
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 17:Seeing master again

Seeing Red fall on her Phaser was flustered but she couldn't do anything as he fell on her ,she used her internal force to check his state then she found out that he was out if mana so he fell asleep. She also closed her eyes and followed after him as she also fell asleep. The night quickly passed peacefully as morning quickly came but there was still no sign of both Red and Phaser still did not wake up they only woke up at noon as usual Phaser was the one who woke up first. She still didn't move and waited for Red to wake up,after a few moments Red opened his eyes finding himself in between Phaser's full chest.

Red raised his head then he touched her breast then he squeezed them softly,Phaser blushed but she didn't do anything to stop him."Very squishy and pleasant to the touch",Red said to her, he then got up and went to take a bath,after the bath he wore his clothes and his mage robe on top.When he went to the dining room Phaser also came following him after she was also done bathing in her own chambers,the maid had prepared their so they sat down and began eating,Phaser looked at Red then asked,"do you have a attributed magic?"

"No I still don't know my attribute magic but I use non attributed magic" ,none attribute magic did not need someone to be attributed with any magic, it uses mana to convert into elements so there was no need to be attributed to any magic. Many people had magic attributes, in the Star Continent there were life,fire,water,earth,wind,light and darkness and that makes up seven attributes which Red did not have any of these so he resorted to using none attribute magic but he was still much greater than many of his peers.

"Young master Red you're truly a genius you're very great ,you use non attribute magic but none of your peers with attribute magic",Phaser praised Red but inside her mind she was wondering how come Red did not have any attribute magic but she did not ponder it. As Red and Phaser were still enjoying their meal a sudden knock came from the door both Red and Phaser were wandering who it might be but Red ended up telling the maid to open the door ,quickly a messenger came in. "Red disciple of her Excellency Electra I was sent here by her Excellency, her Excellency has summoned you".

Red replied nonchalantly "you can go back I'll come after I have finished eating my meal". The messenger quickly left leaving Red and Phaser back to their meal."I guess her Excellency Electra is going to send you home since you've learned everything there is to learn". Just as Phaser said Red had now finished learning everything they had to teach normal it would take ten years to leave the AllBlue but Red was going to to it in four years,this was due to Red's photographic memory and his ability to gain more knowledge on his own. After finishing eating Red went to Electra's hall.

The hall was as spacious as always and Electra was laying on her sofa,she was wearing a long dress but currently it exposed her long legs always showing her silky smooth thigh and she had a majestic air around her ,she was as beautiful her always,her beauty could be said to transcend the heavens and it would put even the goddesses to shame. Red saw this but he quickly reverted his gaze." Master you have summoned me?"

"Yes,you have learned everything there is to learn,now you only lack experience so you should return to the Dismasons. Your father will send you to a plane so you could concur it". Electra was saying this to Red while she was also eating her fruits.

Red's body suddenly shook his eyes turned pure red as his body felt like it was attracted by something in Electra's hall,Electra saw Red's condition but she extended her index finger then a blue light shot at Red restraining him. Red returned back to normal but his breathing became faster,his hand pointed at a certain crystal on the wall. The crystal was white in colour, "master I need that",Red requested of Electra. Electra said,"oh" before she got up then she used a level nine spell that created a crystal ice hand that grabbed the white crystal then she gave it to Red and said, "I found that in the border between chaos and order,I don't know what it is but I found it very cute and interesting so I took ,if you want it then its yours.

" thank you master ",Red thanked Electra and he also added some parting words," master I don't know what this is but I'm sure it'll give me something very profiting and I'll be unbelievable ,I'll come show you my results before I return home and now I shall leave master",Red knew Electra won't respond because she only liked seeing results so he left.

"Don't disappoint me then",Electra said as left disappeared from the hall.

To be continued