
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 03:Return

Back in the forest Red was curled up in a ball until they finished beating him but before they left Cole turned back and looked at Red "That friend of yours Flowsand was died " he then chuckled but when he was expecting a look of rage to appear of Red's face he couldn't see any emotions from him thus him and his gang turned around and left.Red slowly got up from the ground and just like the last time he patted his clothes and removed all the dirt from them after that he then glanced around ,noticing that he no longer had anything to do he quickly lost interest in hunting then he turned around and started walking to the village in a slow and unhurried manner


While Red was returning to the village ,back in the castle a squadron of fifty knights dawned their armor led by an imposing Knight they all rode their horses then headed northwards towards the village where Red was staying,they were galloping at a fast speed enough to shock anyone, it looked like it would just take them an hour to reach their destination


Back in the mountains Red had just entered then he walked to his hut where he found a large crowd of villagers surrounding his hut and his was was on fire,it was slowly being burned down.Red just stood there like he was a spectator and he was indifferent to everything that was happening around. One of the villagers turned around and he saw Red just standing there then he shouted , "there he is there he is!!!" That villager shout at the top of his lungs like his life someone depended on it. Hearing his shout all the villagers turned around and all their unfriendly gazes met with Red's indifferent gaze. Soon two old people came out of the crowd ,it was an old woman and an old man,the old man shouted "you little mountain monkey you got my granddaughter killed".

Red looked at the old man then said " you all know what you did yourselves ,I wonder go to such lengths as to sacrifice your granddaughter just to plot against me ,what have I done to you people or is it because you don't know my origins and you fear me because of that?But if you wanted to kill me there was no need to scheme you should've just killed me from the beginning "but as Red was talking someone crept behind him and knocked him unconscious, if anyone were to see this they might even gauge out their eyes in disbelief because someone just sneak attacked a eight years old kid ,where is the logic and reason behind that?

An hour soon passed as Red slowly regain consciousness, he found himself tied to a wooden pole and the villagers were all surrounding him, Cole was in front of him holding a short dagger and the village chief was next to him. Red smiled the closed his eyes ,some would think he was accepting his fate but as soon as he closed his eyes galloping sounds came from outside the village then the villagers all felt a gust if wind pass through them and as they looked they saw someone wearing armor standing in front of Red.


With the swish sound Red was cut down from the pole,which stunned the villagers but they were not stunned for long as they saw a fifty mab squad of knights enter their village .Red opened his eyes then looked at the villagers then turned to the village chief and smiled again, the imposing knight that was holding Red quickly put him on the back of his horse as he also jumped up and held the reigns to the horse then he turned around and started riding his horse away but he left three words behind.


To be continued