
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

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31 Chs

Primordial Bloodline Chapter 24:Desolation and destiny

Red and Fiora stayed in the exact same position with Fiora occasionally caressing Red's head,many youths with glare fearlessly at Red but they knew there was nothing they could do because if the went on to challenge him they would be courting death. Red woke up after an hour thinking the event was over but no it was still ongoing. Red snapped his fingers and Phaser deactivated her rune and appeared ,this time she was wearing a golden mask on her face, she pulled out a chair from her storage ring and placed it behind Red,Red sat down on the chair like this was a common occurrence to him which was.

As soon as Phaser appeared many of the youths were shocked as to how Phaser had appeared out of nowhere. Red didn't pay the other people any mind as he pulled Fiora into his lap then he gestured again and Phaser sat on his other lap. Many youths were wide eyes with envy but at the end of the day there were other beautiful maidens in the hall tho they were not up to par with Fiora and Phaser. A brazen young maiden went towards Red then she said with firm determination "young noble Red let me follow you" this young maiden was very beautiful even tho not up to par with those by Red's side she wasn't lagging far behind, she still boasted beauty,her name Miora,Fiora's twin sisters

Red gave her glance then chuckled and looked at Phaser "what do you think?", Red asked Phaser because he valued her opinion and he liked her mindset. Phaser pondered for a breaths time then replied "not bad with your help she's good,so what is her position amongst us". This question stumped Red but he gave a reply " tho I'm not planning to be a harem king, I still love women so your status will be equal because I'll treat all of you the same.

"Very well" Phaser replied with some joy on her voice then she pressed a button on the side of the chair chasing it to a comfortable sofa,she gestured to Miora and said "get on". When the other maidens saw this they tried to be brazen and approach but Red told Phaser to chase them all away,tho Phaser didn't do anything but gaze at them they would all cower and run away."Wake me up when the event ends", Red closed his eyes after saying those words.

Phaser looked at Fiora and Fiora then she looked away as if they didn't exist, ultimately it was still Fiora who opened her mouth first and asked " what is your name big sis"."Phaser "she replied still not glancing at her."What a nice name" complemented Miora.Phaser just nodded to show her acknowledgement for the praise.

"Big sister Phaser how did you meet Red?". Fiora still asked the questions she thought she needed to know."ow since you're now part of us I'll tell you,I met him while trying to assassinate him but he stopped me and that let to another and me being here" phaser replied calmly,phaser looked at Fiora then she finally said "now let me ask you a question of my own.What made you choose Red and how sure were you that he was the right pick and he would not reject you and same question for Miora.

"Ow that was very easy first we've know Red since we were kids tho he forgot,tho we weren't close to him ,he would help us sometimes until the time he disappeared and our Bloodline allows us the best intuition, you can say we can predict a portion of out future ,we've seen out futures with everyone here and out future with Red is very interesting so that's why we chose him and the part of him accepting us we knew he would because he can read a persons character and I've been told that Red's intuition surpasses even my Bloodline ".Fiora explained to Phaser.

Phaser finally turned to look at them and said with astonishment "so you have awakened your 'Desolate Time' Bloodline at a young age and from this I know you didn't tell your family because if you did they wouldn't have sent you here to look for a husband, they would rather form relations with the other family youths hidden in other families and marry you off to them.I'm guessing you saw your future being threatened in your family"

"Bingo and that's why we at Red's side, he will protect his own and those hidden talents the families his are nothing but idiots with slightly strong bloodlines than the rest but they don't know of Red's Bloodline purity,many of them think he's just good at runes poor old fogies" Fiora said in distain.

When the event ended they did as told and woke Red up,Red got up stretching his body then he said "let's go I need to analyse the two of you and see what rune I can make for the two of you.Red started walking to the exit of the hall with the three girls in tow,they didn't forget to take their sofa,when they exited the hall they got transported back to the Dismason island in from of the Dismason hall,Red entered the hall and making some turns he entered a passage that leg to the other wings of the castle.

Red quickly reached his room then he started writing strange symbols in the air and the the door opened and they all entered,inside was a room as large as the imperial hall,Red had once used a spacial ring as a catalyst then he enlarged the space inside his room. Red looked at Miora and Fiora then said strip and get on the bed. The girls didn't looked shocked because their intuition told them that he had no malice towards them so they stripped then body lay on the bed. Once that was done Red casted a detection spell to detect the rune capacity.

Once Ref cast the spell 120 spots lit up on their bodies showing that they had the capability to hold 6 runes currently and this exited Red and he started laughing,"what a find what a find,your family lost out big time"

"What to you mean,because other than their holding capacity ain't nothing much" Phaser said in puzzlement

"Haha can't you see that their spots are a bit obscure like they're not in reality while the also have a bit of destruction in them which means I can make a duo rune that controls a bit of destiny and destruction….hahaha I'll use this to advance to level 4 rune master, I'll call their rune, Desolation and Destiny"

"Desolation and Destiny"

The girls murmured this in awe.

To be continued