
Princess Assassin

Check out my new book "Fangless: The Alpha's Vampire Mate", which participates in Cupid's Quill. Please support me by adding the book to your library, voting, and commenting :D *** This story is slow-burn to show the characters' desires and emotions properly. The ML will appear in Chapter 28. If you'd like to skip the earlier chapters, you can go ahead to Chapter 28, where the main story begins. Chapters 1-28 give a glimpse of Yohana's life before she's resurrected in Runa's body. They also contain hints for several mysteries, but not major ones that would disrupt your reading flow. ___ [updated daily] Yohana, a skilled and relentless assassin, is killed after eliminating a prostitute. But she returns from the dead and finds herself in the body of the prostitute, who turns out to be the former princess. Now Yohana must unravel the mystery of her death while navigating high society as she assumes a new identity. As she uncovers the truth, she faces unexpected allies, enemies, and love, challenging her at every step. ___ Instagram: merakiconstellation Discord: merakifiction Join my discord channel here https://discord.gg/dgHBGW84

merakifiction · Fantasy
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480 Chs


Yohana was hurriedly getting ready for the trip, but it seemed that Thea was more excited than Yohana herself. She chuckled as she observed her personal maid scrambling to enhance Yohana's beauty without the availability of accessories or makeup at hand.

In the end, Yohana looked like her usual self, and Thea couldn't help but sigh. "I apologize, My Lady. It's my incompetence that prevented me from making you more beautiful. Although it would be challenging as you're already incredibly beautiful. But I believe a prettier dress and some decent makeup would make you even more stunning."

Yohana interrupted Thea's self-criticism by halting in her tracks, right in front of Henrie. Thea immediately bowed deeply. "I apologize, Your Highness," she exclaimed.

"I apologize for inviting you out on such short notice," Henrie said.

"Not at all. I appreciate your consideration, Your Highness," Yohana replied, bowing.

"What were you discussing? May I join you?" Henrie asked, placing both hands behind his back and smiling curiously.

"It's nothing important," Yohana replied.

However, Thea took it upon herself to reveal the truth to the crown prince. "I am simply lamenting the lack of resources to make Her Ladyship even more beautiful. I believe that with fancier dresses and makeup, she would be absolutely breathtaking."

Smiling even wider, Henrie said, "You're in luck! We will solve that problem today."

Henrie assisted Yohana into the carriage before boarding it himself. Thea joined them, sitting beside Yohana. It was her first time riding in such a luxurious carriage, and she relished the experience.

As a naturally cheerful girl, Thea found everything fascinating. She had never realized how quickly they could reach the town square, having always traveled on foot, which took much longer.

"That's because walking consumes more time," Henrie gently explained to her.

Thea nodded, absorbing the new information.

Finally, they arrived at the town square. The carriage was parked there, and they would explore the area on foot. This allowed them the convenience of spontaneously visiting stores that caught their eye.

"This is the finest dressmaker in town," Henrie remarked as they came to a stop in front of a shop.

"The seamstress, Lorenza Tamasi, is directly shipped from Cericce, so you need not question the quality. While I know your family used to patronize Victor's services, I personally believe that Mrs. Lo is superior. She has an eye for detail and knows how to create designs that perfectly complement one's facial features."

"I trust your judgment, Your Highness. However, isn't it too extravagant for someone like me? I would be satisfied with a more modest tailor," Yohana said, preparing to turn away.

But Thea grasped her hand and compelled her to look at the dresses showcased behind the glass window. "My Lady, please look! Based on her previous works, I am certain she will enhance your beauty even further."

Henrie puffed out his chest, proud to be recognized. "Your maid has excellent taste. What was your name again?"

"Thea, Your Highness," Thea bowed politely.

Yohana had never understood the culture of high society, where excessive importance was placed on appearances. Perhaps that explained why many nobles ended up bankrupt and resorted to marrying wealthy commoners who sought titles.

However, Yohana reminded herself that she was playing the role of a noblewoman, albeit a fallen one in this case. Nevertheless, Runa was still a noblewoman.

She made the decision to follow the crown prince, with Thea merrily skipping behind her.

Upon entering the shop, they were warmly greeted by a woman in her thirties. She first addressed Henrie, saying, "Greetings, Your Highness. It is an honor to have you visit on such a beautiful day."

Then, the woman turned her attention to Yohana, seemingly aware of her identity. "Greetings, Lady Runa. I am Lo, the seamstress. It is a pleasure to have you back. I am sorry for the injustice you have endured, being blamed for someone else's wrongdoing."

Henrie inquired, "Can you create dresses for her?"

"Certainly, Your Highness. I am delighted to design dresses for someone as beautiful as Lady Runa. I am confident that anything I create will look stunning when worn by her," Mrs. Lo replied.

"Indeed, we aim for her to be regarded with utmost respect and admiration so no one can look down on her anymore," Thea chimed in with enthusiasm.

"Hush, Thea!" Yohana cautioned her personal maid, realizing the potential implications of her words.

However, it had already captured Henrie's attention. "Please enlighten me, Thea. Who is looking down on her?"

Caught in a dilemma, Thea shifted her gaze between Yohana and Henrie, visibly distressed. She trembled in place, struggling to find the right words, her mouth opening and closing anxiously.

"Your Highness, I kindly request that you refrain from pressuring my maid. She is young and inexperienced, prone to misunderstandings. It is only fair to give her some leeway to learn from her mistakes," Yohana interjected, attempting to conceal the fact that Queen Emma held a deep-seated animosity toward her.

Right from the moment Yohana first encountered Queen Emma, she sensed her unwelcome presence.

She was assigned to an antechamber, a space adjacent to the servants' quarters rather than a proper chamber. It was located far from the central area and lacked adequate lighting. This arrangement only confirmed Yohana's suspicions.

When Zara entered her chamber with a stack of worn-out dresses, it further solidified Yohana's apprehensions. She understood that bringing this matter up to Henrie could lead to a resolution, but it might also invite future complications.

After all, the queen held authority over palace affairs, and having Henrie resolved the issue could worsen Yohana's situation.

"It doesn't appear to be the case," Henrie expressed his doubts.

"Please, Your Highness. I would appreciate it if you could let it go this time. I would feel more at ease shopping without discussing it further," Yohana requested, effectively ending the conversation.

Henrie eventually acquiesced and allowed Mrs. Lo to guide Yohana to the mirror.

"I believe it is better to accentuate your beautiful collarbone, so a low, rounded collar is perfect for you," Mrs. Lo suggested, pressing a fabric sample against Yohana's chest.

Thea glanced at Henrie before discreetly whispering to Mrs. Lo, "Ma'am, Her Ladyship also has beautiful bosoms. Shouldn't we showcase them a bit? Many women will envy her, and men will desire her."

Mrs. Lo appeared taken aback by the vulgar suggestion and struggled to respond. However, Yohana intervened and put a stop to Thea's audacious idea. "Thea, do you want me to be perceived as vulgar in society? I am just making my return."

"Oh, right. I apologize, My Lady. I momentarily got carried away," Thea apologized, bowing her head.

"Mrs. Lo, I'm afraid a rounded collar would be too informal for me. What about a square-cut one?" Yohana requested.

"Ma'am, what about a low, straight-cut collar? If it stops here, it should not be considered vulgar. Additionally, if you add lace detailing around the collar, it will look elegant," Thea suggested, and this time Yohana found herself liking the idea.

"I'd like that," Yohana said, smiling.

Even Mrs. Lo seemed impressed. "Miss, you have a good eye. You would be successful if you pursued a business in this industry. Come, help me look for the best color and pattern. I want to see your taste."

Henrie approached Yohana, who was still standing before the mirror, while Mrs. Lo took Thea to the storage room. "Are you tired?"

"Not really," Yohana replied. "And how about you, Your Highness?"

"I'm not tired at all. Also, could you please refer to me as Henrie when it's just the two of us? I dislike being addressed so formally by you," he said.

Yohana lowered her gaze, unsure of how to respond to his request. "But, Your Highness..."

"Henrie. Please call me Henrie."

"Alright. Henrie."

Henrie immediately brightened up. "Is there any design you favor? Do you see any dresses you like here on display? We could buy some ready-to-wear dresses while waiting for the customized ones."

"They are all gorgeous, but I'm fine," Yohana replied.

He pouted. Before Yohana could react, Mrs. Lo and Thea returned from the storage room with various fabrics.

"I'm telling you, Her Ladyship's color is blue. This watchet will complement her complexion better." Thea pressed a blue fabric to Yohana's neck and said, "See? The flower pattern is gorgeous too. She will be the talk of the town for months if she wears this to the ball."

Hearing that, Mrs. Lo stopped in her tracks and asked, "What? A ball?"

"Hmm? Your Highness, is this not something I should tell her?" Thea confirmed with Henrie.

Henrie shook his head. "No, that's why we're here. Oh, did I not tell you, Mrs. Lo? The palace will hold a royal ball to celebrate Lady Runa's return, and she will need a dress."

"I thought you were requesting daily wear," Mrs. Lo muttered.

"Oh, yes, that too. In fact, I would like you to fill her wardrobe with your collections if that's possible," Henrie said.

"No, that would be too—" Yohana tried to stop them, but Mrs. Lo, Henrie, and Thea had already made a decision for her.

"This won't do," Mrs. Lo discarded the fabrics. "Gold will undoubtedly make a lasting impression on everyone. We must go with gold for the ball."

"Yes!" Thea exclaimed, trailing after Mrs. Lo back to the storage room.