
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 08:magic arrays




People were again jolted awake from their stupper by the miserable screams Pascal,he was no longer screaming because he lost but because one of his most prized jewels were directly eaten by a stray dog and on top of that he knew that he could no longer show his face in public,if he dared to show his face in public people would mock him and laugh at him.

Pascal could no longer bare the pain from losing one of his balls as he let out one last miserable scream he directly fainted.Red was long gone by the time Pascal fainted,he was making his was to his courtyard.

Red had not started to absorb mana and grow his strength like other mages but others would be surprised at how he was able to directly withstand Pascal's attacks,what they did not know was that Red absorbed the elements inside the attack rendering the attack useless ,tho the attack had some mana left it still lacked the element which made the attack have substance so that's how Red had been able to take the attack head on.

At the building Fred was shaking from head to toe,he didn't know what to do because people now knew he was the true culprit behind Red having to duel someone while he had no mana at all meaning he was still not a mage,Mayenne looked at Fred while laughing she said "you brought this upon yourself so just wait to suffer master's wrath" , she then turned around and left the room.

A day soon passed , Red woke up the next day and awaited for his maid to bring him,a knock soon came from the door.Red went go to open it but to his surprise it was not his usual maid but his senior sister Mayenne, she was holding a tray full off food, she placed the food on his table and then she stood there "master came back today and she said I should bring you your breakfast". Red sat down then he looked at her and asked " why ?"

"I don't know, you should ask her", that was her reply then she turned around and walked out of the house. Red did not mind her at all he simply started eating his food and after he was done he took up a hankechif and wiped his mouth then he got up and made his way to class,today he was attending art class.

He entered the class then he sat down, a teacher then came in and started instructing the about the fundermentals of art. Red took a pencil and a white sheet of paper then he started drawing,if someone was standing behind him they would think that he was just writing criss crosses but infact he was just making a foundation for what would come next ,his true drawing.

After about an hour had passed Red put down his sheet of paper then he walked towards the magic array class.

The magic array class was a class where they were taught the students of AllBlue how to create magic arrays but only a few people attended the magic array class,they didn't even number in tens there were only five of them , Red opened the door to the magic array class then he sat down and waited for the teacher to come,he didn't even bother to talk to the other students ,soon enough the teacher entered and started instructing them on what magic arrays were.

He told them that magic arrays were constructed on patterns ,their basis relied on magic patterns. They were given a elemental magic array to go and try to recreate the patterns inside the magic array,only people who had mana can create magic patterns and Red broke through to become a level 1 mage after he returned to his courtyard from his fight with Pascal so he made the requirements to create magic patterns.

Red took the magic array then returned to his courtyard as he then began studying the magic patterns on his own,with his gift of wisdom and truth he could easily see the secrets that his behind the magic array,Red then took a magic brush and a magic paper which is used to create magic patterns, he then began to draw.

To be continued