
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 02:Choice

In the bast expense of darkness Reed was floating around aimlessly with no thoughts on his mind as he constantly tried to recall who he was and what way doing in the vast expense of darkness where no one can survive, he finally couldn't handle of anymore as he asked in a slow an unhurried manner"Where am I?".

Red was not sure whether he was asking himself or the voice that first sounded out from the darkness. The voice from the dark expense rang out again "you're in the place where you have to make a choice which will lead you thorough your life" Red went quiet for a while before he opened his mouth and asked again"what choice?"

As he asked the question he saw himself appear in a temple which appeared real and also appeared illusory.

The voice rang besides his ears again "you have to choose what blessing you want to have ". After hearing the voice Red went into deep thought then he finally said " I choose Truth ",Red had always wanted to see the truth in everything and study the heart of humans so he could always be alert and know what to do.The voice rang out but this time of sounded surprised " Truth huh…that a rare choice but it can do "the voice faded like it was never there and never existed

" Who are you?"Red managed to ask this question. "I am you and you are me,we have no purpose. We live to only satisfy our desires" the voice answered him but this time there were two deep red eyes staring at Red from the vast expense of darkness but Red didn't see them,the voice said again "I'll give you two more gifts.

The gift of Wisdom and the gift of Chaos,you'd better use them well." The voice vanished as everything returned to normal and Red was back in his hut and the pain from his head had faded away like it was never there.

Red slowly got up from the ground then he walked to his fruit basket and took some fruits then washed them after that he started eating them ,as he was eating Red could feel elemental energy flow inside his body cleansing him off the impurities inside his body,even tho the cleansing of the impurities wasn't to a large scale it still helped Red as he could now start hunting wild animals for food and he could stop eating fruits like he was some mountain monkey.

Time flew by and three days had passed ,Red was deep inside the forest as he was staling the tracks of a wild boar ,he followed the tracks until he reached a place he was sure was the den of the boar. He quickly set up traps near the den of the boar then he retreated back into the thick shrubbery of the forest quickly waiting like a tiger stalking its prey.

After a few minutes a boar that was about the size of a lion could be seen as it walked towards its den,but before it could reach its den it was caught by Red's ensnaring trap, the boar started struggling violently until it had no energy left. Red got up then stealthily approached the boar but before he could reach it.


Red felt him body falling to the ground as he was falling to the ground he heard wild laughter coming from behind. "I've caught a good one this time haha I'll have some good food for the next few days" Red could hear Cole's voice from behind him but before he could say anything they started beating him up,like he always did , he curled up into a ball protecting his vitals and his head


Back in the Crimson Empire in one of their counties there stood a large blue castle, a man with a large build was wearing black armor that covered most of his body except his face.

He was sitting on a nicely carved large chair which had spikes on its sides,the man's face had an angry expression on his face,he was also drinking some whine,as he was about to pour more wine into his mouth a knight rushed in and reported "Sir we've found". The man's whine cup fell to the flour and shattered as he slowly looked at the knight without much of a change in his expression but more anger could be seen inside his deep blue eyes.


To be continued