
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 21:Returning home

After a long time of their deep battle ,Phaser was the first one to give up. Red looked at Phaser next to him as he smiled and stroked her hair,he then got close to her and planted a kiss at her lips. He then got up and started to meditate,Phaser did not doodle as she also got up and began to meditate besides him. Red wanted to stabilize the large amount of mana inside his body tho he had large amount of mana inside him that could topple over even legendary beings but he could not be considered a epic being simple because he still had to learn all the spells that followed by each perspective realm and learning the spells needed the mana quality and comprehension.

Red had the mana quality but he still had to comprehend the uses of the spells but Red was not in a hurry,he had decided that he would suppress his comprehension ability until it explodes on its own and automatically creates a spell suited for him, so for every major realm breakthrough Red would gain a new spell specifically created by his bloodline for him. Even if this sounds easy it is known in the Star Continent how hard it is to suppress your own comprehension ability until it explodes on itself and creates an ability for them but this was far too rare because sometimes if your body is not strong enough the excess mana inside the body would explode before compressing on itself to create a spell but if the body was not strong the person would explode into a bloody mist and die so rarely do people try this path.

Red could be said that he was taking the extreme path but Red knew that his body was very strong so he could handle the explosions of some small mana inside his body. Red and Phaser meditated for the entire day until it was evening, Red opened his eyes as he smiled and lightning flashed trough his eyes but also his body was burning hot with flames coming out of his nostrils whenever he breath,not only that but the place his was sitting was breaking down due to the chaos power coming out of his body.

Phaser also opened her eyes were flowing with red tears,her body also looked translucent as if she was real and also not real,a moment ago while meditating she felt her bloodline fuse with the runes Red made for her,also she broke through to level 16 now being the same level as Red but with different professions. With her bloodline fused with the runes she now knew how to use the rune Red made for her,at first she thought the effects of the rune would show when she was fighting but now she realised the surprise Red had for her.

Now with her body in that translucent state as if she was one with the world, her eyes could trap someone withing an endless battle of blood,this ability was like an illusion but it was one with reality because a person could die in the endless battle field of blood without Red even lifting a hand ,it was part of the rune but also her bloodline.

Red took a deep breath then the chaos power, lightning and fire disappeared, Phaser did the same as she sprung at Red and hugged him,her eyes flowing tears of joy,she said "thank you Red this will make me the greatest assassin in the plane".

Red brushed her off then he said " you'll squeeze me to death,quickly let go ",Phaser laughed in an embarrassed way.

" why don't you die",she laughed again. Red looked at her the said in a mysterious way "I am chaos and chaos is me I shall never die" he laughed the perked Phaser on her forehead.

"I need you to get me a thousand years old Hydra egg,the heart of a living Chaos Dragon, the eyes of a astral beast,the heart of a Primordial Dragon,blood of a abyssal lord ..should be a whole bucket of it and a living time and space worm….I'm going to create my own custom rune". He smiled at Phaser

"Huh!!??" Phaser was shocked,"Those are all rare but it'll take a month at most to buy them and it'll cost you too much even if using the name of the AllBlue and of the Dismasons".Everything Red listed was all rare and it'll cost him one billion gold at most which means his father will be broke again.

"Understood,tomorrow we are going home I'm,I've learned everything here,I'll return for master when I strong" Red smiled as he looked up in the sky.

To be continued

I'm super bad at remembering so I accidentally wrote chapter 20 as 21 nevertheless this is the real chapter 21