
Primordial Flame Emperor

Without warning, the planet Earth is torn from its universe and transported to a new dimension composed of nine distinct layers, with the ninth layer being the weakest, inhabited by lower worlds. In this unknown and hostile environment, each inhabitant of Earth receives the chance to awaken a powerful element, not limited to traditional elements, but encompassing anything that has life and the potential for mutation. Among billions of humans, Ash Allen stands out, a man known for his laziness and lack of ambition. Before the displacement, his greatest desire was to be supported by a wealthy woman. However, his destiny changes drastically when he awakens one of the most powerful and rare elements: the Element of Primordial Flames. Now, with immense and dangerous power in his hands, Ash must learn to master his Primordial Flames and decide whether to continue his old lazy life or embrace his new role as a potential emperor in the quest for supremacy in the upper layers of this new reality.

Author_Slacky · Fantasy
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6 Chs

chapter 4 - Decision

Ayane, show me my current status.

[Name: Ash Allen]

[Age: 16 Years]

[Height: 1.75]

[Title: None]

[Personality: Dreamer, Determined, Pursues the peak]

[Location: Planet Earth - Lower World - 9th dimensional layer]

[Element: Primordial Flames]

[Combat Power: ?]

[Cultivation: Junior Mage]

[Update - Personality before: Lazy, Layabout, Messy, Otaku, Sedentary --> After Dreamer, Determined, Pursues the peak]

Power --> changed to combat power, as the host has not fought and impossible to evaluate

Cultivation --> changed from a mortal to a Junior Mage - 1st Circle

"Doesn't seem bad, or am I just feeling kind of bipolar?"

[Personality is based on what you're currently feeling or your decisions, so it will always change.]

"I see. Ayane, do you know where we can test our combat power?



[It's best to go to other Lower Worlds]

"What? Is it possible to travel between worlds?" Ash said, surprised.

[Yes, even though the worlds in this dimension are countless, they are still within the Dimension. That's why it's recommended that each world has strong people. If you are weak, you will be prey to stronger worlds.]

Upon hearing this, Ash felt a tinge of fear. Fear of having the place where he was born and raised become prey to stronger worlds.

If before Ash wanted to pursue the peak as a goal, now he sees the need, the need to be strong, the need to not be prey to the strongest.

"Ayane, are the other AI like you?


"???? What do you mean?"

[Developed AI only go to the most talented of each world]

"I am the most talented person on Earth?"


"And my father who awakened the chaos element or my mother who awakened the nirvana flame element?

[They are talented, but they do not surpass the son who has a talent transmuting from both elements.]

"Ayane, are my parents normal people?

[I don't know]

Ash pondered about his parents, but then those thoughts were nullified and he considered that his parents were not normal people. It would be cool if they really were strong. After all, who wouldn't want to be the child of a strong person? And the best part, unlike the protagonists of novels or manga, he wouldn't be burdened with worry about his parents, after all, even if they weren't strong, he has op talents and it's easy to become strong.

Now, what he has to worry about is Earth and its future.

"Ayane, as the most talented person on Earth, what should I do?

[You have 2 paths:

[Evolve Earth - By conquering other worlds, it's possible to increase Earth's mana and evolve. If you follow this path, you have to be prepared to have a whole world on your shoulders. If you fail, it's dangerous to drag your world along with you.

[Abandon Earth - If you abandon Earth, the second most talented person will succeed you.]

If before Ash decided to face his lazy personality and overcome his trauma, now he finds himself once again in a difficult situation, carrying a whole world on his shoulders or abandoning Earth.

"Ayane, if I abandon Earth, is it possible for me to still stay here?"

[I know I'm an AI and I don't have emotion or feelings like humans do. But do you really want to have one of the strongest elements of the dimension, being able to even create a unique flame, only to leave your fate in the hands of others? I understand that the responsibility is heavy, but didn't you decide to pursue the peak? Carrying the whole world on your shoulders doesn't even compare to reaching the peak,] said Ayane.

"You're right, I'll go out for a bit," said Ash.

After that, he left his room and went to the kitchen, shouting, "MOM, I'M GOING OUT!"

A voice replied, "Where are you going at this hour?"

"I'm going out for a bit, bye," said Ash as he left the house.

"That kid," muttered his mother.

Ash walked through the streets illuminated by streetlights. The city didn't have many people; it's unknown whether it's because of what happened early in the morning or if people are sleeping. But even empty, the city still had birds singing.

Ash saw a bench in the distance and sat down.

"What do I do, damn it?"

As Ash sat on the bench, he watched the stars shining in the night sky, reflecting on Ayane's words. He felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders, but also the desire to reach his full potential. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to clear his mind.

"If I abandon Earth, I will be renouncing my destiny to conquer the peak," he thought to himself. "But if I accept this burden, I will be risking everything I know and love."

A gentle breeze blew, making the leaves of the trees whisper around him. Ash took a deep breath, feeling the fresh air fill his lungs. He knew he couldn't run away from his responsibilities forever, but he also needed to find a way to deal with them without losing himself in the process.

"I choose...", he murmured to himself, his decision still hanging in the air.

With his mind still undecided, Ash felt a mixture of fear and determination growing inside him. He knew that whatever his decision, he would need to face the consequences with courage.

Looking up at the starry sky, Ash remembered his new goal after overcoming his trauma. He wanted to explore the unknown, challenge the limits of the impossible, and leave his mark on the world.

"I can't give up now," he said aloud, surprising himself with the firmness of his own words. "I choose to evolve Earth. I choose to face the challenge and fight for Earth."

A sense of relief mixed with nervousness coursed through his body as he stood up from the bench. He knew that the road ahead would be arduous and fraught with dangers, but he was also determined to move forward with everything he had.

With a new sense of purpose, Ash began to walk back home, ready to face whatever the future held.

"Ayane, show me my current status."

[Name: Ash Allen]

[Age: 16 Years]

[Height: 1.75]

[Title: The one who carries the planet Earth, most talented of Earth, Sovereign of planet Earth]

[Personality: Responsible, Determined, Pursues the peak]

[Location: Planet Earth - Lower World - 9th dimensional layer]

[Element: Primordial Flames]

[Combat Power: ?]

[Cultivation: Junior Mage]

[Update --> Personality: changed from dreamer to responsible]

[Title--> The one who carries the planet Earth, most talented of planet Earth, sovereign of Earth]

With this, Ash faces his destiny with courage and determination, ready to confront the challenges that lie ahead and lead Earth to a better future.

today's last chapter , I posted 4 chapters all with a theme that helps me build the world of the story, this work if I haven't given up is going to be big, we haven't even explored 0.00001 of the novel yet for the 4 chapters first chapter if you've seen it from a review for me

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