
Project Villain Control

In a world where superhuman powers have tipped the balance of heroes and villains beyond military control ."Ken, a high school student, falls victim to a school shooting, leaving him critically wounded. With slim chances of survival due to excessive blood loss, his family reluctantly consents to the government's bold proposition, Ken's destiny is forever transformed as he is remade into an anti-superhuman cyborg, entrusted with the mission of reestablishing the order.

Omnixity · Urban
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5 Chs

Turning Gear

As my consciousness began to stir, I heard distant voices, perhaps the doctors who had been working on me. Machines beeped, and my body felt strangely heavy, like I was carrying an immense weight. But just as abruptly as these sounds had started, they ceased.

"Wake him up!" one of the doctors suddenly exclaimed. My eyelids fluttered open, and I became aware of a disconcerting sensation. My limbs felt foreign, and my body felt oddly out of place. My lower body felt entirely different. Panic surged through me, and I jolted upright, finding myself in what appeared to be a laboratory of some kind.

" Ken, is it?" asked one of the doctors. "Do you know who you are? Do you have any difficulties with your new body?"

The term "new body" echoed in Ken's mind as he contemplated what had happened. He hesitantly looked down and discovered the shocking truth: his lower body had been replaced with machinery. Panic surged through him.

"Who are you all, and where am I?" Ken demanded, trying to keep his composure. "Of course, I know who I am. I'm Ken Thomson."

he entire laboratory erupted into celebration, with everyone cheering and congratulating each other his questions fell on deaf ears as the doctors and technicians reveled in their success.

However, the jubilation was abruptly interrupted when a mysterious figure entered the room through a nearby door well not quite.

"wait, it can't be... Is that the Hero Sentinel?" Ken exclaimed in awe, his eyes widening with excitement. He couldn't believe he was in the presence of a famous hero. Overcome with excitement, he rushed toward the figure, practically fanboying, to ask for an autograph.

However, his sudden burst of speed in his unfamiliar mechanical body was more powerful than he anticipated. Ken crashed into the wall, completely unaware of his newfound abilities.

Hero Sentinel's expression turned almost disappointed as he looked at Ken. "So, this is the new plan the Captain has thought about. Seems like a waste of the 10 billion used to make you like that," he remarked.

Hearing such a colossal figure, Ken couldn't contain his astonishment. "Wait, this cost 10 billion?" he shouted, struggling to grasp the enormity of the sum.

"It's hard to believe that an average high schooler like me was so important that I was saved using more than the country's military expenses. So, I want an explanation," Ken pressed, his disbelief and confusion evident in his voice.

"I guess you're not stupid, at least," said Sentinel. He continued, "I can't tell you much, but considering the event that happened at Franklin High, and knowing of your potential regenerative abilities that are needed to survive the removal of your original body and blood lose, we decided to make you the pilot of a body that might bring America to the top again. Do you see the amount of pressure you're in? If you're a failure the money used on you is an unbelievable amount of the taxpayers' money so it would be a huge loss. From now on," he said, standing up, "you're property of the government and a future top hero."

Ken liked the idea of being a hero, but he also didn't like the idea of being owned. However, if his new body was as great as they said, there would be nothing stopping him from leaving when he was stronger. He smiled sinisterly while looking at what seemed to be some kind of system window that had popped up in front of him after waking up: "You have obtained a body made of ancient materials and unknown power."

Sentinel, somewhat surprised by Ken's determination, nodded in response. "Very well, Ken. Your training will begin, and you'll have to adapt to your new body quickly. We can't afford any setbacks." Ken was then dragged into some kind of flying car.



The flying vehicle's descent was a spectacle in itself, gradually descending and touching down in the heart of the sprawling military base. Ken observed the massive operation before him. Everywhere he looked, soldiers were deeply engrossed in rigorous training exercises. The rhythmic thud of boots, the shouted commands, and the occasional clatter of combat gear blended .

Stepping off the vehicle, Ken realized that he had entered a world where transformation was not just a possibility but an expectation. The Sentinal, his expression a mix of determination and hope, made eye contact with Ken. his eyes making unspoken connection lay that of Teacher and student . Ken's heart pounded, a turbulent blend of nervousness and an eager willingness to embrace this new chapter in his life.

With the sun casting its golden glow upon the scene, the Sentinal's voice cut through the clamor. "From now on, you'll face the harshest and most grueling training," he declared, his words carrying both weight and encouragement. His smile, though firm, held a glint of confidence. "But I have a feeling you'll fit right in here, new recruit."

The Sentinal's belief in him ignited a spark within Ken, a determination to prove himself in this new world of discipline and power. As sudden as getting this chance his training began

The following weeks plunged me headlong into "grueling training." The initial week was a baptism by fire alongside fellow recruits. The unrelenting squad commanders bellowed their orders, their voices seemingly piercing one's very soul, stripping away pride and bad habits. Physical exams and training exercises became a routine; push-ups, runs, and strenuous carry runs barely posed a challenge to Ken due to his new body. 'Though I still struggled with controlling my strength output, I managed to form genuine friendships during this period.'

The second week marked a significant shift as I began personal training with high-ranking commanders, including my favorite, Master Raijin. He was a retired pro hero with telekinetic Aztec powers and an expert in wielding swords. Hes training focused less on intense body training and more on the mental aspect. He emphasized discipline and control, enhancing my mind's connection to my body. What kept me consistent was something unique – the system i gained. It felt like a mysterious power that came with my new body, more similar to a health tracking app then a video game system. It provided data and gauged my strength , serving as a constant motivator.

my sword training was complete i moved on to different task, I had acquired proficiency in using firearms. The heightened mental training granted me the ability to perceive things almost in slow motion unless the target was faster then me, and my eyes became incredibly responsive, making my aim almost always accurate.

The training regimen with Sentinal also began soon after, helping me learn to harness and control my body. The system showed that my strength had reached a proficiency level of 100, implying the existence of higher levels. Yet, I knew I was making progress, even if it seemed incremental. I didn't even notice that six months slipped by, but the changes in me became hard to ignore.




"How do you like your new suit?" a man in the shop asked, holding it out for me to inspect.

I quickly Wore the sleek suit that complemented my robotic body, the green-themed attire was a striking choice, {basically mirroring the novel's cover page}. My mask concealed my identity, giving me an air of mystery and intrigue. With the fit complete.

"Thanks, it's really great. Makes me feel powerful," I replied, eyeing myself in the mirror. I had finished my Private training with Sentinal just two days ago, and the newfound freedom allowed me to leave the base whenever I pleased. I thought it would be a good idea to get a new outfit that would make me stand out, something that my future fans would appreciate. With a surge of confidence, I stepped out of the shop, wearing a slim green-themed suit that looked really cool.

The commotion outside the store drew my attention, and I rushed out after paying the shopkeeper a considerable sum of money. I had to see what was happening.

The gathering of people in front of the mysterious figure piqued Ken's curiosity. He approached someone in the crowd and politely inquired, "What's happening here?"

The person he asked startled by Ken's appearance fell, but quickly answered, "Oh, it seems the AU Tournament is taking place. You know, Aztec University's tournament."

As Ken gazed at the poster being put up, he couldn't help but notice the admiring glances he received from those around him. It seemed they thought he was just another high schooler interested in pursuing the path of a hero. The poster itself displayed an enticing message:

"It's that time of year again - the AU Tournament is back! This tournament is designed to assess high schoolers aspiring to attend Aztec University, the top-ranked university globally. Join the competition - only 40 applicants will be selected! (Disclaimer: Joining the competition is not required for university application, and we offer a variety of courses beyond hero training.)"

The prospect of the AU Tournament had Ken buzzing with excitement. However, he quickly realized he needed a guardian's signature to participate. In addition, he would have to find a way to forge his last year in high school, as the tragic events had prevented him from completing it.

As these thoughts swirled in his mind, one thing that had persistently troubled him over the past six months was his inability to contact his family. Just as he was about to delve deeper into these concerns, his reverie was shattered by a sudden call from Hero Sentinel. The urgency in Sentinel's voice was palpable as he shouted at Ken to return to the base immediately - something of great importance had come up.

Ken reacted with extraordinary speed and agility, his body seemingly charged with electricity as he sprinted toward his destination. He moved so quickly that he appeared as a mere blur to the naked eye, a testament to his newfound abilities. Leaping over buildings effortlessly, he eventually reached a speedboat that would ferry him back to the base.

Upon his return, Hero Sentinel wore a visage of concern, and he sternly instructed Ken not to act foolishly. The gravity of the situation was evident as Sentinel revealed that someone of great importance was about to arrive, and Ken was ordered to salute this esteemed guest upon their arrival.

Amid the tense atmosphere, a voice broke the silence "there's no need for such formality", radiating an aura of purity and authority. The owner of the voice stepped into view, and there stood Hero Mai, also known as "The Ice Queen." She was a striking figure, known for her ethereal beauty that seemed to contrast her icy powers. Her elegant appearance didn't immediately reflect her immense strength, making her an enigma to many.

Sentinel, standing nearby, kissed the back of her palm, displaying a profound level of respect as he greeted her. "You look as beautiful as ever, Lady Mai," he said.

Lady Mai accepted his greeting gracefully, her gaze shifting from Sentinel to Ken. She wore an air of regal authority and carried herself with a poise that left no doubt about her position in the hero world. It was at that moment Ken remembered something, she was the captain of the Southern Military base.

Mai looked directly at Ken, her voice carrying an air of authority. "You, Ken, will be taking part in the coming AU Tournament."

Both Ken and Sentinal were taken aback by the unexpected announcement. Ken secrectly happy but pretended to be in a lose to find his words, "The AU Tournament? But why me?"

"Your abilities and training show promise, Ken. We've decided it's time to test, to see if you have what it takes to join Aztec University dominating that tournament is the next step to bringing America to the top again."

Sentinal, although surprised, nodded in agreement. "It's a unique opportunity, Ken. If you perform well in the tournament, it will greatly influence your future as a hero."

Ken couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had been looking forward to the prospect of participating in the AU Tournament, and now it was becoming a reality. With newfound determination, he replied, "I won't let you down, Lady Mai. I'll do my best in the tournament."

Mai nodded, her piercing gaze locked on Ken. "That's what I expect, Ken. The tournament is your chance to prove yourself but at the same time Decides if we shouldn't just melt you apart and Re-Sell the Metal."

Ken shivered, realizing the gravity of the situation. "You can't be serious..."

Hero Mai's tone remained stern. "Oh, I am very serious. So, Ken are you Ready."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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