
Punch in a perfect world

Check in in front of Shicun Liushen, and get the reward Innate Saint Dao Embryo. Check in in the False God Realm, and get a bonus cross-border amulet, which can be used to randomly enter other worlds. Check in at Tianshen Academy, get rewarded with the secret of writing, the speed breaks through the limit of the world, and evolves time. Check in in Xianyu, and get rewards for him to transform himself into Dafa, he transforms himself into freedom, he transforms eternity, he transforms time, he transforms reincarnation... Into the perfect world, Shi Zhong got the clock-in system and became a member of Shicun. Since then, the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm, the Three Thousand Dao States, the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, the Immortal Realm and the Sea of ​​Heaven, etc., have all left footprints of stone bells. ------------------- IMPORTANT--------------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood. PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Others
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293 Chs

Fighting the Rain Clan Again, the Goddess of War Appears!

After the group of people from the Yu Clan with the treasure formations were wiped out, no one from these big families dared to come. Shi Zhong and Xiao BuDian waited for about a moment, feeling bored, and shook their heads towards the blessed land of the Dongtian Realm. Go to the passage.


  This action once again caused an uproar among the crowd. The two brothers really didn't just talk about it. They really did not fear the ancient family and went to conquer the blessed land of the cave realm.

  "I knew it wasn't that simple." Many people were very excited. As melon-eating onlookers, they wished that things would get bigger and better, and they all formed a mighty torrent to follow in.

  "Little devil, where have you been?" The golden-red battle armor of the Goddess of War in Zhulu Academy shone in the sun, and her tight armor stomach could not cover her proud figure. Her black hair fluttered and she was heroic , beautiful yet heroic, is stepping onto a mysterious altar.

  Ever since Shi Zhong escaped from the Butian Pavilion battlefield, he has not been heard from, and he has not even returned to Zhulu Academy. He disappeared for a few months, and many rumors said that he was assassinated.

  However, she felt that the glib and black-bellied brat would not be harmed so easily, and it was always his fault for cheating others.

  Now as soon as she heard that the great benevolent person appeared in the False God Realm, she immediately set off with the entrustment of the whole hospital's senior management.

  "Grandpa, the person I spoke of has appeared." On

  a majestic ancient mountain, there were groups of elixir, white cranes flying together, green pines and cypresses, beside the spring water formed by spiritual energy, a purple-haired girl in a long white dress Said to an old man with white hair and beard.

  "Oh? Is it him? If it's true as you said, it seems that it is necessary to go to the False God Realm in the wasteland." The old man's eyes were bright, and the clouds in the sky were instantly scattered.

  The good man and the milk baby are going to enter the False God Realm. This news has stirred up the situation in the barren land. I don't know how many powerful people have stepped into the False God Realm through their own passages.

  Shi Zhong's first feeling after entering the blessed land of the cave realm is that the aura here is more intense, which is several times higher than the original land, and it can be regarded as a treasured land for cultivation.

  This world is no different from the outside world. It is so vast that you can't see the end at a glance. Everything is so real, no different from the outside world.

  "Yu Clan, Tuoba Clan, and those four scumbag Clans, I'm here, where are you?" Shi Zhong roared, walking like a dragon, he was here to bring bad luck to these families, so he didn't intend to hide.

  The voice spread far away, but no one responded. Judging from Shi Zhong and Xiao Budian's record of hunting pure-blood beasts in Baiduan Mountain, few people dared to touch them.

  The three of them walked all the way, and the passers-by made way for them one after another.

  "Elder, are we going to let them be presumptuous like this?" A young Yu Clan disciple hiding in the dark looked annoyed.

  "Let them be mad for a while, and when they take the initiative to attack our paradise, we will kill them." The elder of the Yu clan said angrily.

  Shi Zhong and Xiao Budian stood on the wall of the Dongtian City. The False God Realm of the Dongtian Realm is too large. All the way to those family treasures must pass through the teleportation array of this city. This place can be regarded as the hub of the Dongtian Realm.

  "An ancient family, ha ha." Shi Zhong laughed, full of disdain, turned around and stepped on the teleportation formation with Xiao BuDian and Xiao Jin.

  The golden passage flashed, and the feeling of time and space shifting came, and Shi Zhong and Xiao Budian had already stepped on another land.

  Here are majestic mountains, beautiful rivers, hazy white mist, auspicious beasts running around, and auspicious birds flying into the sky. This is a rare treasure land. The Yu Clan spent several generations to open it up and built a continuous stretch of palace islands. It is used by the disciples of the Rain Clan in their practice.

  "The place is a good place, but it's a pity that it has become a nest of rats." Shi Zhong said, not hiding anything.

  "Bold! How can you insult the Yu Clan?" An elder of the Yu Clan shouted loudly, like a wild lion.

  "Have I insulted you enough? I don't see any consequences." Shi Zhong laughed lightly, scoffing at this threat.

  "Huangkou child, today is your death day!"

  The elder shouted, and the palace islands glowed, as if they had been activated. They all became crystal clear, and at the same time, a terrifying power was brewing.

  This is the technique of defending the city created by the formation masters of the Yu Clan combined with these building complexes. The attack and defense are integrated. Since its completion, the Yu Clan's Paradise of Paradise has been impenetrable and has never been breached.

  "Yu Clan, you white-eyed wolves! You also have disciples practicing in Butian Pavilion. The elders there teach and teach you everything, but you also help outsiders destroy Butian Pavilion, you should be punished!" Recalling the

  past, the little boy rolled his eyes When the Butian Pavilion was destroyed, members of the Yu Clan broke into the Baoshu Pavilion, and after finding nothing, they became angry and swung their butcher knives at the disciples of the Butian Pavilion.

  Xiaobudian even suspected that they were the ones who leaked the transferred disciples of the Butian Pavilion, otherwise, with the power of the divine vines, how could all the passages constructed be known to the enemy, and there would be no one left.

  "Winning the king and defeating the bandits, future generations will only remember that my Yu Clan killed two challengers who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth today, and made our Yu Clan famous." After

  being exposed by the little one, those Yu Clan people will not hide it anymore. The ancient chariot of the Rain Clan has not fallen, and any negative news will eventually be suppressed and forgotten.

  "What a winner and loser."

  Shi Zhong's anger was ignited at once, this Yu Clan member is really shameless to the extreme, comparable to the achievements of the Skyhorn Ant in the journey of strength.

  The formations of those palace islands were fully activated, and a divine light of several kilometers was swept out, which was blazing and dazzling, and reflected a large area of ​​the world in pale white.

  This divine light is like a fairy sword with terrifying destructive power. A towering mountain was cut in half directly, and the cut surface was extremely brilliant and smooth like a mirror.


  Facing the destructive divine light, Shi Zhong did not retreat, stretched out his left hand, and under the blessing of the rune power, it instantly rose to hundreds of meters, and directly grasped the divine light.

  "Is he crazy?" The Goddess of War also arrived at the scene. She could see that Shi Zhong's rune power only enlarged his palm without any magic blessing. Divine light.

  "After all, you are too young and too frivolous. Even with a little achievement, you don't know the heights of heaven and earth. How dare you catch this divine light with your bare hands." The elder of the Yu clan sneered, waiting to see the scene where the stone bell was blown to pieces by the force of the formation.

  As the manipulator of this formation, he is very aware of the power of this divine light, even a mountain made of poured metal will be cut open, let alone a flesh and blood body.