
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

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31 Chs

Primordial Bloodline Chapter 25:Krill

Red worked on designing the rune of desolation and ruin with a clear target in mind,he knew what he wanted it to be like and its intended function. He knew that once he created this rune he would be a step closer to his ultimate goal but first he still needed to finish this rune. Red thought of all possibilities that he could do and most important for this rune was that the components needed to create it were not easy to come by.

Red just threw this all to the back of his head as he looked around and saw that the girls were in idle chatter of their own but he knew that they were keeping an extreme close eye on him. Phaser had informed Fiora and Miora about Red's strange habits of disappearing right under everyone's gazes. Fiora and Miora said they were confident they could catch him if he tried but they didn't know Red,he would always disappear in a way that even his father would have a hard time finding him.

Red clicked his tongue then he blended his mana with surrounding mana while also using his field of truth to shroud his soul in chaos so that no one could capture him with their perception. This ability came from Red's natural rune which is located on the back of his neck. The moment Red vanished Fiora and Miora stood up and shouted in unison "he's gone,his whole being just disappeared a breath ago". Phaser slowly stood up and looked at them then asked "can the two of you track him?"

"No we can't, its like he never existed in the first place" Fiora replied swiftly, she was puzzled by this situation because her intuition would always show her the path of everything with a destiny but now it couldn't work once Red disappeared meaning that the moment he decided to vanish, everything that would lead to him was wiped out by some mysterious presence, there was not even a single clue,everything was erased.

Fiora and Miora seemed to come to a sudden realisation, they now knew that the moment Red decided not to be found no one could find him,which was why the Dismasons were never worried about his safety because they knew no one could find him much less recognize him if he didn't want to and why they didn't search for him like crazy when he disappeared as a kid ,it was because they knew they could not find him.

"Let's go to the city I'm sure he's there right now, he's trying to clear his mind I presume" at this moment Phaser spoke up. Hearing this the girls quickly went to the teleportation point and got teleported to Levitation City and indeed once they set foot on the city Miora and Fiora could sense Red but couldn't find his exact position meaning that Red had deactivated his rune but was using the mana waves around him to disrupt any probings which was why they couldn't sense Red at all.

At this moment Red was strolling on a long wide street filled with people and it looked like this was the most prosperous street in the city. "This place I'd awesome I'm left in a bit of awe" Red said to himself while strolling the street. Every since Red was born ,he left the Dismason compounds on three occasions,first was when he visited the emperor just because he was bored and the emperor was interesting to him, second was when he disappeared and went to the mountains ,third was when he went to study in the AllBlue. So Red could be said to be clueless about the outside world,but that didn't stop him from advancing without fear of the unknown.

As Red was strolling in ,the Luoxan Street a three youths who had been in the banquet passed him,suddenly the youth in front stopped and turned around the shouted "hey you Dismason bastard stop right there". Red turned around slowly without the slightest bit of fear on his face as he said " My name is Red Dismason not Dismason bastard, I suggest you go tell you mom to teach you how to announce people's names correctly". Red looked st the youth who was now blazing in anger,the youth's name was Krill Kronen from the Kronen Family.

The Kronen family is one of the oldest families in the Crimson Empire and they're known as then Coldblood family. Krill is the second son of the Coldblood duke,it is said that Krill is the son of the Coldblood Duke's first wife and also his favorite ,which is why Krill could do anything in an unbridled fashion without any fear,he knew that he could do anything as long as he didn't offend some of the more powerful families or the families on the same level as the Kronen family and those families could be counted on ones hand.

"What did you say?" Krill demanded, thinking Red would recognize him and beg for mercy unbeknownst to him Red had long forgot his face and who he was ,when Red turned around he asked in slight confusion. "Urm who are you?do I somehow know you?" Red asked with confusion written all over his face, Krill was so any that his anger could burn a whole cow. The two who were walking with Krill jumped to attack Red but Red stood right there and took their punches in succession.

Shockingly Red was not hurt one bit but those two's fist were throbbing with pain as if they had punched a sturdy iron wall. they had only got this sensation when they had sparred with Krill ,they didn't expect that Red was also level 15 same as Krill. Krill was hailed as the second youngest genius of the Crimson Empire, he was only 16 and he had reached the grand warrior level 15,the first and ultimate genius is the youngest princess tho no one knows how high her cultivation base is,it is said she's the most powerful in the current generation but Red never followed all these nor could he care.

Red starred the three of them down then asked "are you satisfied ,well in any case I'm leaving now" Red turned around preparing to walk away, his talk with Krill had already drawn many unwanted spectators who were watching expecting a good show. Red was about to take his third step when he heard Krill shout again "If you're a man you'll fight me in the martial arena right now"

Red stopped then glanced at him "you like shouting don't you,well whatever I only blame your parents,of you want to fight me then put something on the line, well if you agree I'll fight you,of you don't gave something right now,I'll still fight you but I'll collect whatever I want when I see you with it" Red spoke slowly and unhurried. Krill accepted Red's condition and the two of them headed towards the martial arena.

To be continued