
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 13:Guardian

The assassin then pulled out her dagger then her cold voice changed into a sweet melodious voice "haha time to go collect my reward to from vulgar man" when she finished speaking she was grumbling It seemed speaking about Red made her feel extremely repulsed, seemed like she loathed Fred but she needed the money so she could only go to get it herself. She removed her hood showing an extreme delicate face,she looked to be no more than 19 years of age. She looked at Red one more time before turning around to leave the scene.

But before she could leave she felt her heart jumped form a sudden sense of extreme danger. She jumped away from her origins spot,just as she left a red must formed from the place. She turned and looked Red. Red mist was forming around Red ,it seemed as Red's blood that had been spilled in the on the ground was undying,the blood didn't get absorbed into the ground but instead it was returning back to his body in the form of the red mist. The assassin was bound by duty to fulfil her duty so she rushed towards Red then she pulled out her dagger as she was about to attack Red the red mist formed again then it slammed into her and sent her flying back.

Inside Reds consciousness a stream of ancient like characters were forming around him,he couldn't understand what those characters were saying but somehow they felt extremely close to him. Red's consciousness was not like the consciousness of others that had a world in it ,with vast mountains and seas,the only thing that was seen from Reds consciousness was only pitch black darkness that seemed to consume anything that entered the space around, only darkness could exist there.

Red thought to himself "what do these mean,why would they appear inside my consciousness". Red continued to think to himself while those ancient symbols continued to stream around him without end,Red finally had a thought "could this be what people see before they die or I'm dead and some dumbass is trying to use my soul for something". Red immediately shrugged off this thought, he was just too weak,his soul could not be off much use,so who would want a soul that could not be of much use to them, Red was very confused,but as someone who hated troublesome things he shoved this at the back of his other stupid thoughts.

On the outside the assassin was still trying to get passed the red mist but no matter what she tried she couldn't get passed it ,she was getting very stifled and could not think of what to do. The ancient stream of letters insides Red's consciousness stopped coming through then the stream of ancient assembled in front of Red to form one word ,the word 'Abysmason'. This word did not seem that significant but it pulsed with majestic power. New information surged into Red's mind,Red immediately knew that this was his truename. Truename's where very important on the Star Continent, the sooner someone could awaken their truename, the greater the potential they have and Red's truename gave him the ability to change the gravity of anything that his was touching.

Red slowly got up,his wounds were already healed and the red mist disappeared like it never appeared in the first place, the assassin saw this chance and decided to take it,she kept towards Red with her sword pointing at his trout as she said "die" ,her sword continued towards Red as her sword was about to pierce his trout, Red twisted his body to the side then he kicked her in the stomach and said "100" he was increasing the gravity of his kick at a 100 times but she dodged and planned to cut apart his leg,Red quickly said "Zero" his leg became super light making dodging easy,Red kept towards the he caught the assassin by the trout and said "hundred" the gravity of her body changed into one hundred as she slammed down on the grown creating a cloud of dust and a small crater" Red looked at her and said "check mate" but as he looked at her young appearance he was shocked because she was around 19 years of age but she was an adept killer"

Red's mind began to waver,because be had a guardian scroll with him

To be continued