
Primordial Flame Emperor

Without warning, the planet Earth is torn from its universe and transported to a new dimension composed of nine distinct layers, with the ninth layer being the weakest, inhabited by lower worlds. In this unknown and hostile environment, each inhabitant of Earth receives the chance to awaken a powerful element, not limited to traditional elements, but encompassing anything that has life and the potential for mutation. Among billions of humans, Ash Allen stands out, a man known for his laziness and lack of ambition. Before the displacement, his greatest desire was to be supported by a wealthy woman. However, his destiny changes drastically when he awakens one of the most powerful and rare elements: the Element of Primordial Flames. Now, with immense and dangerous power in his hands, Ash must learn to master his Primordial Flames and decide whether to continue his old lazy life or embrace his new role as a potential emperor in the quest for supremacy in the upper layers of this new reality.

Author_Slacky · Fantasy
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6 Chs

chapter 3 - merging 2 flames

"Ayane, you said we're from the 9th layer of the lower worlds. What are the other worlds?" Ash asked, still processing the information.

"[There are several lower worlds, and it's impossible to count, after all, this is a dimension that encompasses all existences. But I can give you an overview of the main layers.]" Ayane's voice was calm and methodical, almost comforting in its precision.

"What are the classifications of the other layers?"

"[Here's a brief description of the main layers:]

- 9th layer: Lower World

- 8th layer: Upper World

- 7th layer: Realms

- 6th layer: Milky Way

- 5th layer: Universe

- 4th layer: Multiverse

- 3rd layer: Octaverse

- 2nd layer: Dimension

- 1st layer: Boundless]"

"What the hell is this? Shouldn't it be called the plan of all existence?" Ash was shocked by this revelation, trying to absorb the magnitude of what Ayane was saying.

"[Yes, indeed, you could call it by that name, after all, it's not wrong. Each layer is a part of the complex fabric of existence.]"

"Damn," Ash was still stunned. "Do you have any cultivation method?"

"[No, but I can help you become a mage.]" Ayane's response was direct and practical, without losing her composure.

"Help me," Ash said excitedly.

"[The first thing to do is to find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down without being disturbed. Keep your spine upright to facilitate the circulation of energy throughout the body.]"

Ash was already in his room, and his room was quiet. He began to assume the meditation position, adjusting until he felt comfortable.

"[Start breathing deeply and consciously. Inhale through your nose, filling your lungs with fresh, pure air, and exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing all tensions and worries.]"

For Ash, this part was easy; he was lazy and didn't like to worry about things.

"[As you continue to breathe deeply, start visualizing the mana particles around you. Imagine them as small spheres of bright light, floating gently in the air around you.]"

At first, Ash struggled to visualize the spheres, but after a while, he saw one orange sphere and another golden one.

"[As you inhale, imagine that you're inhaling these mana particles along with the air. Feel them entering your body and spreading with each breath, filling you with energy and vitality.]"

Ash visualized the small spheres entering his body and felt a refreshing sensation in his chest, very comfortable.

"[As you continue to breathe, allow the mana to flow freely throughout your body. Visualize it flowing through every cell and organ, revitalizing and strengthening your entire being.]"

This part was like enhancing every part of his body.

"[As you become more aware of the presence of mana within you, feel connected to it on a deep level. Recognize that you are an integral part of the living fabric of the universe, and that mana energy is always available to support and strengthen you.]"

Ash imagined himself in a huge sea of flames, half orange and half golden.

"[Now, try to visualize a circle within your body; this circle is what will allow you to transform the mana you're feeling into magic.]"

Ash imagined two things at that moment: transforming the huge sea of orange and golden flames into a circle in his body; and merging the two energies. Crazy, right? But Ash thought: what if he succeeded? Wouldn't he form a new flame representing the true name of his element? But, with positivity comes negativity. What if he failed, what would happen to him?

"Ayane, if I try to merge two energies and fail, what will happen to me?"

"[You may die, or become crippled.]" Ayane's response was cold and logical, without a trace of emotion.

"And if I succeed?"

"[You'll have a better chance of ascending to the higher layers.]"

Part of Ash thought it would be better not to practice this idea, but another thought differently. Was this really what he wanted? To be honest, Ash had always been lazy and didn't like to do anything. Before Earth's displacement, his goal was to be supported by a wealthy woman. After the displacement, he wanted to protect his parents, but he saw that his elements weren't necessary for that. After asking Ayane about the layers, he felt a slight desire to explore and reach the top, but that feeling faded away later. It was too much work.

Summary: Laziness? No. The answer: Ash is afraid of failure. He's afraid of doing something and regretting it. Trauma? The answer is yes.


There was a time when Ash Allen was just a child full of dreams and energy. However, his childhood was brutally interrupted when, at six years old, he was kidnapped by strangers while playing in the park near his home. The trauma of the kidnapping left a deep mark on his psyche, and Ash spent the following years in captivity, away from his family and everything he knew. After finally being rescued and returning home, Ash found himself unable to reintegrate into the life he had left behind. He became a recluse, shutting himself off from the outside world and the people around him. Constant fear and anxiety prevented him from trusting anyone, and he retreated into a world of fantasy to escape the pain of his reality.

That's how Ash discovered anime. Immersed in imaginary worlds full of exciting adventures and captivating characters, he found a safe refuge where he could forget, even if for a moment, the weight of his past. Anime became his obsession, his only source of comfort in a world he couldn't understand. Although many saw his obsession as a form of escapism, even his parents were worried about Ash. But for Ash, it was much more than that. Anime helped him maintain his sanity and find meaning in a world that seemed so hostile and frightening. He knew he could never go back to the time before the kidnapping, but anime gave him hope for a future where he could find peace and happiness again.

*End of Flashback*

Years later, Ash recovered, but even so, when he returned, he wasn't the same as before. He was lazy and afraid to face the world, but he still had some important people, like his parents and Leo, his best friend. And today, the event that changed his life happened, and now he's facing a decision. From now on, he unties the knot in his heart and tries for the first time to be something he wants: to reach the top. But this journey will be insane and certainly won't compare to the kidnapping. After thinking, he finally made his decision. It was to pursue his current goal.

The fear of failure can be scary, but the real defeat is allowing laziness to control your life. Overcome these obstacles and achieve your goals.

With that, Ash tried to merge the flames. The orange and golden flames gathered on his body. Ash located the circle in his body and transferred the two flames to the circle. There, he began to integrate them. At first, Ash felt insane pain. It was a thousand times worse than when he awakened. This pain was like breaking his body part by part.

"No, I can't give up. I've already decided to follow this path. I will become strong. I will rise to the top. I will unravel the secret of this dimension."

With that determination, Ash continued to integrate the two flames. After an hour of pain, Ash, with his willpower, succeeded.

Ash felt a wave of power coursing through his body. It was as if every cell vibrated with the newly-integrated energy. The orange and golden flames now unified, forming a new flame of intense, bright, and potent color. He opened his eyes, and a fierce glow reflected in them. He had succeeded. He had merged two different energies, creating something unique and powerful.

"Ayane, I did it," said Ash, his voice trembling with excitement and exhaustion.

"[Yes, you did it. Congratulations, Ash. Now, with this primordial flame, you possess a unique power.]"