
Princess Assassin

Check out my new book "Fangless: The Alpha's Vampire Mate", which participates in Cupid's Quill. Please support me by adding the book to your library, voting, and commenting :D *** This story is slow-burn to show the characters' desires and emotions properly. The ML will appear in Chapter 28. If you'd like to skip the earlier chapters, you can go ahead to Chapter 28, where the main story begins. Chapters 1-28 give a glimpse of Yohana's life before she's resurrected in Runa's body. They also contain hints for several mysteries, but not major ones that would disrupt your reading flow. ___ [updated daily] Yohana, a skilled and relentless assassin, is killed after eliminating a prostitute. But she returns from the dead and finds herself in the body of the prostitute, who turns out to be the former princess. Now Yohana must unravel the mystery of her death while navigating high society as she assumes a new identity. As she uncovers the truth, she faces unexpected allies, enemies, and love, challenging her at every step. ___ Instagram: merakiconstellation Discord: merakifiction Join my discord channel here https://discord.gg/dgHBGW84

merakifiction · Fantasy
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480 Chs

Golden Star

Mrs. Lo arrived at the royal palace with numerous bags, leaving Yohana surprised by the sheer number of boxes she brought to her small room. Unable to accommodate everything, some boxes were left in the hallway.

Appalled by the poor condition of the chamber she was led to, Mrs. Lo asked, "My Lady, shouldn't we proceed to your designated chamber? It would be more comfortable for you to change there."

Perhaps Mrs. Lo assumed that Yohana had chosen this room to avoid having strangers in her cherished bedchamber. Yohana felt sorry for Mrs. Lo, as she had misunderstood the situation.

"This is my bedchamber, Mrs. Lo. It's alright, I can try the dresses here. Thea will assist in moving the boxes outside for now. However, I'm afraid you may need to take some boxes back with you. As you can see, there isn't enough space here to store everything."

Mrs. Lo appeared troubled by Yohana's decision. Henrie must have already paid for the dresses in full, so returning them would mean issuing a refund. And it was likely that Mrs. Lo had already used the money.


"How about you keep them for me temporarily? That way, the dresses will still be mine, but since I lack space, you can store them on my behalf. I will select the necessary pieces and rotate their use to ensure that I wear each one," Yohana suggested.

Delighted with the solution that would spare her from issuing a refund, Mrs. Lo immediately agreed. She assisted Yohana in trying on each dress.

"Wow, you truly are an exceptional seamstress, Ma'am. Your dresses are so perfect that there's no need for any alterations," Thea sincerely commented.

Yohana noticed Thea's keen interest in dresses and accessories. She was also the one responsible for selecting accessories for Yohana's upcoming participation in the royal ball.

As Mrs. Lo presented the dress for the ball, Thea held her breath. Her exaggerated gestures had become a familiar sight for Yohana, and she had come to understand that Thea's animated expressions were genuine and not merely an attempt to attract attention.

"My Lady, oh, by the Saints! The dress is stunning. You will be unforgettable. Ma'am, it's perfect," Thea exclaimed, clasping her hands and opening them repeatedly in her excitement.

The breathtaking golden dress befitted the glamour of a royal ball, and Yohana was certain that she would not bring shame wearing it to one of the biggest social events in the Reichwein Kingdom.

The gown itself was a masterpiece of artistry, meticulously crafted from the finest golden silk brocade. Adorned with intricate patterns of floral motifs and delicate filigree, it exuded an air of opulence and refinement.

Mrs. Lo smiled proudly and assisted Yohana in putting on the dress, while Thea busily searched the small jewelry box for suitable accessories to accompany the golden gown. Since Yohana didn't have a jewelry box, she stored her recently purchased jewelry in the box provided by the store when Henrie bought them.

"Lady Runa, I assure you, you will be the most beautiful woman at the royal ball. Everyone will be compelled to remember you for eternity. The palace hall would be even more exquisite if a portrait of you graced its walls," Mrs. Lo complimented.

In normal circumstances, Yohana would consider such flattery as mere words to please customers. However, as she gazed at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but admit that the former princess was indeed as beautiful as the rumors claimed.

The dress hugged Yohana's figure flawlessly, accentuating her curves and imparting an aura of grace and elegance. The shimmering golden lace that adorned the neckline cascaded down, adding a touch of femininity and allure.

As Yohana moved, the skirt billowed out in a lavish display, its layers of golden fabric flowing like liquid gold. Intricate pleats and folds added depth and dimension, creating a mesmerizing effect with every step she took.

Thea added the perfect finishing touches to Yohana's regal appearance. Her neck was adorned with a stunning necklace, featuring a pendant encrusted with rare golden gems, each one radiant with glimmering beauty.

Matching earrings dangled from her ears, their golden chains swaying gently with her movements.

Golden bangles graced her wrists, adding a touch of elegance.

Feeling slightly overwhelmed by the abundance of accessories, Yohana requested, "Thea, shouldn't we tone down the accessories a bit?"

Thea shook her head fervently, her eyes filled with admiration. "No, My Lady. You are perfect just as you are. Although, this would truly complete the ensemble."

With her hands concealed behind her back, she approached Yohana, revealing a delicate golden tiara adorned with sparkling gemstones that shimmered like stars in the night sky.

Yohana was taken aback. "Where did you get this? I don't recall purchasing it."

Fearing that Thea might have mistakenly taken someone else's possession, Yohana worried about the potential consequences. In the palace, such an error could have severe repercussions for Thea's life.

Thea's confident smile never faltered. "My Lady, His Highness himself selected this tiara. He insisted that I keep it hidden until the dress arrived. It's a surprise from the crown prince, My Lady. What do you think? Do you love it?"

Yohana muttered, "I see." She recalled Henrie's interest in tiaras during their visit to the accessories store. She regretted that Henrie had purchased the tiara in advance and asked Thea to hide it. Otherwise, she would have dissuaded Henrie from buying it.

Despite feeling overwhelmed, Yohana accepted the thoughtful gesture. She knew that Henrie had no ill intentions and appreciated his kindness.


The day of the ball had arrived, and Yohana felt nervous.

With Thea faithfully by her side, Yohana maintained a calm demeanor as they made their way toward the palace hall, named Bateilla after a water saint known for bringing much-needed rain to those suffering from drought for centuries.

The faint sound of music wafted through the air, signaling the arrival of the guests. Standing proudly in front of the grand hall's doors was Henrie, a vision of elegance.

Despite having recently been bestowed the title of crown prince, he exuded inherent nobility and charm. His golden hair cascaded in soft waves, framing his face with a radiant glow. Impeccably styled, his blond locks possessed a natural luster, shimmering with a subtle sheen that enhanced his features.

In a deliberate effort not to overshadow the star of the night, Henrie had chosen a royal blue velvet suit with golden embroidery that complemented his tall and commanding stature.

Henrie's strong jawline boasted a hint of stubble, adding a rugged yet polished allure to his princely countenance. The shadow of facial hair bestowed a touch of masculinity upon his refined appearance, befitting his royal status.

His eyes, a captivating shade of azure blue, sparkled with kindness as he greeted Yohana with a warm smile and extended hand. The genuine warmth in his gaze instantly put Yohana at ease in his presence.

Yohana couldn't help but recognize the undeniable charm that Henrie possessed. She gracefully bowed and greeted him. "Your Highness, I am truly grateful for the surprise." Her hand lightly grazed the tiara adorning her head as she spoke.

The dashing prince beamed with satisfaction. "You are absolutely stunning, Lady Runa." With a gentle touch, he took hold of Yohana's hand and tenderly pressed a kiss to the back of it.

Hand in hand, Henrie and Yohana made their entrance into the hall, greeted by a resounding cheer that reverberated throughout the expansive space. The brilliance of the chandeliers momentarily overwhelmed Yohana as she adjusted her eyes to the luminosity.

Bateilla Hall boasted towering ceilings adorned with frescoes that depicted the pilgrimage of the Sanctus religion, capturing the significant events experienced by revered Saints throughout history. These exquisite paintings, bathed in soft pastel hues, imparted an ethereal beauty to the surroundings.

Glistening chandeliers hung from above, casting a mesmerizing cascade of light onto the marble floors, creating a spectacle of shimmering reflections. Ornate tapestries, vibrant and rich in color, depicted tales of conquests, triumphs, and the regal lineage of the Reichwein Kingdom.

Majestic columns rose proudly, supporting grand archways that led to other chambers within the palace. However, all eyes were irresistibly drawn to the focal point of the hall—a magnificently opulent, gilded throne situated at the far end.

Seated upon the throne were King Georg, Queen Emma, and the three Princesses, their regal seats adorned with sumptuous velvet upholstery, adorned with precious gems and intricate golden designs.

Henrie and Yohana gracefully traversed the hall, enveloped by the resounding cheers and enthusiastic applause of the crowd.

Henrie, with his characteristic charm, waved to the guests, his smile radiating warmth and charisma. Yohana endeavored to emulate his poise, though uncertain of her own success.

Approaching the throne, they both bowed in a display of reverence and deference to the king.

Yohana's observant gaze caught a glimpse of Queen Emma's discontented expression, carefully masked to maintain a composed facade. She probably

understood that publicly deriding the star of the event could invite undesirable consequences and potential backlash.

With Yohana's arrival, the grand ball commenced, accompanied by lively dancing music that filled the air. Couples gracefully took to the dance floor, while young noblewomen strategically positioned themselves to captivate the attention of eligible gentlemen.

Some achieved success in their endeavors, while others contentedly indulged in the delectable treats and refreshments provided by the palace.

For Yohana, the privilege of the first dance belonged to Henrie, the orchestrator of this magnificent event designed to celebrate her return. As she placed her hand in his and joined him on the dance floor, Yohana's gaze swept casually across the room, taking in the atmosphere.

Then, her eyes landed on a familiar figure, and a pang of longing tugged at her heart. Memories of their separation flooded her mind, causing her steps to falter and her attention to fixate on that particular spot in the room.

Henrie, attuned to Yohana's emotions, followed her gaze and discovered the source of her distraction.

It was Fabian.