
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 07:Fight

The patrolling guards soon got wind of what was going ,then they soon made their way to the scene as they saw the boy who had a broken nose then they turned to see Red who was ready to fight they were caught in a hard spot.

They could not punish Red , because is the student of her Excellency Electra but they also could not punish the boys who wanted to start trouble for Red because they were the followers of Fred and Fred was also Electra's student they did nor want to incur his wrath so they shrunk back and pretended they did not see anything.

The boy who had his nose broken by Red is called Pascal,he was one of those who curried favor with Fred so Fred had sent him here to come and cause trouble for Red but they could have never expected Red to throw the first punch so this could work in their favor.

Pascal got up and showed a cruel smile on his race as he looked at Red he said while holding his broken nose, "do you dare fight me in the arena?"

"Of cause I dare why wouldn't I dare" that was the reply that had come from Red.

Pascal was even more happy that their scheme was proceeding smoothly, it was known that Red had only been there for a day and that he did not know any spells since he had not started to cultivate his mana so Pascal was sure that this was an easy win for him and to add on to that Electra was not present at the AllBlue , she went out to look for treasures since she liked to have wealth but as he was about to say something Red suddenly spoke up again , "but I don't fight if there are no stakes at the table"

"Fine if you win I'll scrawl around the arena and shout that I am a pig and if I win you have to lick Fred's boot..no no no I mean my boot" he started panicking since he had just mentioned Fred's name and this will land Fred in trouble if not monitored well enough so he had to win at any cost.

"Well then we can begin", Red walked towards the arena and coincidentally the arena was about fifty meters away from where Red was provoked. It seemed that they did not want to provide Red with any escape room. Fred was watching on from someplace in the buildings, he was accompanied by Mayenne who was looking at him in contempt then she said "your cover has been blown and if Red wins you're in big trouble, master will not forgive you". Fred turned then he looked at Mayenne and said " how can that eight year old boy win against a level three mage when he doesn't even have any mana on his body".

Mayenne laughed and said "I was just saying" she then turned and looked towards the arena to see what would happen,if Red lost then everything would be fine for Fred but if Red somehow won Fred would be in big trouble with his master,he might get whipped then kicked out of the AllBlue so Fred wished for Red to lose by any means necessary.

Fred got away and stood at a safe distance away from Red then he pulled a magic ward , Red calmly looked at Pascal then he took a fighting stance , Pascal used a level one fire ball then he sent it towards Red ,Red didn't move at all he just stood there motionless as the fire ball,the fire ball slammed into him but his didn't get incinerated,his body had absorbed all the energy in the fire and Red dashed towards.

As Pascal saw this he quickly used up all the remaining mana and sent the fire balls towards Red but Red still did not dodge then the fire balls slammed into him and were still absorbed by him and as he reached Pascal he kicked him in the groins.

People heard a blood curling scream as a people saw a white ball but as soon as it hit the ground a stray dog came and ate it. People were pulled out of their daze as Red said "well I won fulfil your part of the deal" Red then turned around and left leaving the stunt crowd.

To be continued