
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 19:blood thirst

While Red was trapped in the black cocoon pure darkness descended in his room with the darkness absorbing all of the light that entered the room allowing none to escape. Inside the black cocoon Red could feel a lot of mana entering his body from the black cocoon ,not only that but Red's body was getting thinner by the day due to the lack of nutrients in his body. The cocoon seemed to have a mind of its own as it blocked all outside contact from reaching Red everything inside Red's small courtyard was frozen in time and not many people noticed it but soon two months passed and Red was still inside the black cocoon.

The cocoon began to crack as peach black light descended on the surrounding, this kind of darkness was pure darkness of chaos it even over shadows the darkness of the night. Red emerged from the cocoon looking as thin as a wooden pole,the first thing that came into Red's eyes was the cocoon and he was so hungry that he couldn't think anymore as he lunged himself at the cocoon then began gnawing it down, as he was eating the cocoon he did not notice that a small dragon like creature exited the cocoon with him and it was also gnawing down on the black cocoon.

In the blink of an eye Red finished eating the black cocoon then he looked around and he couldn't believe that he had eaten a cocoon, he then threw himself on his bed and started to observe the inside of his body,Red could see his spiritual sense that now inside his body he had a second heart that was now growing. In the Star continent the more talented an individual the earlier they'll grow their second hearts ,this showcased the purity of ones bloodline and their blessings from their ancestors.

Red then sensed that he had jumped a few levels and was now a level 16 grand mage,even tho grand mages as young as Red were rare they still existed amongst the few powerful families of the Star Continent. Red now knew that as soon as he returned back to the Dismasons that he will be targeted by the other families of the Crimson Empire so Red could already feel a headache coming along,he knew that he would have to fight a lot of young protégées and overcome secret schemes. Red thought all this was too much trouble because if you don't like someone go kill them,what's the use of scheming in secret.

Red got up from his bed then he tidied himself up then he took a bath a bath. Phaser had already recovered from the freezing of time and didn't know anything happened, currently she was sitting on the couch ,none could tell what she was thinking. Phaser had already promised herself that she'll follow Red forever ,she could not think of a better person to follow, Red treated her like a normal person and not a killing machine.

Around thirty minutes later Red was done and had already changed clothes and as he stepped out of his room he was stricken by a large feeling if lust, his eyes turned bloodshot as he tried to resist the feeling and he quickly returned to his room and he started banging his heard against the wall,Phaser heard the sounds and thought Red was in danger and she rushed into his room and the scene she saw shocked her Red was banging his head against the wall his eyes bloodshot.

Phaser ran to restrain him but Red's eyes turned even more bloodshot the moment he saw her and he lunged towards her then pinned her down but he then let her go and shouted "leave now"

To be continued