
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 13:Torture

A guardian scroll was also known as the spirit scroll because once the two parties opened the spirit scroll the one to become a guardian to the other will have a portion of their spirit connected with the party which would be the master making betraying impossible, if the master died so would the guardian but if the guardian died nothing would happen to the master,that's how spirit scrolls worked. There were few spirit scrolls in the Star Continent because they could only be gotten by chance,because they could only be found in the boundless void,no one knew who made the spirit scrolls and they were very rare and expensive.

Red looked at the assassin then said in a low but commanding voice, "don't resist just let your spiritual sense be like when it is on normal times. Since you came for my life and failed to get it then it's only right that I decide what happens to you". The assassin did as she was said since she was bound by the code of assassin, 'if they couldn't escape and were captured the their lives would belong to whoever captured them as long as it was the person they tried to kill'.

"As you wish" ,she replied with an indifferent voice. Red pulled out the Spirit scroll."spirit scroll"the assassin was stunned ,she now knew she won't die which brought her a little relief but she knew that she would live but her life would belong to the boy before her. Red told her to relax her spiritual again then he opened the spirit scroll and a golden light shinned covering the both if them. The assassin felt a half of her spiritual sense disappear but she also felt a strong familiarity sense with the boy before, Red also felt a connection to assassin before him.

Red let her go then he got up and looked at her and asked "what's your name?". She got up then looked at him and answered "Phaser". Red thought that this was her underground name so he asked again ,"your real name not your underground".she answered him again "my real name is Phaser". Red was a bit tired so he thought he should question her another day so he said "Go to my residence in the AllBlue , I'll find you there when I'm down here". He pulled out his entrance card then gave it to her. She looked at him then took the card and nodded then she disappeared into the night.

"She's quite strange and has some animal instincts" Red said to himself then he turned to the assassin he had pierced in the knees and his shoulders. Red went to the assassin then he looked at him and saw that he was still okay and won't die or pass out from the injuries since he had stopped the bleeding. Red picked up the assassin and put him on his shoulder then he went back to the bar. Red still hadn't changed in height from when he was eight years old so carrying a fully grown man on his shoulders was quite taxing in him but he still managed to reached the bar.

When he returned to the bar he found Black hand was in the kitchen with a naked woman tied up in ropes that held her up in the air,he turned to look at Red then said ,"Good work,I didn't expect you to succeed but you exceeded expectations, you really are Zero's son and Electra's disciple". He then looked at the man on Red's shoulder then nodded,Red thew the man to the floor then he followed instruction and tied him the same way Black hand tied the woman but he did not strip the man naked because he knew Black hand was too perverted there was no way he wouldn't strip the woman naked.

"Go get a bucker because you're going to need it"Black hand said to Red. Red didn't know what the bucket was for but he still went and got it. After Red got the buck Black hand pulled out a pitch black dagger and once his hand touched the dagger it also turned pitch black."This is my Bloodline ability the 'black hand" Black hand explained to Red then he began to trace the dagger on the woman's tender body,every time the dagger moved the woman would let out agonising screams,what Red saw wasn't pleasant to the eyes and he ended up using the bucket and vomiting. After an hour a pitch black rose bloomed from the woman and that moment she let out a scream that could even make fiends feel sorry for her,that moment was the moment she died.All the while the woman was tortured ,Red had activated his gift if truth and he saw countless black lines devour the woman's nerves intensifying the pain she felt a countless times over,on the other had Black hand looked at Red and said "go and digest what you saw then come back tomorrow"

this is the real chapter 13 the previous one is chapter 12

To be continued