
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 06:provocation

Red was taken to his courtyard by one of the mages outside Electra's hall,Red had not asked a question all the was until they reach the courtyard,the mage named Jim was surprised that Red had not asked a question all the way until they reached the courtyard so Jim just bluntly asked Red "don't you have a question to asked".

Red just shook his head then said "why would I have a question when I know you'll tell me everything that I need to know". Jim looked at Red again then asked ," how do you know I will tell you everything you need to know".

Red replied to Jim and said "because my master owns this place and if I don't know anything then what would happen to you". When Red heard this he felt goosebumps and his neck hairs stood on end he didn't want to believe that he was talking to a eight year old but rather he was talking to someone as old as him,he did not understand how an eight year old could analyse all of this and give such a blunt answer but at the same time Jim wanted to cough up blood then beat the daylights out of Red because this little brat in front of him didn't give him any face at all. But how can he get face from Red who doesn't even give his own Father face.

"I'm leaving,classes start tomorrow and you'll have your personal maid who will attend to you and your daily necessities", Jim then turned around and left.

Red didn't care about Jim at all he also entered his courtyard and arranged all his things then he took a bath ,the sky had turned dark long ago so Red just threw himself to the bed that was arranged for him then he went to sleep, Red never turned of the lights when he sleeps so the people who were guarding his courtyard all thought that he was still awake.

Next day Red woke up and took a bath then dawned the robes his master had provided for him as a proof of his status as Electra's apprentice. Red was brought breakfast by his maid then he ate it after that he went to see his senior apprentice brother and sister, when Red had entered the hall he took a seat in front of then then he looked them up and down,while he was checking him out they were also doing the same.

His senior apprentice sister who was around fourteen years in age looked at Red and said "I'm Shui Mayenne". Red looked at her then said "Red Dismason well I've seen you two and nice to meet you senior sister". Red got up and left ,he didn't even spare his senior brother a second glance.

" bastard if I don't teach you a lesson today then I am not Fred Mansor",Red's senior brother Fred Mansor was so angry that he was nearly shaking no one had dared to not spare him a second glance only Mayenne and his master Electra had done so and now this eight year old had done so. Mayenne laughed at the side then said "you shouldn't anger master and his father is Zero of the Dismason family do you know how many people had died for just provoking him". Fred just snorted and said " who says I'll do it myself"

Red had went to class long ago but what he didn't know was that he was being plotted against and if he knew this he would laughing with the excitement of a mad man but too bad he didn't know, he would only know soon.

Red attended all his classes and when he left he looked like he was excited but as he made his way to his courtyard a group of three boys stopped him and their leader looking to be sixteen years old looked at Red then he pushed and "you think just because you're her Excellency's student we won't do anything to you. Red looked at the boy like he was stupid then he said "have you gone stupid …did I even talk to you. Red then stepped forward and looked at the boy right in the eyes ,Red was a bit tall for his age but it so he was the same height as the boy standing at 4'0 foot tall,it was said that Red's height had stopped growing it would only resume once he was sixteen years. Other students had soon saw the commission then they surrounded Red and the group of boys

What happened next no one had expected to happen Red head-butted the boy on the nose and as the boy was holding his nose and screaming Red head-butted him again breaking the bones on his nose. "let's fight then" said Red as he pulled up the sleeves of his robes.

To be continued