
Primordial Flame Emperor

Without warning, the planet Earth is torn from its universe and transported to a new dimension composed of nine distinct layers, with the ninth layer being the weakest, inhabited by lower worlds. In this unknown and hostile environment, each inhabitant of Earth receives the chance to awaken a powerful element, not limited to traditional elements, but encompassing anything that has life and the potential for mutation. Among billions of humans, Ash Allen stands out, a man known for his laziness and lack of ambition. Before the displacement, his greatest desire was to be supported by a wealthy woman. However, his destiny changes drastically when he awakens one of the most powerful and rare elements: the Element of Primordial Flames. Now, with immense and dangerous power in his hands, Ash must learn to master his Primordial Flames and decide whether to continue his old lazy life or embrace his new role as a potential emperor in the quest for supremacy in the upper layers of this new reality.

Author_Slacky · Fantasy
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6 Chs

chapter 5 - Ayane, are you trustworthy?

"Ayane, how do I go to other worlds?"

[I can create a portal that connects to another world.]

"How do you do that?"

[I am an existence designed by the dimension, practically the dao described in the novels of your world, but I can only operate on Earth and assist the most talented. Besides me, there are thousands of other AIs; in each world, there is an AI that assists. If this world falls, it disappears.]

"So is it possible for some AI to open a portal to Earth?"

[Yes, but for now, no one is interested in this world. After all, there is nothing to be interested in.]

"Damn, I don't know if I'm hurt or happy that they're not interested," Ash said.

"What is the most interesting world currently?"

[World of Monsters. In this world, people can integrate lineages, but there are no geniuses. No one knows the reason. Currently, several geniuses from other worlds are in this world trying to dominate it.]

"How do you integrate a lineage?" Ash said, excited.


"What will happen if I choose this world?"

[If you choose this world, you will need to be careful with both the natives and the geniuses. If you manage to dominate this world, Earth may have a new cultivation system, but with positivity comes negativity: you may die in this world.]

"I will," Ash said.

[You may die.]

"I know."

"And if you drag Earth with you?"

"It doesn't matter," Ash said.

[Why do you want to take the risk?]

"The moment I became sovereign of Earth, I am prepared to evolve it. I don't want to be prey to stronger worlds or upper layers. So, I made a promise to myself: no matter the difficulty, no matter the challenges, I will become strong, stronger than anyone.

"And even if I fall, I am prepared to drag Earth along with me," Ash said and continued.

"Selfishness? No, the truth is, I don't know what other people on Earth are thinking. But you know what? Like I said to Leo: this event is more than it seems. The moment Earth entered the dimension, it turned into a game, a chess piece. Even you, Ayane, I don't know what you think, but through our conversation, I realize that you want someone strong! Tell me, isn't it true?

[My duty is to assist the most talented individuals.]

"LIE, I'm not stupid. Since that's the case, answer: why did you convince me before? Just choose a second person, you didn't need to convince me. And after you said that there are thousands of AIs, are you manipulating me to evolve you? Relax, I don't care what you're trying to do, because currently, you are still useful. Both of us are using each other for benefits: I help you evolve, and you help me get strong and protect Earth. Simple as that."

[.....] Ayane said nothing.

"Tomorrow, open a portal to the world of monsters." After that, Ash lay down and went to sleep.

The next day, Ash woke up early. Even his mother was surprised; she had never seen Ash wake up early.

"Ash, are you okay?" Lyra asked.

"Yes, I am, Mom," Ash said.

"I'm going to leave home for a while," Ash said.

"What? Are you going out?" Lyra asked.

"Yes, I have something to do. I don't know when I'll be back," Ash said.

"Ash, you're just a 16-year-old teenager. Do you really think your father and I will let you go wherever?" his mother said.

"I'm a 16-year-old teenager with more responsibility than you imagine. And even if you don't agree, it doesn't matter, after all, I have to leave anyway," Ash said.

"ASH, what's going on with you?" his mother asked.

"A lot. Practically the whole Earth is on my shoulders," Ash saw no need to lie; after all, it's better to tell the truth than to drag it out and have something happen in the future.

"Ash, explain to me what's going on!" his mother said.

"I don't have much to explain, except what I told you. But know this: since Earth passed into the dimension, don't think we'll have the same calm life as before. This dimension is where the weak devour the strong, Mom. I don't know what you and Dad think, but let me tell you something: train your powers, become a mage, be strong. No matter what happens in the future, our family will not fall."

"Let's show that the Allen family is not weak. Let's show that Earth is not weak. Let's control our destiny and not be a chess piece. And if someone messes with our lives, destroy them," Ash said.

"Ash," Ash "Seeing his mother's expression, Ash continued, embracing her in his arms reassuringly.

"Don't blame yourself; I'll be fine, I won't die," Ash said, hugging his mother.

"Ash, promise me you won't die, and now that you've chosen this path, don't trust others blindly. I'm not telling you to trust anyone, but in a dimension where the strong devour the weak, it's not good to trust. This goes for any being in the dimension, including the system and others. Blind trust can result in betrayals. If you need to manipulate others to achieve your goal, manipulate them," his mother said.

"Got it, Mom, you can relax, I'm not a fool," Ash Allen hugged his mother and said, "Stay strong, both you and Dad."

"Okay," his mother replied.

"I'm going out to meet Leo, not sure if I'll come back," Ash left home, grabbed his phone, and called.

"Hey, Leo. Come meet me for a chat," Ash said and hung up the phone.

"Ash, what's going on?" Leo appeared, panting, and asked.

"A lot, brother. I won't go into detail anymore, but I want you to get strong," Ash said.

"What do you mean, Ash?"

"Like I told you, Leo, the dimension isn't simple. That's why I want you to get strong. It's not just for me, it's for you too. If you want to protect your family, you need to get strong," Ash said.

Then, jokingly, Ash added, "If you refuse, leave it to me. I'll protect your family, especially your sister and your mother too. She's cute."

"Damn it, Ash. What's up?" Leo said with an angry expression.

"Stay strong, my friend. If you don't get strong, you'll have to call me brother-in-law and daddy," Ash said and left.

"Damn it, come back here, Ash," Leo saw Ash disappearing from his sight.

After a while, Ash said, "Ayane, open the portal to the world of monsters."


Author's Note: End of the introductory chapters. If you've read up to here, you may have noticed that Ash has multiple facets to his personality, right? The answer is no. Ash doesn't have multiple personalities; he's truly intelligent. Each question he asked Ayane has a purpose because the system can't define his personality. The answer is simple: Ayane is an AI that simulates through a person's daily life. She has the ability to read the internet, so she knows about Earth, but she doesn't have the ability to understand minds.

Next volume: World of Monsters