
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 16:Creating a Rune for Phaser

Red went towards Phaser then he asked her "where are the materials?" While he was at it he sat besides her. She turned and looked at him then went to the side of the table and dragged out a case,she then opened the case and showed him the contents of what was inside the case,"here are all the materials you wanted"she looked at him while showing him each material."well I'm making your own rune so if you didn't pick the best materials then its your own fault",Red said to her while his eyes where fixated on the materials in the case.

Phaser was momentarily shocked by what she had been told but as a level 15 assassin she quickly regained her composure then she asked "are you serious or you're just messing with me?" She thought that Red was playing tricks on her because if Red was going to create a rune for her that meant he already can create a elementary rune but what Red says next almost shocked her to the after life. "Well lying is troublesome so yeah I'll be creating a grade 2 rune for you"said Red as he pulled out a beast parchment from the drawer in his room."What???but you told me you still couldn't create even an elementary rune"

Phaser was greatly shaken but Red only replied her with indifference "well I lied because I still couldn't trust you but now I trust you fully because I have been observing you for the time we've been together and you are indeed trust worthy but I haven't been idle for the past month either I have been designing a rune set for you but currently the mana I have can only allow me to craft one grade 2 rune so I'll just craft the rune but you have to wait for to complete the set once I reach level 16".

Phaser's shocked levels have all been used up she could no longer be shocked,she could only stare at Red with mouth agape,she took the beast parchment from Red and stared at it intensely, this time her jaw nearly dropped. Red looked at her until she recovered then he said " Strip naked then lay on bed".Phaser's mind nearly exploded as she looked at Red with a blush on her cheeks,"what did you say,?".Red repeated what he said to her word for word "I said strip naked then lay on he bed. If you don't do that how the heck do you expect me to tattoo the rune on you*

Phaser realised that Red wanted to tattoo the rune on her and she started removing her close ,the blush never leaving her face after she was done removing her clothes she then lay on the bed,on the side Red was reading his equipment. Phaser's well built body with everything where it was supposed to be was exposed to Red,Red stood there momentarily but he strengthened his resolve and calmed down then he approached Phaser as he stood at the side of the bed. Red was studying her man's flow using his field of truth after a brief moment Red dipped his magic pen which he covered with his mana to create a pointy end which could absorb the magic ink and mix it with Phaser's body perfectly while joining it with her mana flow.

Red dipped the magic pen on the magic ink then he went to work,he found that the best spot to tattoo the rune was her thigh so he then went to work there. During his time tattooing the rune on her he could not he disturbed which was why Red was doing everything to concentrate. The pattern of the rune looked particularly odd because red was not doing what other rune masters would do but he was doing what found was suitable, this was Red's own style. The patterns which Red were making looked out of order but if one was to look they were going well with Phaser's mana flow, they did not disturb it in any way.

The rune creation lasted for 10 hours straight where Red did not even move from his position, the only part of him that was moving was his hand that went from Phaser's thigh to the container of of the magic ink ,on contrast Phaser was completely still without even a single part of her body making movement for fear of disturbing the her mana flow and destroying the rune being tattooed on her thigh Red's mana was depleted when he finished tattooing the rune on Phaser's tight. Red got up then he looked at the rune and he smiled but when he tried to move his leg his body tumbled and he fell right on top of Phaser.

To be continued