The man shouted sternly.

  "Really? If you're alive, you'll see it." Shi Zhong didn't say anything more, and slapped the remaining five members of the Yu Clan into a rain of blood.