
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 21:Ravage

Phaser didn't talk back but she stared at Red with her eyes saying '' I'm not scared of you ".Red was so close to Phaser that he can smell her sweet jasmine fragrance that wafted out of Phaser. Red's eyes were staring straight into Reds eyes without any fear as if she knew he wouldn't do anything to her. Red's eyes were now turning from bloodshot to deep purple, his eyes were changing as if he had been given a very strong aphrodisiac,Red was still trying to control his prime desires. Red got up then sat down near the couch ,Phaser also got up and looked as Red but as if the heavens were against Red his eyes turned purple again and Red pounced at Phaser again.

Phaser tried to dodge this time but how could she dodge Red was not only a mage but also very skilled in close combat fighting techniques, who said mages could only be protected in the battlefield and they can't fight with their own bodies,they can only cast spells and need to be protected by warriors. Clearly Red didn't buy all the bullshit spouted by the people in the mainland, just because people couldn't do it didn't mean he couldn't. True there were some mages who tried to hone their body skills while being a mage at the same time but it either ended with their mage realms falling behind their body so they could only chsnge into other progression such as a warrior and leave behind being a mage.

Clearly Red did not have this problem both his body strength and man's were in a very good balance,how could Red do what many had failed st before,simple Red uses his gift of Truth to balance everything in his body,even the spell he created for himself before ,he used Truth to balance them. Another thing whenever Red fell into a comfortable sleep the would be a girl around his age whome he'd talk to until she woke up,that girl would answer all of Red questions and also Red would answer some of her questions on difficult things she wanted to know.

Ow shoot back to the current situation, Phaser tried to dodge Red but how could she dodge him soon she was pinned down and Red didn't waste time ,he quickly stripped her off her clothes,Phaser looked at him with some joy on her face but also some unwillingness. Of course Phaser had no problem giving her first time to Red because she liked him and even tho Red never said he liked her,he had clearly come to care deeply for her hence her joy but Red was not himself right now hence the unwillingness but all this thoughts quickly vanished went she felt a tingling pain on her croch area,she now knew Red had entered her.

He was now thrusting in and out very fast as if he would not stop until his list faded into nothingness and that clearly was the case,Red was thrusting fast not even caring that this was her first time but who could blame him,this was not the Red she knew but soon she could feel a strong wave of mana enter her body and also Red had started to thrust slowly. Phaser opened her eyes to look up and find Red staring her and smiling but his smile had some guilt in it then he said "Phaser I'm very sorry".

Phaser looked at Red then wrapped her arms around him then she twisted her body and now it was her staring down and Red she said "don't be sorry in glad to have given my first time to someone who I love" after she said that she was now the one moving her hips up and down and their intence passionate fight continued lasting for two whole hours.

To be continued