
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 22:Set sail

"We should prepare" Red said to Phaser then he went into his room,whenever Red spoke blue lightning would flash through his eyes,as if he was a god returning from the deep void.

In this world the three large empires put more emphasis into talent followed by bloodlines.

The more a person was talented and had a good bloodline they would have a great future and if they were born commoners if they could grow and get recognized by the empire they belonged to ,they would even have a chance to become a noble.

Even the beast living on the north of the continent they put more emphasis on bloodlines, the more dense the bloodline,the more they would be valued by the beast.

In the Star Continent there was a human kingdom on par with the Crimson empire,this kingdom was called Klandor.

This Kingdom had an extreme dense beast bloodline,it is said that they had gained the favor of the Beast God.

This empire didn't use runes but they used beast totems to add on their strength,this was because their bloodline rejected anything not from the Beast God.

Well back to the present Phaser was packing their stuff ,preparing to return back to the Dismason territory but truth be said they were just moving to new territory rather than going back to the count.

They were going to go to the Sacred Islands,Red knew very well that once he sets foot in the Sacred Island,he would have to play the pig to eat the tiger. Phaser had suggested this plan to him because she knew Red hated trouble and just wanted to do his things in peace and she knew once provoked he will kill someone.

Red was now old he couldn't cause trouble like he did when he was young.

But as the old saying went time waited for no man and the news that Red was planning to return to the Dismasons the next day quickly spread


At the Dismason's island Zero was staring at a servant in front of him,"are you sure Red is coming back tomorrow?",Zero asked the servant.

"Yes,he sent this message via connection magic" the servant answered not daring to look straight at Zero."has he said how strong he has gotten?",Zero asked another question.

"No my lord,he didn't tell us much about him ,the only thing we know about him is the information we got from the academy." The servant answered slowly

"Spill it" Zero said

The servant quickly gathered his wits ,"yes lord. According to the information we have,Red is her Excellency Electra's favourite student in this generation of her disciples,he can craft an elemental rune and he now has a mysterious servant by his side ,also I'm sure lord knows that he had learned killing from Black Hand "

Zero clicked his tongue "A servant huh?" Zero pondered for a while then he threw thus thought to the back of his head,…"That Black Hand daring to teach my son,I'll pay him a visit,prepare a banquet for the day after tomorrow. The banquet will be for Red to choose his partner"

"Yes lord"


Red didn't know what his father was planning for him but he wouldn't care either way. Red threw himself to his bed then he closed his eyes preparing to sleep. Red closed his eyes falling into deep sleep


Next day Red prepared himself with Phaser and they rode on a horse leaving behind the AllBlue where he spent most of his life holed up inside studying,now it was time to see the real world.

Red looked at Phaser and saw that she was distracted then he asked "what's wrong?"

"I have a bad feeling ,I think your father has plans for you", she answered

"Oh" he chuckled…"that old man always has plans to restrict me,hahaha"

"Don't doubt me. Its a women's intuition" she said in a scolding voice.

Sometimes a woman's intuition is the scariest thing in the world ,a woman's intuition could predict great calamities.

To be continued